1. The wise say that the observed course of the planets is the supreme eye of the entire body of the rules of horoscopy. I shall explain it concisely according to the instruction of the Greeks.
2. Some authorities say that there is a great solar yoga, and a small one for the sake of (predicting) eclipses; he who understands conciseness and diffuseness, because of the variety in visible (phenomena, thinks) that one must learn by studying these (yugas).
3. Some who are students of the laws (of astronomy) find that it is good to follow the opinion of the sage Vasistha; (but according to) the best of the Greeks (the yuga) should consist of 165 years.
4. This solar yuga begins on the first tithi in the Sukla paksa of Caitra in the Spring, when the Sun and the Moon in their courxs are in conjunction in the first degree of Aries and when Aries is in the ascendant (i.e., at dawn).
5. They say that a tithi equals a day minus 1/64th, but that every day equals a tithi plus 1/60th. In a yuga there are 990 seasons (ritu), (each) consisting of 62 (tithis).
6. The Moon is to be characterized by waning and waxing in order. The tithi possesses the seed of the principles of the four (systems of time-)measurement. There are 60,265 (days) in a yuga.
7. A nychthemeron is said to consist of 30 muhurtas; experts on time say that it begins with sunrise. They say that a yuga of the Sun consists of 61,230 (tithis).
8. The risings of the Moon (in a yuga) are 58,231; the risings of the Sun (i.e., civil days) arc equal to the risings of the constellations minus the number of years in a yuga.
9. (The number of solar months) is 1,980. If one joins this (number of solar months) with the number of intercalary months (adhimmasa) in a yuga, the number of conjunctions of the Sun and Moon (i.e., synodic months) is 2,041.
10. There is something distinguished from the time of the civil, solar, and lunar (sidereal) months of the Sun and the Moon; these are the 61 intercalary months (adhimasas) of the Moon, which are to be known by their qualities, such as their times.
11. A civil month equals 30 days, a solar month equals (a civil month) plus 13 muhurtas and 4 kalas and 56 thirds and 2 fourths.
12. A (synodic) month of the Moon, which ends with a conjunction, consists of 29 days and 32 ksanas minus 4 kalas and 107 sixtieths of a kala.
13. A sidereal month consists of 27 days plus 8 ½ ksanas and 3 kalas and 137 sixtieths of a kala; it is separated by half-conjunctions (?).
14. When 66 years of the Sakas have elapsed, that is the truth (i.e., foundation) of the calculation of time. At dawn on Sunday begin that year and the yuga of the Sun.
15. Take the number of years that have passed of the Kosanas, add 149, and subtract from this (sum) the time of the Sakas (i.e., the year in the Saka era); (the remainder) is the number of years in the yuga which have elapsed.
16. The elapsed years in the yuga are to be multiplied by 12 and increased by the (lapsed) months and intercalary months of the present year; this sum is to be multiplied by 30 and joined with the (lapsed) tithis (of the current month) and with the epacts (in tithis) of the individual (lapsed) years of the yuga.
17. From this (one gets) the day-number with a concealed result (ahargana channaphala), which (consist of) the avamas; these (avamas) are the difference between (the lapsed tithis) and the nychthemera. If one multiplies the "days" by 30, the result is the number of tithi-muhurtas.
28. One should find that the number of (lapsed) tithis diminished by the number of lapsed avamas equals the number of (civil) days which have passed in the yuga. There is a seven-fold measure of the planetary week-days; in seeking the answer to this, one desires (the use of) inference (anum%~a).
19. The number of years which have passed of the yuga is to be multiplied by 11; 11 and divided by 30; (the result is the number of lapsed) intercalary months … in (of?) the civil (day? month?) and the Sun.
20. One should multiply the (number of) tithis (in a yuga) by the (number of) lapsed intercalary months and divide (the product) by 61; for there are 2,041 (synodic) months (in a yuga).
21. Know that the signs traversed by the Sun (are equal to) the months (which have passed) in the current year. These are multiplied by 30 to give degrees; then the degree occupied by the Sun in its mean motion is taken by the astrologers.
22. The (number of) dvadasamsas traversed by the Sun are (equal to) the (number of) signs (travened by) the Moon; to this bhukti of the Sun is added the tithis which have passed of the current month multiplied by 12. For one who is examining (the problem), this is the desired elongation between them.
23. The Sun goes through each sign at a minimum daily motion of 57 minutes, and a maximum of 62. In the two halves of the zodiac, the Sun goes through a sign in more or less than a month in direct and reverse order respectively.
24. The Moon goes 700+ minutes (in its minimum daily motion, and … in its maximum); (the daily difference) is 0;12,20º +.
25. The Moon, passing through the signs in the two halves of the zodiac, travels at the first (minimum) and the last (maximum) rate of motion in direct and reverse order; thus it traverses all the accurate degrees, minutes, and seconds (between two successive conjunctions) with its apogee (ucca).
26, The measure of the rising-times of the first and last signs the ancients demonstrate to be two muhuratas; the measure in the (rest of the) signs in the two halves of the zodiac, taken (respectively) in direct and reverse order, is that (two muhurtas) with a fifth added (successively to each).
27. In a gold and metallic (lohaka) pot (ghati) is a tube two fingers long; water enters a hole in front of this (tube) to measure off the tithis and nadikas.
28. A kudava is 3,1/8 palas, and 61 kudavas equal 1 nadika. The nadikas are also each divided into 60 liptas ("minutes"); there are 60 nadikas in a nychthemeron.
29. One kala equals 790 (?) nimesas, one nadika 30 kalas, and one muhurta 2 nadikas in the accomplishment of the rules relating to measures and standards.
30. One should find that the northern course of the Sun begins at the beginning of Capricorn, and the southern course at the beginning of the fourth sign (Cancer); the first equator(-crossing) in the year is at the beginning of Aries, the second at the beginning of Libra.
