1. Whichever Decanate in a sign is in the ascendant (at the time of the query determines whether) Jupiter was in the ascendant, the fifth, or the ninth sign (at the time of the querist’s birth). (The querist) grows up with Jupiter’s course through the signs (at the rate of one sign a year); (therefore) the passage of his years is to be calculated from the sign which Jupiter has reached.
2. They say that the months (are known) from the sign whose navamsa is occupied by the Moon, the days from the degrees (within a sign) traversed by the Sun. Those who are experts in horoscopy (calculate) the muhurta from the ascendant; they say that (its number) is lie that of the degree (in the ascendant-sign) which is on the eastern horizon.
3. The strongest sign in the triplicity which includes the ascendant was the place of the Moon (at the time of the querist’s birth) ; (the degrees of the Moon within the sign equal the degrees) at the ascendant-point. (One should count) the Decan-degrees (i.e., arcs of 10º) from the ascendant (of the query) in three series (i.e., 0º – 120º, 120º – 240º; and 240º – 360º) and the number of "Decanates" in succession from the (nearest) "cardine" (to the Sun at the time of the query);
4. then (the number of the sign in the) ascendant (of the nativity equals the number of "Decanates") from that occupied by the Sun to the (preceding) "cardine". They say that the sign occupied by Mars (at the nativity) is this (ascendant) diminished by the square of (the number of) signs (given above); that the sign of Venus is (that number counted) in order from the degree of the Moon; that the sign of Mercury is (the distance) between the Sun and the Moon (counted from the Moon);
5. that the sign of the Sun is to be obtained by means of the series of years, months, and days (found from verse 2); and that the sign of Saturn is to be obtained in like manner. Properly understanding this rule, one should establish the calculation of the yogas pertaining to (this) nativity.
6. Now that we have considered this rule (for computing) the positions of the planets, we must describe (another) rule which is characteristic of horoscopy. Success at any particular time with regard to desired things is determined by the benefit planets which are strong at that time.
7. Everything possesses the qualities of a particular sign, but comes into existence with acquired peculiarities; in a rough rule which depends on the yogas I will describe how this is surely brought about by the planets.
8. Those who are successful (as astrologers) say that the thought (of the querist) depends on the natures of the planet or on the signs (occupied by the planets) or on the qualities of such things as their vargas and dvadasamsa; but that success (in carrying out his thought) has the quality of such things as the ascendant.
9. They say that the result of the thought which arises from the natures of the planets or from the signs is material; but that the result (which arises from) the number of navamsas which have risen in the course of time and from the indication of the yogas is immaterial.
10. That thought which is differentiated (from others) by means of yogas which are characterized by the dvadasamsas and navamsas is to be established as similar to that (which arises from) the signs occupied by the planets; its fruition, though described in accordance with its own characteristics, is to be determined from the sign, Hora, or Decanate in the ascendant.
In the Yavanajataka: the chapter on the horoscopy of queries is completed.