1301 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr in the 11th Bhava: Not available.
1302 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will have elf restraint, will eat Brahmins’ food, will possess a good physique, be very patient, very charitable and will be pleasing to look at.
1303 Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr in the 11th Bhava: will be expert in dealing with machinery, will honour teacher, will be intelligent, will have all kind of happiness and be plentiful.
1304 Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be a ruler, will join good men, will enjoy plenty of food and drink and will be in the company of skillful men.
1305 Candr, Maìgal, Çukr, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be lord of king (i.e. be an emperor), will be endowed with horses, be valorous and be scholar.
1306 Candr, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 11th Bhava: will be a king with sea a boundaries of his kingdom, will eliminate his enemies and will perform very charitable act.
1307 Candr, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be splendourous, be an auspicious speaker (or will peak only good word), be a leader of scholar, be a lord of the earth and be agreeable to Brahmins.
1308 Candr, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be good-looking, be a ruler, interested in visiting shrines, be a principal person and be skillful in war.
1309 Candr, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be bright in appearance, will perform meritorious act, will win over his enemies, will be a ruler and be well versed in Çästras.
1310 Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 11th Bhava: will enjoy all kind of happiness, will suffer from windy complaint, be distinguished, be a ruler and a scholar.
1311 Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be valorous, be a lord, will destroy enemies, will have an attractive face and be charitable.
1312 Maìgal, Budh, Çukr,Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be strong, or fat, will carry out royal order, be valorous, be devoid of fear and be dear to Brahmins.
1313 Maìgal, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be endowed with many sons, abundant wealth and great justice, be a ruler and be devoid of enemies.
1314 Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be highly learned, be lord of the earth and be interested in Vedic studies.
1315 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru: will be virtuous, be enthusiastic, be a king, be highly wealthy and a skillful warrior.
1316 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr in the 11th Bhava: will be an excellent person, be learned in veda, be not artificial in disposition, be a ruler and be meritorious.
1317 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be valorous, be highly bashful, be a king, be cautious, grateful, fierce and be bold in war.
1318 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr in the 11th Bhava: will be endowed with sons, riches, happiness and pleasure, wise and be a king.
1319 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will have many sons, will follow religious observation, be delighted in disposition and be highly greedy.
1320 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Çukr, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be a great scholar, will be honoured by the king, will be endowed with the wealth of elephant (i.e. will have a large number of conveyance) and be averse to sinful act.
1321 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Guru, Çukr: will have many children, will be highly virtuous, be versed in justice, be delighted and be very friendly.
1322 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be fond of Brahmins, be dear to women, be very bashful and famous.
1323 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be in the midst of king, be charitable, virtuous and be very wealthy.
1324 Sürya, Candr, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be endowed with virtue, will please others, will possess beautiful eye, be interested in Wigwam and be famous.
1325 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 11th Bhava: will respect parent at all time, be pleasing be a scholar and be patient.
- Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be chief among the men of his dynasty, will have even enemies honour him, be very virtuous and be very charitable.
- Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will observe religious vow and fasting, will be devoted to God and Brahmins, charitably disposed, be truthful and kind.
1329 Sürya, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be splendourous, be learned in many Çästras, be virtuous and pure.
1330 Sürya, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be interested in learning, will respect God and Brahmins, be inimical to others and be intelligent.
1331 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 11th Bhava: will be kind, be endowed with service, or duty, will have beautiful face and be worshiped by relative.
1332 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be honoured by the ruler, be skillful in agricultural work, be injured, be devoid of enemies and be endowed with wealth.
1333 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be endowed with Çästraic leaning and wealth, will destroy his enemies, be a ruler and be highly skillful in Çästras.
1334 Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will have abundant learning, be great, will have beautiful knee and be free from sickness.
1335 Candr, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be interested in poetry and tale, be valorous and charitable.
1336 Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be faithful, be abundantly wealthy, be famous, will have many sons and be endowed with elaborate eating comfort.
1337 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 11th Bhava: will be endowed with prosperity, learning and wealth, be grateful and be firmly valorous.
1338 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be interested in visiting shrines, be intelligent, be learned and be devoid of diseases.
1339 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be highly learned, be splendourous, will have knowledge of religious commandment, be worshiped and be virtuous.
1340 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will honour Brahmins (or the learned), be interested in listening to divine stories, be famous and be learned in Çästras.
1341 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be fond of garden etc., devoted to God, be distinguished, be attached to the virtuous and be expert in Çästras.
1342 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 11th Bhava: will be truthful, be chief in his race, be very wise and be skillful in singing.
1343 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani: will be head of all kings (be an emperor), be distinguished and be not delighted, but be endowed with elephants and horses.
1344 12th
1345 Sürya, Candr in the 12th Bhava: will be short-lived, be charitable and ugly, will do the others’ job and will always join bad men.