31. The Sun, in its own measure, traverses the signs; because of this motion it is regarded as the cause of the day. The length of daylight in a nyehthemeron (increases) and decreases in the two ayanas (i.e., while the Sun is between the two solstices) by a third part.
32. The gnomon (sanku) is multiplied by half the measure of daylight, (and is divided) by the digits of the shadow (at any given time) diminished by the digiu of the noon (shadow) and increased by the gnomon. The result is the former part of the day; if you subtract it from the (total) length of daylight, that is how much is in the rest of the day.
33. The establishment of the ascendant, which is subtle (?) as consisting of signs, degrees, and so on, is to be known by means of the muhurtas and their parts (which have passed of the day); one should establish the described rule regarding the ascendant which is to be used as beginning from the number of the sign occupied by the Sun.
34. A year of the Sun consists of 365 days and 14;47 sixtieths (amsas) of a day, in which the Sun traverses the signs.
35. 130, 32, 31, 1, and 115 ... the yugas of Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Mercury, and Venus, 36. 120, 15, 30, 3, and 72 are their (heliacal) risings in the years of their own yugas; they say, consider the risings as being from the Sun.
37. … each its own yoga … 160 multiplied by 3 … the risings by its own past risings. One should know the remainder extracted from the traversing of the signs by the planets in order ( ?).
38. One should cut off 105 in its years from the yuga. The remainder of its yoga which has passed is to be known as the fint yuga of each of the planets in order (?).
39. The sum of degrees in the signs traversed by the Sun is multiplied by 1,800 sixtieths and divided separately by its own dvadasamsas (arkabhaga) and by those of the ascendant; the results, multiplied together, are its risings.
40. Jupiter goes 11º plus 4º plus 1º; then it stands still, and then goes vakra for 8º; then 11º plus 10º;
41. then Jupiter goes 6;15º and comes to its (heliacal) rising. Mars goes 162º in 288 (tithis);
42. and stands still; then it goes in vakra 27º plus 3º plus 4º; and then, going forward, it progresses 32º plus 30º plus 20º plus 6;30º.
43. Saturn goes 8;15º in 112 (tithis); then, in vakra, it goes 8º in 100 (tithis) more; (its total synodic are) is 12º.
44. Mercury goes 48º in 16 (tithis) and 16º in 8 (tithis); then it goes in vakra that in 24 (tithis); then it goes forward that in 16 (tithis);
45. then it goes 20º in 32 (tithis) and in 12 (tithis). Furthermore, there are two first visibilities (darSana) – one in the East and one in the West; therefore …
46. Venus goes 258º in 208 (tithis); then it goes in vakra 24º in 48 tithis, and stands still for five days (= tithis);
47. then it goes forward those 5º in 36 tithis; then it goes 8º in 16 (tithis), and traverses the remainder, travelling (at the rate of) 7º in 6 (tithis) …
48. These (planets’) traversing of a sign together with a traversing of a varga of 5º is called a pragantara (?); hence the traversing of a sign is …
49. Therefore they go in a cycle of heliacal risings and settings together with their stations in accordance with their qualities; one should know that the courses of the planets are straight and otherwise because of the "increase in number."
50. Venus is at first visible when it is 8º from the Sun; Jupiter when it is 11º; the Moon when it is 12º; and the rest when they are 15º.
51. (First) they lose their motions, then they retrograde in the reverse direction; then, staying in the sign (i.e., arc) of their retrogression, they fill out (the retrogression). Until they come to the end of that sign (arc), they endure retrogression, They become extremely distressed because of the retrogression.
52. The lords of the nychthemera are, in order, the Sun, the Moon, Man, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn; the lords of the yean are (the planets) which are lords on the first days (of the years) ; and the lords of the seasons (ritu) are the lords of the lint days in those seasons during that year.
53. The number of tithis minus the avamaratris in that year is equal to (the number of civil days); this number is divided by the seven planets and the remainder is counted from the lord of that year; (the result) is the planetary week-day (with which the next year begins).
54. The lords of the years are in order the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Mars, Venus, the Moon, and Jupiter; they are also the lords of the months. Know that the two lords of the ayanas in a year are always said to be the Sun and the Moon.
55. The lords of the hours in the nychthemera are the Sun, Venus, Mercury, the Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, and Man; (if they are put in groups of) 24, (the first ones) are in the order of the lords of the days.
56. The creator of all things, Prajapati, desiring to create people, carried out his previous vow; he created the constellations from his own body, beginning with the head – his body which is the source of parts which are like all things.
57. From these he produced the group which begins with Aries; and from these (zodiacal signs) are there distinction and differentiation between those (material objects). Hence the lord (isvara) who knows the origin (bhava) and the existence (bhava) of people, knew the rule of the zodiacal signs (i.e., astrology).
58. He who obeys good conduct observed the dharmas ..., obtaining endurance and success with the name Yama he is established as the unvarying soul of the universe.
59. By terrible feats of asceticism the two Asvins learned this science from Prajapati, and the Sun learned it from them; hence the Creator placed the pair of horses (Asvini) at the beginning of his head in the circle of signs which is the body of Kala.
60-61. Previously Yavanesvara (the lord of the Greeks), whose vision of the truth came by favor of the Sun and whose language is flawless, translated this ocean of words, this jewel-mine of horoscopy, which was guarded by its being written in his tongue (i.e., Greek), but the truth of which was seen by the foremost of kings (in the year) 71; (he translated) this science of genethlialogy for the instruction of the world by means of excellent words.
62. There was a wise king named Sphujidhvaja who versified this entire (text), which was seen by him in the year 191, in 4,000 indravajra verses.
In the Yavanajataka: the rules relating to horoscopy are completed.