1. If the Sun is strong in Aries, he is thinking of the king, fire, prosperity, a sword, or gold; if the Moon, of the king, wealth, or acquisitions; if Mars, of gold, lands, or the general (nayaka); if Mercury, of quarrels or things pertaining to sounds;
2. if Venus, of women, gold, or ornaments; if Jupiter, of such things as glory, position, and wealth; and if Saturn, of strife or disease.
3. If the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction in Aries, they cause him to think of the king; if the Sun and Man, of gold or the king; if the Sun and Mercury, of youths (or the prince? kumara) or honour; if the Sun and Venus, of the king’s wife;
4. if the Sun and Jupiter, of gold or money; and if the Sun and Saturn, of metals (loha) or quadrupeds. These (predictions) are seen to arise from pairs (of planets).
5. If the Moon and Mars (are in conjunction in Aries), he is thinking of an army or warrior; if the Moon and Mercury, of a meeting with his friends; if the Moon and Venus, of such things as women’s jewellery; if the Moon and Jupiter, of his position or prosperity;
6. and if the Moon and Saturn, of … .If Mars and Mercury (are in conjunction in Aries), they cause him to think of verbal strife and violence; if Mars and Venus, of women’s jewellery; if Mars and Jupiter, of arguments over land ;
7. and if Mars and Saturn, of thieves. If Mercury and Venus (are in conjunction in Aries, they cause) him to think of the enjoyment of women; if Mercury and Jupiter, of the acts of his lord (isvara); and if Mercury and Saturn, of quarrels with fools.
8. If Venus and Jupiter are in conjunction in Aries, they cause him to think of his position or women; and if Venus and Saturn, of the act of sexual intercourse with a woman. If Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction in Aries, they cause him to think of his duty or his allies.
9. If the Sun is (in Taurus) in the ascendant, one should know that he is thinking of woods, forests, or quadrupeds; if the Moon, of women, food, lands, or wealth; if Mars, of strife over what is lost or over stealing; if Mercury, of honor, respect, or joy;
10. if Venus, of women, garments, or quadrupeds; if Jupiter, of the advice of his lord (isvara); and if Saturn, of what is lost, diseases, or sickness.
11. If the Sun and the Moon (are in conjunction in Taurus, one should know that) he is thinking of gold; (if the Sun and Mars), of missiles, forests, or strife over cows and houses; if the Sun and Mercury, of food, coins, or money; if the Sun and Venus, of ploughing, cows, or wealth;
12. if the Sun and Jupiter, of vehicles or wagons; and if the Sun and Saturn, of servants or ill-mannered people. If the Moon and Mars are in conjunction (in Taurus), one should find that he is thinking of an argument with his wife or union with her; if the Moon and Mercury, of his sons or joy;
13. if the Moon and Venus, of women’s ornaments, or clothes; if the Moon and Jupiter, of the acquisition of wealth and grain; and if the Moan and Saturn, of the brands (cihna) on cows and bulls or of his mother’s sickness.
14. If Mars and Mercury (are in conjunction in Taurus), they cause him to think of the loss of his garments and gold; if Mars and Venus, of another man’s wife; if Mars and Jupiter, of position or wealth; and if Mars and Saturn, of the loss of his wealth and money.
15. If Mercury and Venus (are in conjunction in Taurus, he is thinking of) the slow actions of his wife; if Mercury and Jupiter, of the acquisition of sons and grain; and if Mercury and Saturn, of his sons or money. If Venus and Jupiter (are in conjunction in Taurus, he is thinking of) such things as his sons and wife;
16. and if Venus and Saturn, of a low woman. If Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction in Taurus in the ascendant, he is thinking of a vehicle such as a wagon.
17. If the Sun is in Gemini in the ascendant, the querist is thinking of service, strife, or crafts; if the Moon, of an omen (nimitta) concerning his wife and children or of disease; if Mars, of abuse or pain caused by his own people; if Mercury, of success with regard to the knowledge of the traditions (sruti) and argumentation;
18. if Venus, of success with regard to such things as women, singing, and the tine arts; if Jupiter, of success with regard to such things as honouring Brahmanas and study; and if Saturn, success with regard to causing the misfortune of the king or playing tricks.
