1001 Maìgal, Çukr: will honour his guests, will have beautiful body, will have very pleasing appearance, be chief in his race and will be principled.
1002 Maìgal, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be devoid of vices, be interested in earning by truthful means, be courageous and will like his relatives.
1003 Budh, Guru in the 9th Bhava: will have steady mind, be liked by all, be merciful, will have faith in Vedas and other Çästras, will be chiefly an agriculturist and be always virtuous.
1004 Budh, Çukr: will have servants, will have meritorious acts to his credit, be egoistic, will have many friends and be dear to women.
1005 Budh, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be very beautiful, will have abundant landed property, will be endowed with good qualities, be quite wealthy and be liked by the king.
1006 Guru, Çukr in the 9th Bhava: will have wealth and fame, good sons and paraphernalia, be frank and fond of children.
1007 Guru, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be a lord, be interested in music and religion, be virtuous and favourable to good deeds.
1008 Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be highly meritorious, highly learned, famous, skillful in speech and dear to people.
1009 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal in the 9th Bhava: will be dear to the virtuous, interested in meritorious acts and Çästraic account, will have purity of the body and be interested in good qualities.
1010 Sürya, Candr, Budh: will consider truth, as important, be beautiful, will have broad eyes, be a lord, will be endowed with a pleasing body and will be attached to his sons.
1011 Sürya, Candr, Guru: will be expert in principles of religion, will be endowed with wealth of learning, will be detached from sinful dealings, be very truthful and be bereft of sexual desires.
1012 Sürya, Candr, Çukr: will be interested in speaking harshly, will not visit shrines, be of thievish disposition and be miserable.
1013 Sürya, Candr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be interested in religious tales, be favourable to preceptors, be principled, be dear to the virtuous and will trust Çästras.
1014 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh in the 9th Bhava: will be interested in committing sinful acts, be cruel, untruthful, ill-disposed, interested in eating others’ food and will serve others.
1015 Sürya, Maìgal, Guru in the 9th Bhava: will be banished from the religion, will not have good history, will have a bad wife and will be detached from his relatives.
1016 Sürya, Maìgal, Çukr in the 9th Bhava: will be devoid of religion and virtues, be vividly honoured, be devoid of good background and wisdom.
1017 Sürya, Maìgal, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be devoid of son, will lose the vigour of youth, be sinful, will wear rags, be highly spend-thrift and will do irreligious acts.
1018 Sürya, Budh, Guru: will be endowed with riches, will have many friends, will honour Brahmins, have good disposition and be just.
1019 Sürya, Budh, Çukr in the 9th Bhava: will talk much, be truthful, interested in virtues, grateful, will conquer his Five senses and be free from sinful desires.
1020 Sürya, Budh, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be an agriculturist, be at all times charitably disposed, will possess good splendour, be strong, broad-eyed and justly disposed.
1021 Sürya, Guru, Çukr in the 9th Bhava: will possess prime virtues, will acquire grains and wealth, be great and beautiful.
1022 Sürya, Guru, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will like (living in) foreign countries, be miserable and devoid of sexual feelings.
1023 Sürya, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be an indifferent citizen, be immodest, be sinful by nature and will have an ugly physical set up.
1024 Candr, Maìgal, Budh in the 9th Bhava: will be truthful, famous and wealthy, will be splendourous, be and astrologer, be very efficacious and great (or respectable).
1025 Candr, Maìgal, Guru in the 9th Bhava: will enjoy happiness from sons, be affectionate to friends, will possess good intelligence, conquer his five senses and will be attached to his relatives.
1026 Candr, Maìgal, Çukr in the 9th Bhava: will be happy with sons, be pure, kind worth respect even from a king and will join classic people.
1027 Candr, Maìgal, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will like food people, be very bashful, devoid of sexual feelings, will possess principally good qualities and will be destroyed by the king.
1028 Candr, Budh, Guru: will be skillful, will like famous people, be merciful, will visit shrines and will be alert in his duty.
1029 Candr, Budh, Çukr: will be good-looking, fierce, widely famous and attached to Brahmins at all times.
1030 Candr, Budh, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be dear to the virtuous, will conquer enemies, be highly virtuous and be famous.
