601 Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr in the 5th Bhava: will have wounds (itches etc.), will protect Brahmins, be of good qualities and be famous for self respect.
602 Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will like cold things, will know the meaning of various Çästras, will be proud, be a poet and be liked by people.
603 Candr, Maìgal, Çukr, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will help people, will befriend many, will have various ornaments, be patient and will be connected with religious activities.
604 Candr, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 5th Bhava: will be endowed with sons and wealth, will be rich with application of sandal, saffron etc. and robes and ornaments, will have abundant riches and will enjoy happiness through children.
605 Candr, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will uphold truth, be modest, will be very charitable and be honoured by the learned.
606 Candr, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will be broad minded, will conquer his five senses, will like cleanliness, be good-looking, be endowed with fortune and courage and be not greedy.
607 Candr, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will be worshipped by kings, will be interested in Śāstras and religion and be endowed with sons and wealth.
608 Man̄gal, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 5th Bhava: will have knowledge of the Supreme Spirit, will have satisfied mind and be dear to king.
609 Man̄gal, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will have beautiful body, be free from desires, will have principles, be chief in his lineage, be intelligent and pure.
610 Man̄gal, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will be broad minded, will observe virtues, be expert in father’s assignments, be patient and will like all people.
611 Man̄gal, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will be good in arts, will know the meanings of Vedas, will have quadrupeds, be very pure and famous.
612 Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will have abundant wealth, learning and virtues.
613 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru in the 5th Bhava: will have ugly and dirty physique, will be endowed with children and suffer from many blemishes.
614 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr in the 5th Bhava: will be sexually passionate, will have knowledge of mathematics and will be troubled by serious diseases.
615 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will be eunuch, will have no knowledge of letters (i.e. illiterate), be devoid of vedic and Çästraic learning, be hard-hearted and be not virtuous.
616 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr in the 5th Bhava: be devoid of Lakshmi, be very short tempered, will wander in vain and will possess relatives.
617 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will be interested in befriending bad people, will have external show, or courtesy, will not have good history and be bereft of truth and honour.
618 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Çukr, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will be devoid of relatives, sons, wealth and happiness, be interested in gambling and be inimical.
619 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 5th Bhava: will have a wife bereft of good character, will be forsaken by his relatives, will be perished by Gods and Brahmins and be impatient.
620 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will be of bad disposition, be forsaken by his relatives and will be inimically disposed to good people.
621 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will spend on bad deeds, will have self-made evils, will be troubled by expenses, be unkind and be interested in sinful acts.
622 Sürya, Candr, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will be devoid of wealth, sons, honour and splendour and be subjected to misery.
623 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 5th Bhava: will suffer from marital blemish, be sick and timid will make futile efforts.
624 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will be a dunce, be forsaken by his wife, will be of pleased disposition and will fear war, or quarrels.
625 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will be shameless, will win over good people, will lose his father, be a drunkard and be ungrateful.
626 Sürya, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will suffer from diseases of head, will have wounds on the body and be devoid of wealth and honour.
627 Sürya, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will suffer from diseases of eye, be given to severe anger, be ugly and will always wear rags.
628 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 5th Bhava: will not be enthusiastic, be very wicked and will face evils by unnecessary talks.
629 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will be very valorous, be free from vices, be a lord, be respectable, will be endowed with sons and wealth, will conquer his five senses and be famous.
630 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will be wicked, be beyond assessment, will have abundant wealth and be affectionate to his children.
631 Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will be an expert in minerals, mercury and water equipment and will become famous in such dealings.
632 Candr, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will be widely famous, be chief among his relatives and race-men, be modest will be endowed with ornaments and will control his mind greatly.
633 Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will be and eloquent speaker, be modest and be endowed with mercy, charitability and truth.
634 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 5th Bhava: will be subjected to penury and grief, be mean minded, be of thieving disposition and be rash in speech.
635 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will be chief in his race, be inimically disposed to the public, will possess much distressed a body and be forsaken by his relatives.
636 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will honour guests, will have broad and beautiful eyes, will practice penance and be justly disposed.
637 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will be devoid of kindness, will live in foreign places and will be able to guess others’ mind.
638 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will be cruel, wicked, be devoid of wicked people’s company and be attached to sons, friends and meritorious acts.
639 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will not be efficacious, will hate women, will lose wealth and will be honoured by enemies (i.e. will not be troubled by them).
640 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will be highly interested in the Supreme Spirit, be chief, wealthy and amiable to relatives.
641 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 5th Bhava: will be interested in the knowledge of the Supreme Spirit, be dear to his relatives, be happy, skilful in all arts and be a heard.
