901 Budh, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will have a polluted physique, be unjust, will eat others’ food and serve others. He will have knowledge of the atom.
902 Budh, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will have many aims, will be sinfully disposed, will be a tale-beared and be devoid of intelligence.
903 Guru, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will have many enemies, make enmity without purpose, have few children and will not be interested in Çästras.
904 Guru, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will be bereft of grains and wealth, will be very inimical, be troubled and be very wicked.
905 Çukr, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will join others’ wives, will eat others’ food, will serve others, will always tell lies and be unjust.
906 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal in the 8th Bhava: will be untruthful, be not in the company of rich men, be not himself rich, be fierce, devoid of good qualities, be very miserable and will join bad people.
907 Sürya, Candr, Budh in the 8th Bhava: will be a destitute, or be mean, be of bad mental disposition, be not splendourous, will join very base men, mean-minded, sick and sinful.
908 Sürya, Candr, Guru in the 8th Bhava: will be sinful, dear to wicked people, will make futile efforts, be interested in drinks (intoxicants) and tales, be devoid of friends and will acquire an excellent wife.
909 Sürya, Candr, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will be devoid of wealth, will do bad acts, be very short-tempered, immodest, interested in others’ food ad will cheat.
910 Sürya, Candr, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will be untruthful, indigent, be lazy, sleepy, miserable, devoid of valour and be very timid.
911 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh in the 8th Bhava: will be devoid of friends, be poor, will have rags, will join rich men, will be interested in liquor and be devoid of friendliness.
912 Sürya, Maìgal, Guru in the 8th Bhava: will be devoid of truth and fame, be vividly miserable, be a miser, troubled by heavy expenditure and sexual feelings.
913 Sürya, Maìgal, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will be impure, unfriendly, very efficacious, timid and infamous.
914 Sürya, Maìgal, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will suffer from diseases, will have enemies, be not virtuous, be very ill-tempered and be bereft of his men.
915 Sürya, Budh, Guru in the 8th Bhava: will be shameless, will blame the people, will be bereft of religion and profession, be not efficacious, be unkind and not happy.
916 Sürya, Budh, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will do various kind of acts, will destroy enemies, be valorous, will enjoy happiness from children, will indulge vicious acts and will acquire abundant grains.
917 Sürya, Budh, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will be miserable due to diseases, be not famous and be a cheat.
918 Sürya, Guru, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will be endowed with money and grains, be happy, will be highly skillful in many kinds of speech, be kind and meritorious in acts.
919 Sürya, Guru, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will be subjected to many diseases, will deviate from the path of religion, be not virtuous, be argumentative and be devoid of relatives.
920 Sürya, Çukr, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will be very miserable.
921 Candr, Maìgal, Budh in the 8th Bhava: will inflict harm to the king.
922 Candr, Maìgal, Guru in the 8th Bhava: will suffer from hunger and thirst and will be after sexual pleasures.
923 Candr, Maìgal, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will be happy and will be favourable to the king.
924 Candr, Maìgal, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will suffer from various kinds of diseases.
925 Candr, Budh, Guru in the 8th Bhava: will be at logger heads with his wife.
926 Candr, Budh, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will be a recipient of royal favours, but will be bereft of money and corn.
927 Candr, Budh, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will have a number of enemies.
928 Candr, Guru, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will be very happy and will possess a good wife.
929 Candr, Guru, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will be after the women of other men.
930 Candr, Çukr, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will lose his wife and be devoid of intelligence.
931 Maìgal, Budh, Guru in the 8th Bhava: will acquire many diseases on account of misdeeds of his own.
932 Maìgal, Budh, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will have abundant money earned through thieves.
933 Maìgal, Budh, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will suffer from leprosy, much misery and much penury.
934 Maìgal, Guru, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will acquire diseases and poverty through many people.
935 Maìgal, Guru, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will destroy many of his enemies.
936 Maìgal, Çukr, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will on his own increase his diseases.
937 Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will obtain destruction of wealth and grains.
938 Budh, Guru, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will be sickly and be skillful in imprisoning and killing.
939 Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will acquire many diseases.
940 Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will be highly miserable.
941 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh in the 8th Bhava: will suffer acute penury.
942 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Guru in the 8th Bhava: will suffer great grief.
943 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will be modest at all times, will join base females, will get bad sons and bad (illegal) money, will have bad qualities, will be very ill-tempered and very wicked.
944 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will be devoid of children, will have bad qualities, will be ugly, be insulted and be unintelligible.
945 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Guru in the 8th Bhava: will not have skillful mentality, will be troubled by hunger, be shameless and be unsuccessful.
946 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will be fond of gambling, be bereft of money, will live in foreign countries and be inimical to the society.
947 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will be devoid of pleasures, will be forsaken by preceptors, will have a stout body and be mean in disposition.
948 Sürya, Candr, Guru, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will have no accomplishment, be unkind and be interested in the virtuous.
949 Sürya, Candr, Guru, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will be violent, be not valorous, be bereft of intelligence and wealth, be always sick, timid and be subjected to difficulties.
950 Sürya, Candr, Çukr, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will be wicked in speech, be interested in great sins, will join base men and will be troubled by enemies.