1346 Sürya, Maìgal in the 12th Bhava: will be distressed, will have an emaciated body, be troubled by others, be highly sinful, wicked and devoid of good qualities.
1347 Sürya, Budh in the 12th Bhava: will be devoid of sickness, will expend on bad mission, be cruel, miserly, dull, not virtuous and be fond of war.
1348 Sürya, Guru in the 12th Bhava: will have vice, be dirty sickly, ungrateful, will make futile effort and be devoid of religion.
1349 Sürya, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will have little happiness, be ugly, be distressed due to the vice of his wicked wife, be fond of sin and be troubled by his libidinous disposition.
1350 Sürya, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be inimical to the public, interested in base men and will be burdened by expense on bad deed.
1351 Candr, Maìgal in the 12th Bhava: will be hard-hearted, will have mean profession, will be fond of a high degree of purity, be fear stricken and be not virtuous.
1352 Candr, Budh in the 12th Bhava: will indulge in quarrel, be indigent, distressed be very fear stricken and be devoid of splendour.
1353 Candr, Guru in the 12th Bhava: will be harsh in speech, will posses an ugly body, be interested in living in other countries, be devoid of wealth and be not friendly.
1354 Candr, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will be bereft of wealth, be burdened by expense, be a servant, be wicked, be unkind and be distressed due to anyone.
1355 Candr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will have bad wife, base sons, inferior grain and enmity, be homeless and be devoid of valour.
1356 Maìgal, Budh in the 12th Bhava: will be ugly to look at, be homeless, be troubled by many diseases, be not sensible and be bereft of truth and purity.
1357 Maìgal, Guru in the 12th Bhava: will be very infamous, be sexually distressed, be miserable, be burdened by expense, be at the disposal of others and be troubled by relatives.
1358 Maìgal, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will not have much wealth, be distressed due to sons, be not charitable, be always sick, be very mean and be ungrateful.
1359 Maìgal, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be devoid of learning of Çästras and religious commandment, be troubled by wound, boil etc., will suffer eye disease, be unlucky and be sexually distressed.
1360 Budh, Guru: will be principally an atheist (or a degraded Brahmin), be unkind, be endowed with sons and relatives, be defeated by woman and be disillusioned.
1361 Budh, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will be merciless, will have many enemies, will be of bad disposition, be inimical and be devoid of female and be disappointed.
1362 Budh, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be very cunning, be distressed due to vice, will wear dirty robe, be in the custody of female and be disappointed.
1363 Guru, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will be bereft of quadruped and servants, will suffer from a number of diseases, will lose his wealth, will be hard-hearted and be defeated by enemies.
1364 Guru, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be hard-hearted, be defeated by women, be in the company of people, be timid, sinful and be blameworthy.
1365 Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will cheat others, be devoid of history, be sick, will wander aimlessly and be without friend.
1366 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal in the 12th Bhava: will be a skillful inner, be fond of gambling, be ungrateful, be always diseased and will blame Brahmins.
1367 Sürya, Candr, Budh in the 12th Bhava: will be poor, sick, illiterate, will be subjected to many trouble, be wicked, miserly, very greedy, libidinous and will wear dirty clothe.
1368 Sürya, Candr, Guru in the 12th Bhava: will be interested in bad society, be ugly, devoid of religion, will blame others and be bereft of virtue, intelligence and Çästraic learning.
1369 Sürya, Candr, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will have weak neck due to sufferance from hunger, will lose bodily vigour, will be unabashed, be ugly, distressed and unfriendly.
1370 Sürya, Candr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will suffer from tuberculosis, be distressed due to phlegmatic disease, be not splendourous, be reduced to great trouble and will suffer in the hand of enemies.
1371 Sürya, Manìgal, Budh in the 12th Bhava: will suffer from tuberculosis, be a dunce, be villainous, be devoid of Çästraic learning, be interested in tale bearer and will incur royal displeasure.
1372 Sürya, Maìgal, Guru in the 12th Bhava: will lose his wealth, will have a number of evil friends, be dull-witted, be devoid of fame, will have ill-gotten money and acquire a bad wife.
1373 Sürya, Maìgal, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will be sexually distressed, be very base, be devoid of good history, be very distressed sick and be fond of quarrel.
1374 Sürya, Maìgal, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be distressed due to heavy expenditure, be interested in bad act, be a dunce, be free from fear of imprisonment and will be averse to Çästras.
1375 Sürya, Budh, Guru in the 12th Bhava: will be libidinous, blame worthy, be very short tempered, be meritorious ugly, unlucky and will not be praised in the society.
1376 Sürya, Budh, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will be cunning, hard hearted, be devoid of distinction, be interested in tale bearer, will have an ugly appearance and will be devoid of desire and enthusiasm.