19. If the Sun and the Moon (are in conjunction in Gemini), they say that he is thinking of the duty of the king; if the Sun and Mars, of division among his foes; if the Sun and Mercury, of success with regard to an abode; if the Sun and Venus, of such things as the duty of the ministry (sacivya);
20. If the Sun and Jupiter, of the misfortune of his relatives; and if the Sun and Saturn, of the hindrance of his craft. If the Moon and Mars (are in conjunction in Gemini), one should know that he is thinking of fights with wrestlers; if the Moon and Mercury, of his sons’ happiness;
21. if the Moon and Venus, of jealousy of his wife; if the Moon and Jupiter, of the birth of a son; and if the Moon and Saturn, of such things as the loss of his voice or diseases. If Mars and Mercury (are in conjunction in Gemini), he is thinking of gambling or quarreling;
22. if Mars and Venus, of fighting with his wife or losing his money; if Mars and Jupiter, of discussions or of other men’s wealth; and if Mars and Saturn, of mischief or cruelty. If Mercury and Venus (are in conjunction in Gemini), he is thinking of sexual intercourse or merchandise;
23. if Mercury and Jupiter, of traditions (sruti) or poetry; and if Mercury and Saturn, of such things as back-biting or crafts. If Venus and Jupiter (are in conjunction in Gemini), he is thinking of his sons and wife; and if Venus and Saturn, of faults in his wife and his speech.
24. If Jupiter and Saturn are (in conjunction) in the third sign (Gemini), he is thinking of such things as the pride of old men. But a weak (planet), if in conjunction with a stronger one, is said to conform to the nature of the other.
25. If the Sun is in Cancer in the ascendant, it gives him (thoughts of) the king or the loss of his wife and house; if the Moon, of women, ornaments, position, or prosperity; if Mars, of lights over women and lands or of losses; if Mercury, of money and honour from women;
26. if Venus, of women, ornaments, or clothes; if Jupiter, of his position, money, honor, or prosperity; and if Saturn, of the loss of his wealth and the end of his activity.
27. If the Sun and the Moon (are in conjunction in Cancer), one should know (that he is thinking of) honour from kings; if the Sun and Mars, of bondage, battles, or blows; if the Sun and Mercury, of service to low people; if the Sun and Venus, of poverty;
28. if the Sun and Jupiter, of honor from the king; and if the Sun and Saturn, of stories or entreaties. If the Moon and Mars (are in conjunction in Cancer, he is thinking of) cutting or hitting; if the Moon and Mercury, of ... ;
29. if the Moon and Venus, of … ; if the Moon and Jupiter, of … ; and if the Moon and Saturn, of … . If Mars and Mercury (are conjunction in Cancer), he is thinking of … ;
30. if Man and Venus, of … ; if Mars and Jupiter, of … ; and if Mars and Saturn, of … . If Mercury and Venus (are in conjunction in Cancer, he is thinking of) intercourse with a woman;
31. if Mercury and Jupiter, of the acquisition of knowledge and money; and if Mercury and Saturn, of the loss of his friends and money. If Venus and Jupiter (are in conjunction in Cancer, he is thinking of) his sons, his wife, or his money; and if Venus and Saturn, of misery or distress.
32. If Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction in Cancer, the wise (astrologer) should find (that the querist is thinking of) delusion or disrespect. If the planet (in Cancer in the ascendant), even though of little benefit, is aspected by Jupiter or the Moon, (the querist) asks about his own property and what is best.
33. The Sun in Leo (in the ascendant) is said to cause him to think of gold, dyes, fire, or quadrupeds; the Moon of poverty, fear, or diseases; Man of poison, fire, wounds, or agitation; Mercury of those who are respected, worshipped, or adorned;
34. Venus of the king’s wife, bipeds, or quadrupeds; Jupiter of the king’s ministers (nrpamatya), horses, or his enemies; and Saturn of those who perform base and low deeds.
