1. If the Moon is in the ascendant in a house or navamsa of Saturn, Mars, or the Sun, or in its sign of dejection, or in an enemy’s house, or in a Dvadasamsa belonging to its sign of dejection or to its enemy aspected by a malefic planet, then the query concerns an omen of sickness.
2. As (the Moon) goes in order through the vargas and navamsas of its friends and enemies, the disease has a course which is intelligible as being in (the same) stages. The bed of the querist is described from the ascendant at his nativity; his age (varies) as these yogas are in the second and following
3. If Mars is in the ascendant, Saturn in the descendent, and the Sun in the eighth place, or if there is a mutual shuffling of these, and if the benefit planets are cadent (vyalambin) and have little strength, one should find that the sick man will have a short lie.
4. If the Moon is in the ascendant in a navamsa of Saturn, or if it is waning in the descendent in a navamsa of Saturn or Mars, and if it is aspected by the malefic planets, but not by the benefit ones, then those who are ill die.
5. If Saturn or Mars aspects a strong planet which is in the ascendant in a navamsa of Saturn and if (Saturn) is aspected by Jupiter or Mars from the ascendant, then the sick man loses his life quickly.
6. If the Moon is in the ascendant in a house or navamsa of Saturn, and if Saturn or Man is in the descendent, and if a malefic planet is in the eighth place, and if the benefit planets are weak, then the sick man’s life is finished.
7. If Saturn is in the ascendant and if the Moon is in the eighth place aspected by Mars or the Sun or in a navamsa of Saturn, or if a malefic planet aspected by a malefic is in the eighth place, the sick man is said to be dead.
8. If these yogas of death occur in the first, fifth, seventh, and eighth places of his natal horoscope, and if they are neither in conjunction with nor aspected by the benefit planets, they quickly exercise the influence on the sick which has been described.
9. If these yogas occur in the upacaya places and are in conjunction with or aspected by the benefit planets, even though they are also aspected by the malefic planets, they say that in them is not death for the sick.
10. If the bad places are in the cardines, they give loss joined with ignobility (anarya); if places which are both good and bad, they say that they have as their effects such things as diseases; and if good places, good effects.
11. If a planet is in the sixth place from the descendent (i.e., the twelfth place) in the house of a benefit planet and aspected by a benefit, and if a sign which rises headfirst is in the ascendant or descendent, then a traveler proceeds propitiously and quickly.
12 . If a malefic planet leaves the descendent and enters the eighth place from the ascendant, and is there aspected by a malefic, then the death of the traveler must be established; but if (it is aspected) by benefit planets, he goes to another country.
13. If a strong malefic planet is in the descendent in the house of a malefic, or if an enemy of the lord of the ascendant is there aspected by a malefic, (the traveler) is distressed by disease and encirclement; even a benefit planet (causes this) if it is in the house of a malefic or of its enemy.
14. But if a sign which rises headfirst is in the ascendent, he first retires to a distance, and then comes near on the road; if a sign which rises backwards, he is afflicted with obstruction and disease; and if one which rises both ways, his gain is insignificant.
In the Yvanajataka: the time of death in queries.