1. The Sun in the hypogee causes (thoughts) of foreign lands, large forests, or pleasure-groves, or of banishment from one’s home; the Moon gives grief because of one’s wife and relatives or (thoughts of) position and fame or union with one’s friends.
2. Man in the hypogee produces (thoughts) of fires, burning, wounds, or thefts, or of an increase in one’s foes. Mercury in the hypogee causes (thoughts) of friends, saintly people (sadhujana), praises, honours, virtues, or renown.
3. Venus in the hypogee causes (thoughts of) pains due to one’s wife, quarrels with noble men, or the acquisition of wealth; Jupiter of noble relatives or of hoards, of prosperity, or of the acquisition of wealth and money.
4. Saturn (in the hypogee causes thoughts of) poverty, pain, meaningless quarrels, breaking, or the destruction of one’s house. The determination of (which one) of these (thoughts occurs) depends on the sign in the hypogee when the querist speaks.
5. If the Sun is in the descendent, there is distress because of his lack of relatives, fierce quadrupeds, fire, bilious diseases, or eye-diseases. The Moon in the descendent gives (thoughts) of the sickness of one’s wife and of one’s self, of such things as immorality, of poverty, of expenses, of wandering, or of travel.
6. If Mars is in the descendent, (he is thinking of) fire, sword-wounds, blood, anger, or the loss of his wife and property, or of eye-diseases; if Mercury, of gambling, wandering, quarrels over friends and money, duties, or the spoiling of his wife and possessions.
7. If Venus is in the descendent, he is anxious about merchandising profits, the acquisition of money, or intercourse with women. If Jupiter (is in the descendent), one should know that he is thinking of the gods, of the elders (guru), of the meaning of traditions (sruti), of righteousness (dharma), or of the sublime, or of the vigour of his body.
8. If Saturn is in the descendent, he is thinking of long journeys, the loss of his possessions, wind-diseases, or the death of his wife. If the sign is bad, the result is to be known as being the opposite of this, whether (the planet itself) is benefic or malefic.
9. If the Sun is in mid-heaven, he thinks of authority, starting enterprises, or the money pertaining to business; if the Moon, they say he thinks of the praise of saints (sadhu), the acquisition of goods, honour in the tribe (gana), or money.
10. If Mars (is in mid-heaven, he thinks of) thieves, terrible deeds, loss, distress, enemies, quarrels, or a retinue of cruel men; if Mercury, of honour, wealth, money, service, speeches, actions (business), or the increase of his treasury.
11. If Venus (is in mid-heaven), they say he thinks of women, clothes, wealth, money, treasure, or his business obligations; if Jupiter is in mid-heaven, he thinks of success, position, praise, authority, or acquisitions.
12. If Saturn (is in mid-heaven), he thinks of ploughing, pains, wages, thefts, the service of eunuchs, or losses. When (a planet) is in conjunction (yoga) with the cardine of mid-heaven, the thought is seen to be distinguished or diminished according to the sign (in mid-heaven).
13. They say that the good or bad results of these (yogas) depend on the entry (of the planet) into a navamsa of the sign. In the odd signs the benefit planets, even if not aspected by malefic planets, become malefic when they are in apacaya places from the signs they occupied in the nativity.
14. If the lord of the dasa, is in the ascendant in its own house or exaltation or dvadasamsa, it attains the full (influence) that has been described; but, even if (the planet) in the ascendant is not the lord (of the dasa), what has been determined for that time comes about in due course.
15. If the lord of the dasa is in its dejection, this causes the appearance of a small influence, but an increase (in the influence) of another, benefic planet. A planet which gives bad results when in its enemies’ houses gives good when in its own.
16. If a benefit planet aspected by benefit planets or in the house of a benefic is lord of the birth-sign or in its own exaltation or house and is favourable to the ascendant, then its influence on thought always attains success.
17. If a planet is in an upacaya of the sign it occupied at the nativity and in the ascendant or a cardine or its exaltation, then it surely causes perfection with regard to the described sense (of the thought); but its enemy (if situated thus) causes other than that.
18. Thoughts have diversities of many characteristics which are caused by (the planets’) being in each other’s vargas and by their mutual conjunctions and aspects; this is their concise description.
In the Yavanajataka: conjunctions with the cardines.