35. If the Sun and the Moon (are in conjunction in Leo, he is thinking of) the condition of the king and so forth, of money, or of horses; if the Sun and Mars, of fire or poison; if the Sun and Mercury, of sorrow, cutting, or crime; if the Sun and Venus, of the loss of his wife and wealth;
36. if the Sun and Jupiter, of the duty of the king’s ministers (nrpamantrin); and if the Sun and Saturn, of such things as diseases of the heart and illnesses. If the Moon and Mars are in conjunction (in Leo, he is thinking of) the loss of what he has accomplished or of his possessions; if the Moon and Mercury, of boasting about his virtues;
37. if the Moon and Venus, of the loss of his wealth being caused by a woman; if the Moon and Jupiter, of honor from the best of men; and if the Moon and Saturn (sic!), of disease or misfortune. If Mars and Mercury (are in conjunction in Leo), they cause (him to think of) the misdeeds of fools;
38. if Man and Venus, of the loss of his cows, wealth, and lands; if Mars and Jupiter, of strife with the king; and if Mars and Saturn, of murder by poisoned swords, or death from the king, or destruction.
39. If Mercury and Venus (are in conjunction in Leo, he is thinking of) women, possessions, or service; if Mercury and Jupiter, of the counseling (mantra) and protection of the king; and if Mercury and Saturn, of folly and lies. If Venus and Jupiter (are in conjunction in Leo, he is thinking of) the acquisition of money from the king;
40. and if Venus and Saturn, of fear or the loss of his money. If Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction in Leo, one should know (that he is thinking of) wicked deeds and behaviour or sorrow.
41. The Sun in Virgo (in the ascendant) gives (thoughts of) agitation from one’s lords (isvara) frequently; the Moon of stimulation or of distinction with regard to prosperity; Mars of swords, fires, burning, fights, or thefts; Mercury of acquiring gold, clothes, and ornaments;
42. Venus of women, gems, toys, or garments; Jupiter of the acquisition of sons and clothes; and Saturn of diseases caused by wind.
43. If the Sun and the Moon (are in conjunction in Virgo, he is thinking of) strife arising in his own country; if the Sun and Mars, of burning, fires, or bilious diseases; if the Sun and Mercury, of profit from such things as (knowing) the meaning of the traditions (sruti) and from crafts; if the Sun and Venus, of ornaments;
44. if the Sun and Jupiter, of learning dharma and the meaning of the traditions (sruti); and if the Sun and Saturn, of such things as killing and slaughtering. If the Moon and Mars (are in conjunction in Virgo, he is thinking of) thirst or fevers; if the Moon and Mercury, of obtaining lost wealth and clothing;
45. if the Moon and Venus, of women’s ornaments and clothes; if the Moon and Jupiter, of acquiring traditions (sruti), clothes, and money; and if the Moon and Saturn, of cold, fevers, or indigestion. If Mars and Mercury (are in conjunction in Virgo), they cause (him to think of) fraudulent acts and the diminution of his money;
46. if Man and Venus, of victory or courtesy; if Mars and Jupiter, of the sickness of his foes and peace; and if Man and Saturn, of diseases arising from an excess of blood or of fatigue.
47. If Mercury and Venus are in conjunction in Virgo, they cause (thoughts of) success with regard to sexual intercourse with maidens or acquisitions; if Mercury and Jupiter, with respect to the acquiring of kinsmen, sons, or wealth; if Mercury and Saturn, with respect to efforts in the crafts and in fighting; if Venus and Jupiter, with respect to obtaining a wife, sons, and property;
48. if Venus and Saturn, with respect to such things as grief occasioned by one’s wife or one’s unborn child; and if Jupiter and Saturn, with respect to abortions and diseases.
49. The Sun in Libra in the ascendant causes (him to think of) the disrespect of base men, wandering, or strife; the Moon of buying, using, and heaping up (goods) ; Mars of thefts by women, bad tempers, or strife; Mercury of merchants’ wares, the fine arts, or the acquisition of money;
50. Venus of women, caravans, or the piling up of one’s acquisitions; Jupiter of success with regard to great wealth, buying, or using (goods); and Saturn of merchants’ wares, wealth, or lordship (isvaratva).