1377 Sürya, Budh, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will not be in the company of good men, be not wealthy, be a dunce and wicked, be interested in others wives, will expend on bad mission and will incur royal wrath.
1378 Sürya, Guru, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will not be wealthy, be a servant, be bad in disposition, be wicked and distressed out of fear.
1379 Sürya, Guru, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be impetuous, will eat others’ food, be very mean and be devoid of wisdom, learning and education.
1380 Sürya, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be timid, valorous, devoid of justice, devoid of virtue and be fear stricken.
1381 Candr, Maìgal, Budh in the 12th Bhava: will be devoid of wealth and wisdom, be ill tempered, unjust, will have many enemies and will be a warrior.
1382 Candr, Maìgal, Guru in the 12th Bhava: will be libidinous, blame worthy, be devoid of sons, be interested in others’ job, be wicked and fear-filled.
1383 Candr, Maìgal, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will be base, fond of gambling merciless, splendourous, miserly and be troubled by enemies.
1384 Candr, Maìgal, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will have a bad (diseased) body, be devoid of his relatives, be defeated by female and be wicked in disposition.
1385 Candr, Budh, Guru in the 12th Bhava: will be devoid of kindness and be highly afflicted.
1386 Candr, Budh, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will be devoid of sexual desire, be impetuous, indecisive, or uncertain, be interested in sinful men and be bereft of parent.
1387 Candr, Budh, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be distressed due to vice, be greedy, base, unfaithful and will cheat others.
1388 Candr, Guru, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will be unwealthy, homeless, unwise, fond of war and be dishonoured.
1389 Candr, Guru, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be wicked, highly sinful and will have many vice.
1390 Candr, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be base, will join base men, will be defeated by base men, be himself very base and be devoid of pleasure and virtue.
1391 Maìgal, Budh, Guru in the 12th Bhava: will be highly distressed by abundant fear and peaceless, be very proud, be interested in good stories and will honour religious oblation, Brahmins and God.
1392 Maìgal, Budh, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will be illiterate, unfortunate, very pious, merciful and be devoid of affection.
1393 Maìgal, Budh, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be devoid of learning, pleasure and wealth, be hard hearted and will have bad sons.
1394 Maìgal, Guru, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will be wicked, will wander fruitlessly, will indulge in irreligious act, be splendourous and just.
1395 Maìgal, Guru, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be interested in telling, be wounded, ungrateful, devoid of Çästraic knowledge and be not valorous.
1396 Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will be devoid of wisdom, wife, visits to shrines, sons and fame, will also be distressed by fear.
1397 Budh, Guru, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will not be wise, be very cunning, be delighted and fierce in act.
1398 Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be highly miserable, will befriend wicked men and be wise and intelligent.
1399 Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will kill Brahmins, be not splendourous, will wear rag, depend on others and be devoid of relatives.
1400 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh in the 12th Bhava: will be subjected to much trouble, will be distressed due to sinful tendencies and will not beget desired food.
1401 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Guru in the 12th Bhava: will be ungrateful, be not splendourous, be ugly, will fear much and will have many enemies.
1402 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will be troubled by others, will have wife and sons, be highly respected and be highly sinful.
1403 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will not be intelligent, be highly ‘distinguished’ for his vice, be devoid of obstruction and will not be splendourous.
1404 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Guru in the 12th Bhava: will not be bright, will be very distressed due to his disease, be very timid and will be devoid of fame.
1405 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will not have splendour, be bereft of wisdom and truth, be fierce and averse to sinful act.
1406 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will suffer from serious disease, be ungrateful, will join mean men and be mean-minded.
1407 Sürya, Candr, Guru, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will be highly ill tempered, will not have intelligence and money, be not bashful and will be interested in war.
1408 Sürya, Candr, Guru, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be timid, will suffer from disease of the rectum, will have burning sensation (or will be thirsty) and be not splendourous.
1409 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Guru in the 12th Bhava: will not be learned in Çästras, will have many vice, will not follow good path and will suffer from many disease.
1410 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will be interested in base men, will be highly afflicted, will eat bad food, take bad drink and be very ill tempered.
1411 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will suffer from phlegmatic and windy disease, will not be virtuous and will be able to guess others’ mind.
1412 Sürya, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will expend on bad mission, will be highly ill tempered, will have less Çästraic learning and be mean-minded.
1413 Sürya, Maìgal, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be troubled by base men, will himself be very mean, be distressed and will have miserable sons.
1414 Sürya, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will not be kind, will have a wicked wife, be mean minded and will be bereft of wealth.
1415 Sürya, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will have an injured physique, will posses a prominent wife, will be free from fear of imprisonment, will face destruction of wealth.
1416 Sürya, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will not be faithful, will accuse Brahmins, be a miser, will have an emaciated physique and be dull-witted.