1031 Candr, Guru, Çukr: will be famous, will possess a virtuous wife, be principally just and be devoid of (mundane) desires.
1032 Candr, Guru, Çani: will be a scholar of high order, be bereft of anger, be splendourous and be notably self-respected.
1033 Maìgal, Budh, Guru in the 9th Bhava: will consider wealth, as a chief possession, be helpful to preceptors (or elders), be endowed with justice and virtues, will possess abundant Çästraic knowledge and be devoid of relatives.
1034 Maìgal, Budh, Çukr in the 9th Bhava: will be intelligent, be endowed with knowledge of various Çästras, be wealthy, happy, patient and devoid of sexual feelings.
1035 Maìgal, Budh, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be merciful, interested in visiting shrines, will be endowed with abundant food and drinks, will enjoy good people and be always intelligent.
1036 Maìgal, Guru, Çukr in the 9th Bhava: will be very efficacious, egoistic, interested in Çästras and be charitable.
1037 Maìgal, Guru, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be free from sickness, be very wealthy, virtuous, kind and fearless.
1038 Maìgal, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will have abundant money, elephants and horses, will conquer his five senses and be valorous.
1039 Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 9th Bhava: will be a king, be honoured by enemies and will have elephants, horses and conveyances.
1040 Budh, Guru, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will spend on bad missions, be sickly, ungrateful, forsaken by his people and will like to be valorous.
1041 Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be fond of quarrels, merciful, will have many sons, be truthful and famous.
1042 Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be good looking, liberally disposed, modest, famous and be fond of his sons.
1043 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh in the 9th Bhava: will adopt (religions) vows, be interested in religion, be famous, devoted to Fire God and to his own relatives.
1044 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Guru in the 9th Bhava: will be free from diseases, will possess abundant wealth, be virtuous, be not valorous and be attached to others’ wives.
1045 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Çukr in the 9th Bhava: will not be splendourous, will not follow vedic duties, be devoid of shame and will guess about others.
1046 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be devoid of intelligence, be a dunce, be devoid of children and be highly short-tempered.
1047 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Çukr: will be highly valorous, be famous, will store wealth and be dear to people.
1048 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be fond of songs, be not interested in sinful matters, will perform famous deeds and be free from (mundane) desires.
1049 Sürya, Candr, Guru, Çukr in the 9th Bhava: will be endowed with high grade of Çästraic knowledge, be interested in visiting shrines, will be charitable, very wealthy and justly disposed.
1050 Sürya, Candr, Guru, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be rich with various kinds of wealth, be found of charitability, be dutiful and be dear to people.
1051 Sürya, Candr, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be liked by good people, be very justly disposed, will have many children and be highly respectable.
1052 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Guru in the 9th Bhava: will destroy enemies, will be a lord and will possess conveyances, clothes and ornaments.
1053 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr in the 9th Bhava: will not possess horses (i.e. conveyances), be wicked, be entirely devoid of mercy and will not be favourable to Brahmins.
1054 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be very gracious of temperament, will be an eloquent messenger (be a good ambassador) and will have many good conveyances and sons.
1055 Sürya, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr in the 9th Bhava: will like good qualities (will himself possess good qualities), be fond of good deeds, will have a modest wife and will be very friendly disposed.
1056 Sürya, Maìgal, Guru, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will have steady mind, be free from enemies, grateful, enthusiastic and will be endowed with mental vigour.
1057 Sürya, Maìgal, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be fond of money, will like sinful dealings, will be highly greedy and will be sexually distressed.
1058 Sürya, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 9th Bhava: will be patient, truthful, merciful, be strong in speech and be fearless.
1059 Sürya, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be fickle-minded, be fond of others’ wives, be bereft of kindness and be blamed by relatives.
1060 Sürya, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be unsteady, or excessively passionate, be skillful in conversations relating to sex, very miserable and dull.
1061 Sürya, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will perform auspicious acts, be liberal in speech, will receive royal orders and be fierce in speech.
1062 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru in the 9th Bhava: will like guests, be with wise people, be chief among his men and be justly disposed.