51. If the Sun and the Moon (are in conjunction in Libra, he is thinking of) the behaviour of a man of slight character; if the Sun and Mars, of cruel crushing; if the Sun and Mercury, of haste with regard to authority and rules; if the Sun and Venus, of the character and behavior of others;
52. if the Sun and Jupiter, of grief from his king and relatives; and if the Sun and Saturn, of prosperity which is really loss. If the Moon and Mars (are in conjunction in Libra, he is thinking of) divisions or failure in his duty; if the Moon and Mercury, of gaining from deceitful actions;
53. if the Moon and Venus, of sexual intercourse or merchandise; if the Moon and Jupiter, of righteous (dharma) service; and if the Moon and Saturn, of other men’s wealth, money, and behaviour. If Mars and Mercury (are in conjunction in Libra), they cause him to think of such things as quarrelling or spying;
54. if Mars and Venus, of the acquisition of a wife and clothing; if Mars and Jupiter, of acquiring gold and merchandise; and if Man and Saturn, of strife, losses, or difficulty.
55. If Mercury and Venus (are in conjunction in Libra), he is thinking of a woman’s tricks; if Mercury and Jupiter, of property and money; and if Mercury and Saturn, of expenditures and wealth. If Venus and Jupiter (are in conjunction in Libra), he is thinking of such things as jewels;
56. and if Venus and Saturn, of the cause of acquiring wealth. If Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction in Libra, one should say that he is thinking of fighting to obtain stable wealth.
57. The Sun in the eighth sign (Scorpio) in the ascendant causes him to think of poisons, diseases, murders, or fire; the Moon of fear, loss, or disease; Mars of such things as gold, food, or the killing of his foes; Mercury of speeches, property, coins, or money;
58. Venus of such things as women’s genitals and ornaments; Jupiter of quarrels, enemies, or obstructions; and Saturn of hunger, poison, or fire.
59. If the Sun and the Moon (are in conjunction in Scorpio, he is thinking of) diseases of the genitals, belly, or blood; if the Sun and Mars, of fear of such things as poison, fire, and the king; if the Sun and Mercury, of spying, lies, anxiety, or fear; if the Sun and Venus, of women, his property, or learned people;
60. if the Sun and Jupiter, of foes, fatigue, or anxiety; and if the Sun and Saturn, of distress from poison, enemies, or swords. If the Moon and Mars (are in conjunction in Scorpio, he is thinking of) the wrath of his friends or diseases; if the Moon and Mercury, of poison, missiles, spying, or taxes;
61. if the Moon and Venus, of fighting with his wife, envy, or intoxication; if the Moon and Jupiter, of success in medicine; and if the Moon and Saturn, of spears, poison, or anger. If Mars and Mercury (are in conjunction in Scorpio), they cause (him to think of) fraud or anger;
62. if Mars and Venus, of such things as his wife’s illness and grief; if Mars and Jupiter, of obstruction by the best men; and if Man and Saturn, of pain from hunger, poison, or swords, or of adversity to the good.
63. If Mercury and Venus (are in conjunction in Scorpio, he is thinking of) acting with deceit; if Mercury and Jupiter, of success with regard to doctors and medicines for diseases; and if Mercury and Saturn, of a false name, expenses, or frauds.
64. If Venus and Jupiter (are in conjunction in Scorpio), one should know (that he is thinking of) acquiring a wife and wealth; and if Venus and Saturn, of heaps of wealth and wares. If Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction in Scorpio, (he thinks of) a magician.
65. The Sun in Sagittarius in the ascendant causes (him to think of) success with regard to gold, hones, or friends; the Moon of hunger, a former friendship, or honour; Mars of fights with his foes or the acquiring of gold; Mercury of an assembly of wise and affectionate friends;
66. Venus of obtaining a wife, clothes, or perfume; Jupiter of getting horses, lands, food, sons, or money; and Saturn of honour or success in using expedients.