1417 Sürya, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will suffer on account of his own kindness, will not have preceptor and will not have a job to do. (i.e. will be devoid of livelihood).
1418 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru in the 12th Bhava: will not be patient, will be very ill tempered, will lose truthful disposition and will be devoid of wife.
1419 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will be a miser, will suffer from sickness, be devoid of desire and will be troubled by king and thieve.
1420 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will suffer from bilious complaint, will be devoid of preceptor and will be miserable on account of female company.
1421 Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will be very fierce in disposition, will invite risk, will indulge in inimical activities, will be expelled out of his caste and will be blamed by the society.
1422 Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be very afflicted, will be interested in others’ wives, will expend on bad thing and will suffer from disease.
1423 Candr, Maìgal, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be bereft of sons, will resemble ‘fire’ in appearance, will be interested in sinful tale, will be defeated by female and servant.
1424 Candr, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will be a bad mater, be not pure, will be devoid of wealth, be unkind, be fond of intoxicant drink and will have bad disposition.
1425 Candr, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be mean, irascible, uncharitable, defeated by women be unkind and will not demonstrate, or prove himself.
1426 Candr, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be impetuous, wicked, will have an injured body, will have burning sensation and will be blamed by people.
1427 Candr, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be devoid of wisdom, be not virtuous, be troubled by others and be a miser.
1428 Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will not be bright, be deformed (or distressed), be ugly, be blameworthy and be bereft of friendship.
1429 Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be sinful, defeated, be troubled by women, will have little education, be dejected and fear stricken.
1430 Maìgal, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be mean, will join bad people, will adopt others’ religion, will spend on bad thing and be amiable to Brahmins.
1431 Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be homeless, unfriendly, will suffer from lever disorder and will incur royal displeasure.
1432 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru in the 12th Bhava: will wear rag, be devoid of affection, will have enemies, be greedy, will perform his duties and be delighted.
1433 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will indulge in bad act, will be friend bad people, be blameworthy, be always sick and be troubled by relatives.
1434 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be interested in Molims, be attached to others’ women and will serve bad society.
1435 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will be devoid of fame, be against society, will have blame worthy religion and blameworthy business.
1436 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be very miserable, be subjected to trouble out of disease, will always be sick, be timid and will have little wealth.
1437 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be devoid of fame, be interested in drink, be cunning in disposition, be hard-hearted, fierce and inimical.
1438 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will be quite miserable, be interested in wicked people’ company, be highly phlegmatic, be dull-witted and blameworthy.
1439 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be inimical to his castemen, will be devoid of good qualities and be artificial in disposition.
1440 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be a principal cheat, be very cruel and will be won over by mean people.
1441 Sürya, Candr, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be very rich, be sensuous, blameworthy, fierce and timid.
1442 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will be bereft of mercy, will lose his wife and children, will eat veraciously and will be harsh in speech.
1443 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be devoid of wealth, wife and vice be harsh, inimical and bad in disposition.
1444 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will not be wealthy, be fierce, be fond of quarrel, be ugly and will cheat others.
1445 Sürya, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will suffer from various kind of disease, will be interested in befriending bad people, will be very libidinous and be timid.
1446 Sürya, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be dull witted, will have a bad body, will have fearful eye, be inimical to Brahmins, be defeated by enemies and be impetuous.
1447 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will be fond of telling, be against, greatness, be devoid of his own men and will have wounded body.
1448 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will become trayed, be against friendly principle, be not kind and be irascible.
1449 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will betray, be illiterate, be devoid of wife and sons and will be inimical to the king.
1450 Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be interested in mean women, be interested in undesirable friendship, religion and learning and be very sinful.
1451 Candr, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will always be troubled by injuries, will be possessing bad thinking, be homeless, be not splendourous and be ugly.
1452 Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be devoid of wealth, be fierce, be fond of quarrel and will have lo of wisdom and wealth.
1453 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr in the 12th Bhava: will be devoid of brightness, be interested in joining others’ ideas, will obstruct Brahmins and will cheat others.
1454 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be ungrateful, will have many enemies, be not bashful and will be in a position to guess others’ mind.
1455 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will be quite sickly, be bereft of money and sons, be unkind, miser and will have a beautiful wife.
1456 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will have short life, be devoid of fame and money, will make futile effort and be ill tempered.
1457 Sürya, Candr, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will always be indolent, will be devoid of wisdom and wealth and will have wicked wife and wicked sons.
1458 Sürya, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will have no place to resort, will derive mean pleasure, will suffer from penury, be untruthful and not virtuous.
1459 Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will hate Brahmins, be bereft of fame and happiness, be not splendourous and will suffer from many diseases.
1460 Sürya, Candr, Maìgal, Budh, Guru, Çukr, Çani in the 12th Bhava: will indulge in inimical activities, will not be self-respected, will always suffer from penury and will be devoid of wealth and grain.