1. If the Moon is in the eighth place from the asccndcnt in the house of a malefic planet or if it is in the sixth place and is aspected by a malefic planet, and if it is not combined with benefit planets, it destroys the whole life; but if it is aspected by them, it does so only after the lapse of eight years.
2. If Jupiter is in its dejection or in a house of Mars and is aspected by malefic planets which have an evil influence, or if the malefic planets are in the sixth and eighth places, they are said to destroy the life immediately.
3. If Jupiter is in the eighth place from the ascendent, in Scorpio or Capri-corn, and is aspected by Mars or Saturn, while neither Venus nor Mercury aspect it, then it is said to destroy the life in a month.
4. If, in this yoga, Venus and Mercury are weak, they destroy the life within a fortnight; but even if they are aspected by Jupiter, if the ascendent is in a navamsa of a malefic planet, they kill in a month.
5. If all the malefic planets are strong, facing the ascendent, and in the house of a malefic planet, while the benefit planets are weak, to the right of the ascendant, and also in the house of a malefic planet, they kill on that very day.
6. If the lord of the ascendent is in the seventh place, overcome by malefic planets and not aspected by benefit ones, it kills quickly; if a malefic planet is in the ascendent aspected by the Moon and in conjunction with (another) malefic planet, (the native) dies within muhurtas.
7. If the ascendent is occupied by either the Sun or the Moon and is aspected by a malefic planet, and if the malefic planets are strong and in the trines; and if the lord of the ascendent or the Moon is in the twelfth place, it causes the loss of life immediately.
8. If Mars is in the ascendant and is not aspected by benefit planets and if Saturn is in the sixth or eighth place, or if both are in the eighth place and are not aspected by benefit planets, they instantly cause the death of the native.
9. If a malefic planet is in the ascendant and if the Moon, either aspected by a malefic, waning, or overcome, is in the descendent, or the lord of the sixth or eighth place is in the descendent and is not mixed with a benefit, it destroys life at once.
10. If Saturn is in the descendent, Mars in the fourth place, the Moon in the ascendent in either Scorpio or Capricorn, and the benefit planets not in the cardines, then the native is said by the Greeks to die at once.
In the Yavanajataka: the fatal configurations.