67. If the Sun and the Moon (are in conjunction in Sagittarius, he is thinking of) honour or acquiring intelligence and righteousness (dharma) ; if the Sun and Mars, of pain caused by gold or his sons; if the Sun and Mercury, of injury or suppression; if the Sun and Venus, of acquiring happiness, money, or clothing;
68. if the Sun and Jupiter, of obtaining elephants or hones; and if the Sun and Saturn, of poverty or fear. If the Moon and Mars (are in conjunction in Sagittarius, he is thinking of) the loss of his gold or fear; if the Moon and Mercury, of his determined purpose or of his hoards;
69. if the Moon and Venus, of sexual intercourse with a woman or of obtaining clothes; if the Moon and Jupiter, of the acquisition of food or gold; and if the Moon and Saturn, of hunger, misery, or killing. If Mars and Mercury (are in conjunction in Sagittarius), they cause (him to think of) wind(-diseases) or the appearance of his foes;
70. if Mars and Venus, of women, gold, or service; if Mars and Jupiter, of conversation, meaning, or studies; and if Mars and Saturn, of the loss of lordship (aisvarya), disease, bondage, or destruction.
71. If Mercury and Venus (are in conjunction in Sagittarius, he is thinking of) gain from his own deeds or success in litigation or the acquisition of garments; if Mercury and Jupiter, of success in conversation; and if Mercury and Saturn, of the occurrence of debt.
72. If Venus and Jupiter (are in conjunction in Sagittarius, he is thinking of) his wife’s dharma or the birth of a son; and if Venus and Saturn, of being involved in many quarrels. If Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction in Sagittarius, one should know (that he is thinking of) respect from the best of men.
73. The Sun in Capricorn (in the ascendent) causes (him to think of) imprisonment by the king or the non-performance of his duty; the Moon of the loss of his money or the agony of his body; Mars of acquiring heaps of gold and grain; Mercury of jealousy, debts, or obstacles;
74. Venus of sexual intercourse with another man’s wife; Jupiter of poverty or obtaining grain or houses; and Saturn of acquiring metals (loha), iron (ayasa), or stones.
75. If the Sun and the Moan (are in conjunction in Capricorn), one should know (that he is thinking of) wandering or quarreling; if the Sun and Mars, of quarrels or the destruction of his foes; if the Sun and Mercury, of serving low people; if the Sun and Venus, of the departure of his wife;
76. if the Sun and Jupiter, of diligence or the desire for gain; and if the Sun and Saturn, of effort for the profits of his acts. If the Moon and Mars (are in conjunction in Capricorn, he is thinking of) getting such things as sexual intercourse; if the Moon and Mercury, of the diminution of his mother’s allies;
77. if the Moon and Venus, of obstruction by his wife; if the Moon and Jupiter, of acquiring such things as fields; and if the Moan and Saturn, of gain in the middle and end (of his life). If Mars and Mercury (are in conjunction in Capricorn), they say (that he is thinking of) the performance of violent deeds;
78. if Mars and Venus, of the desire to carry off a woman; if Mars and Jupiter, of union with his lord (isvara); and if Mars and Saturn, of the profits of a (lawful) succession in the lordship (aisvarya).
79. If Mercury and Venus (are in conjunction in Capricorn, he is thinking of) such things as karsapanas; if Mercury and Jupiter, of pungent black pepper; and if Mercury and Saturn, of such things as exile. If Venus and Jupiter (are in conjunction in Capricorn, he is thinking of) the use of metals (loha) ;
80. and if Venus and Saturn, of acquiring slave-girls, or of ornaments and of satisfying his wife. If Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction in Capricorn, one should find (that he is thinking of) another man’s wife or disease.
81. The Sun in Aquarius (in the ascendent) causes him to think of conveyances for men, houses, horses, or quadrupeds; the Moon of drinks or medicines to prolong life (rasayana) ; Mars of business superintendents or of those excelling in the fine arts; Mercury of scholars and gentlemen;
82. Venus of sexual intercourse, women, beds, or fwd; Jupiter of houses, fields, or places of happiness; and Saturn of honor and respect.
