1.If the Sun is in a varga of the Moon, (he thinks of) silver, gold, the king, his paternal uncle, or his father; if the Sun is in a house of Man, of injury, an increase in terrible things, distress, poison, fire, swords, or gold;
2. if the Sun is in a varga of Mercur he thinks of such things as gold, counsel, learning, writing, travel, or gambling; if in a varga of Venus, (he thinks of) honour from the king, possessions, a sweet smell, beauty, diligence in his work, or money;
3, if in a varga of Jupiter, of swords, missiles, spells, success, vehicles and so on, or the activities of his enemies; if the Sun is in a varga of Saturn, he thinks of injury, obstruction, lies, or metals (loha).
The Sun.
4. If the Moon is in a varga of the Sun, he thinks of ornaments made of such things as ivory or of woolens; if the Moon is in a house of Mars, he thinks of such things as speeches, clothes, gems, flowers, dyes, or food;
5. if it is in a varga of Mercury, one should find (that he is thinking of) such things as women, gambling, damsels, gems, jewels, crafts, or laughter; if in a varga of Venus, be is thinking of women, sexual intercourse, jewels, food, perfume, clothes, gardens, or parks;
6. if in a varga of Jupiter, he is thinking of the elders (guru), gods, Brahmana, good righteousness (dharma), pleasure, the traditions (sruti), or his relatives; if the Moon is in a varga of Saturn, he is thinking of agitation, pain, wandering, fatigue, or aged women.
The Moon.
7. If Mars is in a varga of the Sun, (he is thinking) of his enemies, swords, thieves, or his lord (svamin), or of copper (tamra) or gold; if in a varga of the Moon, it caves (a thought) of strife, blood, bilious diseases, fainting, obstruction, or fatigue;
8. if Mars is in (a varga) of Mercury, it produces thoughts of such things as frauds, warriors, falsehoods, or gambling; if Mars is in (a varga) of Venus, of carrying off other men’s wives, blindness, imprisonment, loss, or perspiration;
9. if it is in a place of Jupiter, he is thinking of the enemies of his elders (guru) and relatives, agitation, or pain; if Mars is in (a varga) of Saturn, (he is thinking of) his foes, hindrances, swords, or injury, or of wounds.
10. Mercury in a varga of the Sun causes him to think of the king, the duty of saints (sadhu), service, or poverty; in a varga of the Moon (it causes) him to think of his mother, his friends, his relatives, his wife, his possessions, or his girl-friends;
11. Mercury in a house of Mars (causes) him to think of strife, fraud, malice, quarrels, tricks, or expenses; in (a varga) of Venus, of women, the behaviour of prostitutes, fops, go-betweens rogues, or laughter, or of merchandise;
12. if it is in a varga of Jupiter, (he is thinking) of such things as kinsmen, the traditions (sruti), the sciences, the fine arts, gold, or arguments with learned men; if Mercury is in a house of Saturn, he is thinking of calumny, a sick condition, or distress.
13. Venus in a varga of the Sun (causes him to think) of noble (Arya) women, quadrupeds, metals (loha) of various colon, clothes, or bright, metallic objects; (in a varga) of the Moon it causes him to think of flavors, food, drink, odors, garments, women, gems, or pearls;
14. in a house of Man (it causes him to think of) the loss of his wife and property, land, relatives, jewels, clothes, sheep, or goats; Venus in a house of Mercury, of sexual intercourse, his wife, poverty, merchandise such as measurable goods, or buying and selling;
15. if it is in a varga of Jupiter, he thinks of noble (Arya) women, marriage, perfumes, clothes, baths, or the acquisition of wealth; if Venus is in a house of Saturn, he is thinking of aged women, obstacles, cows, metals (loha), or black garments.
16. Jupiter in a varga of the Sun (causes him to think) of the king, his position, gold, honor, vehicles, or garments; in the house of the Moon it gives thoughts of righteousness (dharma), prosperity, status, the sciences, happiness, or success;
17. if it is in a house of Mars, he thinks of rule, money, his duty, horses, gold, lands, or the defeat of his enemies; if Jupiter is in a house of Mercury, he thinks of spells, quarrels, such things as sciences and sacrifices, or his sons;
18. if Jupiter is in (a varga) of Venus, he thinks of vehicles, chariots, beds, women, garments, or foetuses; if it is in (a varga) of Saturn, he is thinking of supervising villages and tribes (gramaganahikara), cows, grain, the overcoming of diseases, or counsels.
19. If Saturn is in a varga of the Sun, (he is thinking of) boulders, poison, fire, swords, the distress of his servants, or quarrels with the most dreadful people; if it is in a varga of the Moon, of the loss of his power of speech and of his wife, an increase in his enemies, or the loss of his fame and of his mother;
20. Saturn in a house of Mars makes him think of his foes, swords, fire, diseases, thefts, or anger; in (a varga) of Mercury it gives thoughts of his servants, wind-diseases, despondency, faults in speaking, roaming, or fatigue;
21. in (a varga) of Venus (it causes him to think of) the deeds of evil women, the loss of his money, or the destruction of such things as his fame and his metals (loha) or of his wealth; Saturn in a house of Jupiter (causes him to think of) the dissolution of his character, quarrels with his elders (guru) and relatives, or exile.
22. A benefit planet in its own varga gives (thoughts of) auspicious speeches or prosperity, as also do the malefic planets in bad vargas. A planet is best when in its friend’s house, an upacaya, or its exaltation; but it becomes malefic in an enemy’s house or its dejection.
23. The rules which pertain to thoughts (when the planets) are in certain sections such as the Hora have been described; (now) will be told the variations which are due to the mutual conjunctions and aspects (of the planets).
In the Yavanajataka: (the effects of the planets’) being in each other’s vargas.