642 6th
643 Sürya, Candr: will have ugly face, be poor, short-lived, will suffer from diseases, will always have desires and will be free from enemies.
644 Sürya, Man̄gal in the 6th Bhava: will be highly intelligent, will destroy enemies, will attain success in war and will enjoy wide fame.
645 Sürya, Budh in the 6th Bhava: will be endowed with great riches, be famous for his abundant wealth, be fearless and dear to king.
646 Sürya, Guru in the 6th Bhava: will be sickly disposed, short-lived, will have more enemies and be devoid of friends.
647 Sürya, Çukr in the 6th Bhava: will be troubled by serious diseases, be shameless, be devoid of wealth, be ugly, subjected to utter misery and will be worried.
648 Sürya, Çani in the 6th Bhava: will be free from sickness and sin, will be very wise, be endowed with weapon and wealth, will have servants and will be of good nature.
649 Candr, Maìgal in the 6th Bhava: will be troubled by diseases, will lose his intellect, be splendouruos, be unfortunate and will face killing (be killed) and be imprisoned.
650 Candr, Budh in the 6th Bhava: will be forsake by the people of his race and by his relatives, will not be very rich, will have a bad wife, be timid and cuing.
651 Candr, Guru in the 6th Bhava: will be devoid of intelligence and long life, will develop defects in limbs due to sickness and be devoid of desires and good qualities.
652 Candr, Çkr in the 6th Bhava: will have a accomplished physique, will be defeated by enemies, be interested in sinful acts, will have balanced expenditure and will have bad character.
653 Candr, Çni in the 6th Bhava: will have bad mentality, be timid, unintelligent, will have a distressed body, be ugly and be devoid of sexual desires.
654 Maìal, Budh in the 6th Bhava: will have bad mentality, be timid, unintelligent, will have a distressed body, be ugly and be devoid of sexual desires.
655 Maìgal, Guru in the 6th Bhava: will have few sons, be of wicked disposition, be insulted by others, will not observe any religious conduct, be uncharitable and intent upon promoting quarrels.
656 Maìgal, Çukr: will be interested in women, be conquered by women, be interested in sinful acts, be intelligent, wicked and will not possess Çästraic learning.
657 Maìgal, Çani: will have firm mental disposition, will have hard (strong) limbs, will conquer his enemies, be an expert in moral merits.
658 Budh, Guru in the 6th Bhava: will be lazy, devoid of intelligence, troubled by kings, wealthy and interested in sexual acts.
659 Budh, Çukr: will have many conveyances, be happy, very valorous, dear to people, liked by women and be highly skilful.
660 Budh, Çani in the 6th Bhava: will have many enemies, be sickly disposed, be devoid of strength and will like others, but not his own men.
661 Guru, Çukr in the 6th Bhava: will be interested in sexual acts, be fickle-minded about ladies, be addicted to liquor, be ungrateful, sinful and will cheat.
662 Guru, Çani in the 6th Bhava: will be forsaken by wife, be sick, be devoid of truth and wealth, be interested in unethical deeds and be always miserable.
663 Çukr, Çani in the 6th Bhava: will be very valorous, will be endowed with wealth, fortune and happiness, will have strength (perfection) of all limbs and will destroy enemies.
664 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal in the 6th Bhava: will be of mean disposition, will have ugly mentality, be troubled by diseases, will cheat others, be unkind and will be in the company of bad people.
665 Sürya, Candr, Budh in the 6th Bhava: will be sinful, given to anger, will have disloyal servants, be devoid of wealth and grains, will fear and be ruthless.
666 Sürya, Candr, Guru in the 6th Bhava: will experience various miseries, will be forsaken by children, wife and servants, will have mean profession and no wealth.
667 Sürya, Candr, Çukr in the 6th Bhava: will be mean, strong, egoistic, of ugly mentality, devoid of affection.
668 Sürya, Candr, Çani in the 6th Bhava: will be sinful, be not attached to people, will have hard legs, be fearful and hasty.
669 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh in the 6th Bhava: be sinful, not attached to people, will have various kids of wealth, will conquer his enemies, will have many friends and be devoid of war (quarrel) etc.
670 Sürya, Maìgal, Guru in the 6th Bhava: will be brave, be interested in Çästras, will conquer his five senses.
671 Sürya, Maìgal, Çukr in the 6th Bhava: will have various kids of happiness, be dear to women, be expert in always enjoying sexual pleasures, be very rich and just.
672 Sürya, Maìgal, Çani in the 6th Bhava: will enjoy laded property, will have pure body (in.e. defectless body), will possess horses, elephants and wealth, be very skilful and will do meritorious acts.