83. If the Sun and the Moon (are in conjunction in Aquarius, he is thinking of) quarrels with the best men; if the Sun and Mars, of a beating by the meanest men; if the Sun and Mercury, of a child or of doing little; if the Sun and Venus, of acquiring cows and vehicles;
84. if the Sun and Jupiter, of chariots, wheel-rims, or wings; and if the Sun and Saturn, of getting such things as flowers. If the Moon and Mars (are in conjunction in Aquarius, he is thinking of) the loss of metals (loha) such as copper (tamra) or occupying himself in such things as protecting his cows, property, and so forth;
85. if the Moon and Mercury, of strife with poor artisans and slaves; if the Moon and Venus, of delight in living in a foreign land and in clothing; if the Moon and Jupiter, of gaining position and an abode; and if the Moon and Saturn, of his mother’s misfortune.
86. If Mars and Mercury (are in conjunction in Aquarius, he is thinking of) acquisitions through the activities of his wife and cattle; if Mars and Venus, of the death of his slave-girls; if Mars and Jupiter, of obtaining position; and if Mars and Saturn, of the loss of his horses and property.
87. If Mercury and Venus (are in conjunction in Aquarius, he is thinking of) intercourse with loose women or dancing-girls; if Mercury and Jupiter, of honor; and if Mercury and Saturn, or crafts, study, honoring of the aged, or meeting with his friends.
88. If Venus and Jupiter (are in conjunction in Aquarius, he is thinking of)... ; and if Venus and Saturn, of connections with an old woman. If Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction in Aquarius, (he is thinking of) distress from his servants.
89. The Sun in Pisces (in the ascendant) always causes (him to think of) omens boding a lack of friends and wandering or illness; the Moon of acquiring friends, a wife, wealth, or wares; Mars of grief occasioned by such things as the carrying off of his wealth and wife; Mercury of separation from his friends, strife, or anger;
90. Venus of obtaining friends, sexual intercourse with a woman, and love; Jupiter of getting houses, fields, wealth, or food; and Saturn of lordship (aisvarya) or of immortality’ (amrta).
91. If the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction (in Pisces, he is thinking of) buying and acquiring merchandise; if the Sun and Mars, of robbery (? vipra-mosa) on the road; if the Sun and Mercury, of fatigue and deceit; if the Sun and Venus, of obtaining gold;
92. if the Sun and Jupiter, of the acquisition of a house and grain; and if the Sun and Saturn, of wounds or wandering. If the Moon and Mars are in conjunction (in Pisces, he is thinking of) peacefulness; if the Moon and Mercury, of pleasure in the good;
93. if the Moon and Venus, of acquiring gems and jewels; if the Moon and Jupiter, of getting sexual intercourse and joy; and if the Moon and Saturn, of. If Man and Mercury are in conjunction (in Pisces, he is thinking of) fighting over sexual intercourse;
94. if Mars and Venus, of. success with regard to cows and lands; if Mars and Jupiter, of the acquisition of such things as … ; and if Mars and Saturn, of the stealing of his wealth and jewels.
95. If Mercury and Venus (are in conjunction in Pisces, he is thinking of) acquiring merchandise and money or of success in litigation; if Mercury and Jupiter, of knowledge or meeting with wise men; and if Mercury and Saturn, of the loss of favor, his wife, and his money.
96. If Venus and Jupiter (are in conjunction in Pisces), know (that he is thinking of) his sons, his wife, or his money; and if Venus and Saturn, of obtaining position. If Jupiter and Saturn (are in conjunction in Pisces, he is thinking of) the loss of his wealth and is sad.
97. The wise (astrologer) should find the thought possessing the nature of these (planets and signs) when more (than two planets) are in one sign; the indication of the influence is distinctive because of the combining of a multiplicity of good and bad (influences).
98. Whatever sign is in its base-place (svabhumi, the place it occupied at the nativity), and is strong, and is occupied by the lord of the exaltation (which is in it), by its own lord, or by its lord’s friend, they say that that sign exercises an excellent and complete influence; because of the opposite yoga there is an opposite prediction.
99. The circle of the signs, which consists of the (twelve) places beginning with the ascendant, is constant in the rule regarding the professions of people; from it are properly (determined) their various gains and acquisitions and their losses which are the result (of the situation of the heavens) at that time (i.e., at the time of the query).
In the Yavanajataka: the accomplishment of Aries and the other signs in conjunctions (of the planets) in one sign (with respect to the querists’ thoughts).