1. They say that masculinity, which is the seed of the bodies of all types of beings, is solar; and that femininity, which is to be inferred to be a basis for that (seed) and is its covering, is lunar.
2. From the semen caused by the navamsha belonging to the Sun, when it has fallen in the uterus of a woman, come the bones; from the blood (of the woman) come skin, flesh, and fat and the blood is caused by the position and navamsha of the Moon.
3. The Sun, which is the father of flesh-bearing, embodied creatures, is in various states at the time of impregnation; proportionally it establishes in their bodies large, small, or medium-sized bones.
4. The Moon, because of its position and navamsha, causes the growth of skin, complexion, and flesh; and the rest of the planets with their natures arising from their portions (bhagas) and positions produce each its own qualities (in the native) in accordance with what has been said before.
5. If at the time of sexual intercourse of a man and a woman, Mars, the Sun, Venus, and the Moon are in their own vargas and are strong (lit. "brilliant"), they produce a fetus in the woman’s womb.
6. In this situation, if the Sun and Venus are in benefit signs, they cause the birth of a male; but, if the Sun and the Moon are in their mūlatrikona, they produce a female foetus.
7. If these planets are in malefic, apacaya, or their enemies’ signs, while the other planets are in benefit signs, then the semen is destroyed; but if Jupiter is in the ascendant, impregnation takes place.
8. If, at birth, (the planets) are in malefic signs, in injured navamsas, in their dejections, or in their enemies’ houses, and are weak, pale, or harsh, they destroy the embryos or let loose a miscarriage in the womb.
9. The lords of the (ten) months (of pregnancy) are Mars, Venus, Jupiter, the Sun, the Moon, Saturn, Mercury, the ascendant, the Moon, and the Sun. The ten (stages of pregnancy) are like these planets in regard to success or failure.
10. In the first month there develops the incipient fetus (kalala), in the second there is a budding (pesi), and in the third shoots (sakhah); in the fourth bones, sinew, and the head, and in the fifth marrow and skin;
11. in the sixth blood, hair, nails, and liver; the activities of the seventh take place in the mind; in the eighth thirst, hunger, and taste, and in the ninth touch, awareness, and pleasure;
12. and in the tenth, which is the month of the Sun, the fetus, with his whole body opened up by the channels of sense, is born. Thus, in the case of all (men) beginning with Brahmanas, the time spent in the womb is divided into ten parts.
13. Those (planets) which are endowed with brilliance and strength increase the excellence and good qualities of their months; but those which are injured by malefic planets or whose strength is broken, even though they are in benefit signs, ruin their (months).
14 . Whatever is the nature of the term in which the Sun is, such is the nature of the inner soul (of the native); his outward appearance comes from the navamsha in the ascendant or from that in which the Moon is, whichever is stronger.
15. His form is to be described from these two things, or from the Decanate in which the Moon or the Sun is, or from the planet which is strong in the configurations of the time at impregnation and birth.
16. In regard to the parts of the body, (the twelve places) beginning with the ascendant are joined with the twelve (limbs) beginning with the head; the measurement of these limbs as shortest, tallest, or medium depends on the measurement of the navamsa of the planet in that sign and of the planets’ direction.
17. Planets which are malefic, in the navamsas of malefic planets, or injured by malefic planets harm these (limbs); benefic planets, if they are strong at birth and conception, cause these limbs to be splendid.
18. Malefic planets in the sixth, seventh, or eighth places from the Moon or from the ascendant harm the fetus; if the malefic planets beginning with the Sun are together in one place, they cause deterioration in the limbs.
19. Whatever is the ninth sign from the Moon as it proceeds in its course at conception, the Moon gives success to (the limb belonging to) that sign at birth; one calculates from the navamsha in the ascendant if that is stronger.
20. If the masculine planets are together in the odd signs or masculine navamsas, or if one of their navamsas is in the ascendant, or if the vargas of the Sun and the Moon are in masculine navamshas, then (the native) is masculine because of the connection with masculine things.
21. If feminine (planets) are in the even signs or in feminine navamsas or in the ascendant, then females are born; for, if they are males, they are weak. Feminine navamsas in the ascendant beget females.
22. If Jupiter and the Sun are in vargas of the Sun and are strong, ii male is born; if Man, Venus, and the Moon are in vargas of the Moon, and the Moon is weak, they cause the birth of a female.
23. One masculine (planet), if it is in an odd sign or in a masculine navamsha, strong, in conjunction with the Moon, and aspected by a masculine planet, or in its exaltation or a cardine, gives birth to a male.
24. But even one planet in the first navamsha in an even sign, if it is strong and in its own navamsa, produces a female; or, if it is in its exaltation, it produces a female, though it may produce a male because of an excess of strength.
25. A masculine planet which is strong, is in its exaltation in the ascendant, and is under the strong aspect of a masculine planet, is said to cause the birth of a male; a feminine planet in the same configuration produces a female.
26. If Saturn and Mercury are in their own navamsas or in cardines of the ascendant or in navamsas of the ascendant and the sign in which the Moon is or if they are aspected by them, then they produce neuters.
27. If they are in masculine places, they give birth to a neuter with a male form; if in feminine places, to one whose behavior and actions are a woman’s and who is like a female.
28. If a neuter planet is in conjunction with the Moon or the ascendant or is in a navamsha aspected by neuter planets, know that (the native) is neuter and has the form of a neuter. (These configurations are effective) at conception, during pregnancy, or at birth.
29. If a navamsha of Mercury in a two-natured sign is strong and in a cardine and if a navansa of a two-natured sign is in the ascendant or the sign in which the Moon is, they say that twins are conceived.
30. If a strong planet in the ascendant aspects a two-natured sign or the navamsha of a two-natured sign, and if Mercury is in a varga of the Moon, it inevitably causes the birth of twins.
31. If Mercury is in the ascendant in the navamsha of a two-natured sign and is not aspected, it produces twins; even with respect to the rules for determining whether the native is male or female, if navamsas of two-natured signs are involved, the womb is said to contain twins.
32. If Jupiter is in a navamsha of Mercury in a two-natured sign or is strong and in conjunction with Mercury or is aspected by Mercury which is in its own navamsha then twins are born.
33. If all the planets are in the ascendant in the portions (bhagas) of a two-natured sign which belong to Mercury or are strong in their own vargas aspected by Mercury, then they say triplets are born.
34. If (the configuration at birth) is similar to that at conception and the planets are not in different positions, then the result produced by them is considered to be even greater than before.
35. The Sun is father by day, Saturn at night; the authorities say that Venus is mother by day, and the Moon is considered to be mother at night. This is always (true) – at conception, during pregnancy, and at birth.
36. One knows the characteristics belonging to the mother and father by means of such things as the good or bad places and aspects (of these planets), by means of the strength or weakness of their mutual configurations, and by means of their conditions, ages, complexions, and qualities.
37. One finds the distinguishing features of the father made clear in the odd signs, that of the mother in the even signs; the guru (of the native), with his caste and his family (jati), is to be established, night and day, from the position and configuration of Jupiter.
In the Yavanajataka: the rules relating to conception.