1. After this I will describe in the order of the cardines the names for objects-names which are ascertained in the world, which consist of collections of several aksaras, which are taught by the best (sages), and which are made manifest.
2. One should know the aksaras, which belong to the planet’s houses, from the navamsas at the cardine-points in the signs which are in the ascendant, hypogee, descendent, and mid-heaven.
3. They say that the classes (of aksaras) beginning with the gutturals (i.e., gutturals, palatals, reflexives, dentals, and labials) belong respectively to Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn; the semivowels, sibilants, and aspirate belong to the Moon; and the vowels belong to the Sun.
4. They say that, if an odd sign (is in the ascendant), the name has three, five, or seven aksaras depending on whether the first, second, or third Decanate (is in the ascendant-point); if an even sign (is in the ascendent), one should know it has two, four, or six (aksaras). (The number of aksaras also varies) with the number of planetary aspects.
5. If a vargottamamsa (is in the ascendant) and belongs to a sign which is movable and even (Cancer or Capricorn), the name consists of two aksaras; if it belongs to a sign which is fixed and even (Taurus or Scorpio), it has four aksaras; if it belongs to an odd sign (the movable are Aries and Libra, the fixed Leo and Aquarius), there is an odd number of aksaras (three and five respectively); but if it belongs to a two-natured sign (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces), (the number of aksaras) is like that of the sign (i.e., three, six, nine, and twelve respectively).
6. If (a navamsa) belonging to a two-natured sign or a two-natured sign aspected by Mercury (is in the ascendant), one should say (the object) has two names. As many navamsas of the ascendant-sign as have risen, so many are the aksaras.
7. One should know that, if (the ascendant-sign) is odd, there is a compound aksara at the beginning (of the name); if it is even, (the first aksara) is followed by a compound. If (the significant planet) is in its degree of exaltation, (the aksara) is doubled; if it is in a navamsa of that sign, it is a long syllable.
8. If the planet is in trine, the matra is added in front (i.e., the vowel is e or ai) of the (first, second, and third) aksara depending on which Decanate it is in; if (the planet) is in mid-heaven, (the matra) is added above (i.e., the vowel is i, i, o, or au); if in hypogee, below (i.e., it is u, ii, r, f, or 1); and if in the descendent, visarga is added.
9. They say that the matra is above if a sign which rises headfirst is in the ascendant, below if one which rises backwards is there; and one should find it to the side if a sign which rises both ways is in the ascendant. (The vowel) is long if (the ascendant-sign) is long, and short if it is otherwise.
10. The collection of aksaras depends on the navamsas in the signs which are in the ascendant, hypogee, descendent, and mid-heaven. If an evil planet is in a cardine, it destroys its aksara; ifit aspects (the cardine) or is in trine, (it destroys) its matra.
11. A benefit planet which is very strong gives as many aksaras as the navamsas it has traversed in the sign it occupies; if it is in its exaltation or dvadasamsa and aspects (the cardine), is in the cardine, or is in its trine, (it gives) two aksaras.
12. If the lord of a particular sign and its navamsa are both weak, the matra and aksara which arise from that (sign) are destroyed; but, even though this (aksara) ceases to exist, if (the planet) is in a navamsa belonging to its sign of exaltation and is aspected by a benefit planet, there comes into existence (to replace it) the first (akvara) of its class (i.e., ka, ca, ta, etc.).
13. When one knows the excellence of the positional strength of the sign in the cardine and that of its lord, then only should one add prefixes or suffixes to the aksaras or determine the matra and compound aksaras.
14. In (reconstructing) a name, the first aksaras (are found) in order from the cardines beginning with the ascendant; one is to obtain akgaras belonging to their (several) classes from the planets and the navamsas.
In the Yavanajataka: the rule regarding aksaras