1. Benefic planets in (these) configurations always produce righteous (kings) of good behavior who are famous for their good qualities; malefic planets produce (kings) who act cruelly and fiercely, whose natures are debased, and who are unrighteous and impure.
2. If (the yoga) involves all the planets being in their exaltations to the degree while all these planets are strong, a benefit planet is in the ascendant, and the Moon is full, it produces the emperor of the three worlds.
3. If all the planets are in the vargottamas in their own houses and are brilliant (atidiptabhas) while a benefit planet is in a cardine, they produce a master of the world consisting of four continents and the sea.
4. If all the planets in their own navamsas are in their friends’ houses or if, in their friends’ navamsas, they are in their own houses, they produce a lord having power in their (the planets’) regions in the four continents on earth.
5. If all the (benefit) planets are in benefit signs in the cardines in benefit navamshas and if the malefic planets are not "blazing" (adipta) and are not in the cardines, they cause the birth of yogis and of munis who have the divine eye and supernatural power.
6. If, in this yoga, the benefit planets are in the cardines, and the malefic planets are "blazing" (dipta) and are also in the cardines, then there is born an honored enjoyer of the earth, whose enemies are overcome by his wisdom.
7. If all the planets, in the signs of their exaltations or in their houses, are in their own navamsas and aspect the ascendant, there is born a king of firm strength, a lord of the earth.
8. If all the planets in their own portions (bhaga) in the signs of their exaltations are strong, then there is born a learned and strong (lord) of the people, who is entrusted with the command in the world.
9. By means of the strong aspects of the signs and navamsas and by means of the aspects and conjunctions with the houses of friends, (this yoga) causes even those who originate in low families to become lords and kings, according to the positional strengths (of the planets).
10. If all the planets, being strong and to the North, aspect the ascendant, while the Moon is full, there is born a lord in the world with its four oceans.
11. If one planet is in its exaltation, the king enjoys royal prosperity on a seventh of the earth; because of the incompleteness of these (planets) (i.e., the number of the planets in their exaltations less than seven) the kings rule over a (corresponding) portion of the earth.
12. If, in the yogas or in parts of yogas, (the planets) are without strength, then (the natives) become generals (nayaka), ministers (amatya), or priests (purohita); one should describe the resulting magnitude and fortune (of the native) on the basis of the distinctions which pertain to the signs, planets, and so on.
In the Yavanajataka: the birth of kings.
13. If the Moon is in the ascendant or in an upacaya place aspected by benefic planets, it causes the birth of a lord (isvara); if the Moon is aspected by the lord of the sign in which it is when that planet is strong, it causes the birth of an overlord (adhisvara).
14. If the lord of the ascendant or a friendly planet is in the ascendant aspecting an upacaya place of the Moon, they cause the birth of chieftains of armies, cities, towns, and tribes, with modifications similar to their own (the planets’) selves.
15. If the Moon in its own navamsha is aspected by Venus at night, it causes the birth of a lord (isvara) ; if it is aspected by Jupiter by day, it causes the birth of one superior to that.
16. By means of this yoga, even if it is only in a friend’s navamsha, the Moon produces the best men; the Moon, if it is aspected by three friends either night or day, produces men who support their friends.
17. If the Moon is in the house of a benefit planet away from the ascendant while benefit planets are in the cardines, it causes the birth of wise men of great wealth who have in their retinue those who have vowed to live truthfully.
In the Yavanajataka: the birth of lords (isvara).
18. If the Moon is in a house or a navamsha of a benefit planet and is aspected by three benefit planets without any other, it produces a noble man full of knowledge and science, who is foremost because of the three purities.
19. If the Moon, even though in the house of a malefic planet, is aspected in strength by Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury without being aspected by the malefic planets, it causes the birth of those who have outstanding speech and knowledge.
20. If the benefit planets are in the cardines and the malefic planets in the third, ninth, and eleventh places, the Moon in a friend’s house causes the birth of wise men of good conduct; if it is waning, it produces ascetics.
21. If the benefit planets in their own vargas are in the cardines and the Moon is in the house of a benefit planet, they produce ascetics, yogis, and men of excellent qualities.
22. If the benefit planets are in navamsas and houses of the benefit planets in the cardines while the Moon is full and the navamsha of a benefit planet is in the ascendant, they cause the birth of men intent on righteousness (dharma) and sacred tradition (sruti).
In the Yavanajataka: the birth of king, of holy men (sadhu).
23. If the malefic planets are in the ascendant in the house of a malefic planet and the benefit planets are in the cardines, they cause the birth of leaders of bands of thieves whose hoards are acquired by cruel and wicked deeds.
24. If the benefit planets are in the ascendant and the malefic planets are in the cardines, they produce the strong chieftain of an army and castle; but if they (the malefic planets) are in conjunction with three benefic planets, (they produce) a firm king of wise policy and terrible strength.
25. Even one planet without the configurations mentioned (in the preceding verses), if it has temporal or other strength and is in the ascendant or is aspected by a benefic planet or is in a cardine, causes the birth of a prominent man.
26. A benefit planet aspected by malefic planets and in a bad place causes the birth of a vile, indigent, and diseased man; malefic planets give a result that is greater (i.e., worse) by a third.
27. If the Moon is in a navamsha of a malefic planet, the malefic planets are in the ascendant, and the benefit planets are weak in the houses of the malefic planets, they produce fameless men whose persons and actions are the lowest and who are censured by the world.
28. Examining configurations of this sort, from the signs, navamsas, and aspects, and from the planets, one should determine the birth and family of the vilest among men of highest, middle, or lowest rank.
29. These yogas which, because of the positions and courses of the benefit planets, have been mentioned as producing prominent men are also to be mentioned in reverse as producing wicked men when their connections are with the malefic planets.
In the Yavanajataka: the chapter on the births of kings of thieves.