1. One should know that, when Sour (planets) are in one sign, there are born those who are banished (nirakrta) or who renounce the world (pravrajita); ahindikas and men who abandon their homes or asramas; and those who attain the perfection of beatitude (naishreya).
2. As many as are the strong planets in this (yoga), so many are the native’s rites (diksa); that rite (diksa) is first in time (which is determined) by the strongest planet or by the planet which has the strength of dasha or yoga.
3. Jupiter, when it is the strongest, produces a tridandin (samnyasin) who has obtained righteousness (dharma) and is wise in knowledge; Venus a trader of carakas who is pure and gains fame by (knowing) painting, transcribing, and the sacred traditions (sruti);
4. the Moon a sravaka with the merit of an elder; the Sun a chief of ascetics; Mars a sakyasramana with a bad character; Saturn a naked upasaka;
5. Mercury a jivin (ajivika) having one linga, a mutterer (jalpaka) who understands the meaning (of his mutterings), an active person. The indication of the caste (of the native) depends on the caste of the planet, and (he comes) from a country and originates in a family and place (corresponding to those indicated by the planet).
6. Even if a planet is weak and of little strength, if it is in the house of a friend, the native is devoted (bhaktivan) to that (planet’s deity); however, if it is owrcome by another or in the house of an enemy, it causes the birth of a herretic (pasanda).
7. If the lord of the nativity is weak, overcome by others, and aspected by a strong Saturn but not by a friend or by benefic planets, then it doubtless causes the birth of a diksita.
8. The waning Moon in a navamsa of Saturn aspected by Saturn but not by other planets or a weak Saturn in the ascendcnt while the Moon is in a navamsa of the Sun produces a pravrajita.
9. If Saturn and the Moon are in navamsa of Saturn or if a strong Saturn is in conjunction with the Moon while the lord of the nativity is weak and not aspected by benefit planets, it produces a pravrajita.
10. If any one of the Sun, the Moon, and the ascendent is in a cardine in its own sign and if the three of them are in their vargas, Saturn quickly produces a pravrajita.
11. If Mars, the Sun, and the Moon are in a house of Saturn, and Saturn is strong and in the ascendant, while Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury are in cadent places, then a pravrajita is born.
12. If the lord of the nativity is weak and in a house of Saturn aspected by Saturn, which is in a cardine, while the waning Moon is in the ascendant in a navamsa of Saturn, it causes the birth of a diksita.
13. If Saturn in a navamsa of the Sun aspects the full Moon in a navamsa of Saturn, because the outstanding (planets) are in an outstanding yoga it produces a great king who adapts a rite (diksa).
In the Yavanajataka:configurations producing pravrajitas.