951 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Guru in the 8th Bhava: will be miserable, will have low professions, will acquire a bad wife and will have affliction to limbs due to sexual indulgence.
952 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will lose parents, be truthfully disposed and be indolent.
953 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will be fickleminded, treacherous, will have bad friends, will have no accomplishment and be devoid of wealth.
954 Sürya, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will be very timid, be troubled by sex, be wicked and will have money earned in bad ways.
955 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru in the 8th Bhava: will be sick, bereft of wealth, short-lived and untruthful.
956 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will befriend bad people, be interested in bad deeds, be devoid of good conduct and be harsh in speech.
957 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will like to do bad deeds, will give up his people and be with others, be unwise, be not virtuous and will have no Çästric knowledge.
958 Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will be endowed with sons, be happy, will conquer his enemies, be wise and wealthy.
959 Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will be devoid of sons and happiness, be against his enemies (i.e. may not pardon his enemies), will harm his friends, be sickly and poor.
960 Candr, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will have many enemies, will enjoy, will have gains of wealth and corns and be always intelligible.
961 Candr, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will cohabit with many women and will hate many persons.
962 Candr, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will at all times suffer from poverty, be devoid of wealth and conduct, but will have sons.
963 Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will be sickly, indigent, be a leper and will join his enemies.
964 Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will suffer from many diseases and penury and be miserable and sensuous.
965 Maìgal, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will be intelligent, rich and friendly and will destroy enemies.
966 Maìgal, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will be splendourous and affluent.
967 Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will be intelligent, wealthy, will have friends and will harm his enemies.
968 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru in the 8th Bhava: will be endowed with corns, money and happens, will have good conduct, be interested in Çästras and religion and will worship Gods, preceptors and Brahmins.
969 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will be blind, wise, indigent and be always after women.
970 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will go begging, be poor, be interested in the knowledge of identity of the Universe with Brahma and will be highly skilful.
971 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: The native will be a minister, rich, famous, influential, authoritative and will inflict punishment, as justice.
972 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will be wise, bereft of happiness from wife and will live by begging.
973 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will be wise, bereft of happiness from wife and will live by begging. Additionally, the native will possess good qualities.
974 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will be egoistic, be happy with regard to wife and will be wise.
975 Sürya, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 8th Bhava:
976 Sürya, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will be very sick, intelligent, very poor and skilful.
977 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will be happy in regard to wife, be liberal, of good conduct and poor.
978 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will suffer from bad diseases, will kill, be imprisoned, will suffer from penury and be poor.
979 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will sometimes contemplate the Supreme Spirit, yet sometimes be detached (from that path), will sometimes grow twisted (matted) hair, yet sometimes will remain tonsured and will have various (such) guises and will perform very cruel acts.
980 Candr, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will have many quadrupeds, be affluent, be highly scholarly and be skillful in the sciences of Sex and Yoga.
981 Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will always be wise, rich and be highly valorous in times of war.
982 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 8th Bhava: will be glorious, be merciful and will be addressed, like a great king.
983 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will have various kinds of happiness, but be bereft of wealth and will enjoy with sons.
984 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will be endowed with abundant happiness, various kinds of wealth and will like playing with horses.
985 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 8th Bhava: will be very rich, devoted to Brahmins and endowed with relatives.
986 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani: will lord over elephants and horses, be chief among his men, be endowed with houses and wealth and devoted to Brahmins.
987 9th
988 Sürya, Candr: will be very modest, be a great men, be famous for his valour, be dear to the virtuous and be justly disposed.
989 Sürya, Maìgal in the 9th Bhava: will be self-respected, will win over his enemies, will show interest to be free from blemish, be splendourous and skillful in rendering justice.
990 Sürya, Budh: will have good intelligence, be truthful, dear to the learned and will have many friends.
991 Sürya, Guru: will subdue his enemies, be happy, will enjoy gains of corns and wealth, be amiable to the virtuous and dear to the king.
992 Sürya, Çukr: will be endowed with greatness, be intelligent, famous and friendly.
993 Sürya, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be endowed with wealth and intelligence, be very happy in married life and will win over his enemies.
994 Candr, Maìgal in the 9th Bhava: will have knowledge of Çästras, be very wealthy, skillful and will enjoy many kinds of food and drinks.
995 Candr, Budh: will be happy with children, will conquer his five senses, be interested in religion, praiseworthy, dear to king and worshipped by relatives.
996 Candr, Guru: will be not wealthy, be skillful in speech, fond of pleasures, valorous, grateful, interested in Çästras and very intelligent.
997 Candr, Çukr: will be dear to great men, will have knowledge of Çästras, be friendly and be attached to his relatives.
998 Candr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be interested in religious vows and charitable acts, be dear to king, will have many sons and multiple number of wives, be rich and will have knowledge of Çästras.
999 Maìgal, Budh: will have many servants, be endowed with marital happiness, will acquire sons, will be an eloquent speaker and be devoid of bad qualities.
1000 Maìgal, Guru in the 9th Bhava: will be full of virtues, will take bath in sacred rivers, will respect Brahmins and Gods, be an agriculturist and be justly disposed.