1. One considers the terms (trimsallavamsas) as having diversity of form and little strength or brilliance. Whatever are said to be the authorities of a planet with respect to forms, positions, strengths, actions, and qualities,
2. these are said to give rise to its natures (in the native) as (the prorogator) is in connection with the lord of its term. (The signs) counted from their dividing lines (0º) are, in order, years; their dvadasamsas (bhaga) are, in order, months;
3. the days are according to the degrees of the planet (prorogator) in the period of fruition (paka). Because of the planets which are in that place and which have the influences which have been described in order, and because of the degress being aspected by the Sun and so forth, similar influences (attain) fruition in a period of fruition.
4. Proceeding from the term (trimsallava) occupied by the Sun, (the prorogator) goes on its course giving suitable results. The numbering (of the planets) is in order the Moon (l), the Sun (2), Mercury (3), Venus (4), Mars (5), Jupiter (6), and Saturn (7).
5. The subperiod of fruition (vipaka), which has previously been determined according to the rule, (is to be divided into parts) beginning in order with one and ending with seven, (and these are to be measured) in moments and other units of time which have the characteristics of the signs and other divisions of the zodiac, and which are sub-divided in many ways, and whose places and qualities are in a fixed sequence.
In the Yavanajataka: the time of fruition.