1063 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr in the 9th Bhava: will be truthful, be interested in such people, skillful in relation and be patient.
1064 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will possess beautiful hands and appearance, be chief among his men, will have much of Çästraic acquaintance and be dear to king.
1065 Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr in the 9th Bhava: will have many children, be skillful in royal duties, be fond of visiting shrines and be and expert in Çästras.
1066 Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be fond of good qualities, be honoured by kings, will conquer his five senses and be self-respected.
1067 Candr, Maìgal, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be famous, charitable, skillful highly learned and be rich by royal honours.
1068 Candr, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 9th Bhava: will be an emperor, be devoid of enemies and be endowed with elephants, horses and treasures of various kinds.
1069 Candr, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be endowed with liberal acts, be fond of good deeds, skillful and be always inclined to uphold religion.
1070 Candr, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be affable, will befriend good people, be cunning and skilful.
1071 Candr, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be interested in worshipping Gods and Brahmins, will have famous notions and will control his five senses.
1072 Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 9th Bhava: will be highly bashful, be truthful, merciful and virtuous.
1073 Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will have sons, wealth and pleasures of many kinds, will possess a beautiful physique and be acceptable to people.
1074 Maìgal, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be fond of success, will be endowed with good history and be successful.
1075 Maìgal, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will perform sacrifices, be lordly disposed, be charitable and be sinless.
1076 Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be expert in profane knowledge and Vedas.
1077 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru in the 9th Bhava: will be firmly courageous, be devoid of wisdom, be fierce and be bereft of Çästraic knowledge.
1078 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr in the 9th Bhava: will be endowed with various kinds of wealth and knowledge of sacred treatises, will be in the company of good people and be endowed with money and relatives.
1079 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will achieve education to its end, will have fame well-spread, be endowed with a pleasing physique and be expert in the branch of justice.
1080 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr in the 9th Bhava: will be fond of Brahmins, be attached to religion, be of good disposition, be very wealthy and be fearless.
1081 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be liberal in disposition, be affectionate, be a great man and will be firm in friendship.
1082 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will have religious faith, be charitable, be delighted, or gracious, will have ethical jobs and be devoid of desires.
1083 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Guru, Çukr: will be firmly valorous, be devoid of intelligence, be fierce in disposition, be bereft of Vedic knowledge and be immodest.
1084 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will respect his mother and father, will be endowed with pleasing appearance, be very wealthy and be amiable to Brahmins.
1085 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be interested in religious vows, be chief among his men, will possess a body without any disease and be amiable to people.
1086 Sürya, Candr, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will acquire many kinds of wealth, be fond of his wife (or women), will hold the flag of Virtue aloft and be famous.
1087 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 9th Bhava: will enjoy immense wealth, be greatly intelligent, will have many friends and will defeat his enemies.
1088 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be grateful, enthusiastic, fond of charity, intelligent and beautiful.
1089 Sürya, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be interested in the acquisition of knowledge, be charitably disposed, virtuous, pure and be devoid of residence (or dependents).
1090 Sürya, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be shameless, be of bad disposition, be troubled by disease and will fear war (or quarrels, i.e. will be timidly disposed).
1091 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 9th Bhava: will have good intelligence, will conquer enemies, be merciful and be fond of Brahmins.
1092 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be bereft of diseases, be interested in undertaking acts related to God, be fond of good men and will be liked by the king.
1093 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be timidly disposed, be endowed with sons and wife, be dutiful to his family and will always speak truth.
1094 Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be endowed with great wisdom and learning, helpful to elders and will respect Gods and Brahmins.
1095 Candr, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be bereft of cunning tendency, will possess good intelligence, be charitable and be not sinful.
1096 Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be honoured by king, be fond of women and be devoid of fear and misery.
1097 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 9th Bhava: will be sinful, interested in sinful tales (conversation), will be in the company of bad people and be censured by people.
1098 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be predominantly jealous, be devoid of fame and virtues and be not wise.
1099 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be endowed with lovely pleasures, be devoid of great strength, be a dejected citizen and be of hard disposition.
1100 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 9th Bhava: will be fraudulent, timid, ugly, devoid of good qualities and be highly proud.