673 Sürya, Budh, Guru in the 6th Bhava: will be sensuous, be interested in acts of blemish, will not have religious faith, be bereft of good nature and mercy and will cheat.
674 Sürya, Budh, Çukr in the 6th Bhava: will experience various kids of blemishes, be very hard-hearted and be devoid of truth, mercy, shame and intelligence.
675 Sürya, Budh, Çani in the 6th Bhava: will be bereft of beauty (good appearance), sons and wife, will always perform evil acts, be fearful in appearance, be exceedingly in temperament and be a skilful speaker.
676 Sürya, Guru, Çukr in the 6th Bhava: will be exceedingly greedy, will possess gold, robe and ornaments, be ugly in appearance and will be devoid of intelligence.
677 Sürya, Guru, Çani in the 6th Bhava: will be clever in performance, will be interested in singing, will have several enjoyments and be interested in digging tasks and wells.
678 Sürya, Çukr, Çani in the 6th Bhava: will be dear to good people, will be a eloquent speaker, be interested in Çästras, be skillful, be highly learned and will have knowledge of Çästras.
679 Candr, Maìgal, Budh in the 6th Bhava: will experience various measures of miseries, be untruthful, be intelligent, will eat other’s food and be able to guess about others’ mid.
680 Candr, Maìgal, Guru in the 6th Bhava: will be devoid of truth and wealth, will be very much wounded because of empty, will lose courage and will be devoid of lordship.
681 Candr, Maìgal, Çukr in the 6th Bhava: will be poor, be bereft of relatives, will have the nature to remain pleased, be dear to his workmen and be troubled by the three temperaments, in.e. wind, phlegm and bile.
682 Candr, Maìgal, Çani in the 6th Bhava: will experience of loss of children, will go for empty, will have injured body, will have desires, be defeated and listless towards Çästras.
683 Candr, Budh, Guru in the 6th Bhava: will be short-lived, distressed, devoid of Çästraic learning, interested in blaming others and be a atheist.
684 Candr, Budh, Çukr in the 6th Bhava: will be subjected to various diseases, be little efficacious, be bereft ow wife and be always troubled by poverty.
685 Candr, Budh, Çani in the 6th Bhava: will be troubled by miseries, will possess sexual desires, be not interested in helping others, be not virtuous and be poor.
686 Candr, Guru, Çukr in the 6th Bhava: will be naturally a sinner, will lose money on account of religious observances, will become infamous, be very mean and be blamed by relatives.
687 Candr, Guru, Çani in the 6th Bhava: will be bereft of intelligence, be very miserable, cruel, cuing and devoid of self-respect.
688 Candr, Çukr, Çani in the 6th Bhava: will be very miserable, be devoid of wisdom, learning and modesty and be troubled.
689 Maìgal, Budh, Guru in the 6th Bhava: will be courageous, will conquer his enemies, will not be mean minded, ie broad minded, will hold the flag of virtue aloft and be sinless.
690 Maìgal, Budh, Çukr in the 6th Bhava: will speak truth, will be of good disposition, will possess gold, precious stones, lad and Çästraic wisdom.
691 Maìgal, Budh, Çani in the 6th Bhava: will have various kids of enjoyments, will control his five senses, be wealthy, very beautiful, attached to his wife and will blame others.
692 Maìgal, Guru, Çukr in the 6th Bhava: will have good conduct, be dear to people will possess high degree of knowledge of Çästras, be justly disposed and will be liked by many.
693 Maìgal, Guru, Çani in the 6th Bhava: will be sick, be bereft of parents (in.e. will lose them early), be fiercely disposed, be interested in sinful acts and be subjected to blemishes.
694 Man̄gal, Çukr, Çani in the 6th Bhava: will be kindly disposed, be dear to women, be interested in others’ jobs, will follow good people and be virtuous.
695 Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 6th Bhava: will make one conquer enemies, famous, valorous and influencial in general.
696 Budh, Guru, Çni in the 6th Bhava: will have on sons, will be fettered, will be black complexioned, will wear rags, will be devoid of good history and will be against justice.
697 Budh, Çkr, Çani in the 6th Bhava: will be very poor, be not valorous and will hate Çästras, preceptors and Brahmis.
698 Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 6th Bhava: will have a emaciated body, be unkind, unjust, poor and over-anxious and will dislike the virtuous.
699 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh in the 6th Bhava: will always have distressed mid, will make futile efforts, will experience sickness and fear, will have ugly eyes and wicked mid.
700 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Guru in the 6th Bhava: will have big teeth, big eyes and big one, be shameless and will always be filled with fear.