Ch. 52. Lost Horoscopy
1. THE NATAL AYANA. If the Ascendant at the time of query (related to tracing the lost birth data) be within the first 15 of a Sign, the birth was in Uttarayana and beyond these degrees Dakshinayana.
2-3. BIRTH RITU ETC. The strongest of the planets in the Prashna Lagna indicates the Ritu (season) at birth. Should there be none in the Ascendant, the Lord of the ascendental decanate is the ruler of Ritu at birth. Should there be a clash in the Ayana and Ritu arrived at, the Ritu Lords arrived should be interchanged thus: the Moon for Venus, Mercury for Mars and Jupiter for Saturn. The respective month of the Ritu is decided depending on the first, or second half of the decanate being Ascendant. The degrees elapsed in the decanate will be to the knowledge of the natal Tithi. Some say, that this will lead to locating the natal Sun.
4-9. OTHER NATAL FACTORS. The query Ascendant be multiplied by 2 and divided by 5 to get the natal Jupiter's placement. This should be adjusted to actual placement guessing the native's age approximately, by increasing, or decreasing multiples of 12. If the query Ascendant is in a day Sign, declare birth during night. Otherwise, the contrary prevails. The degree elapsed in the query Ascendant will lead to the knowledge of elapsed portion of night, or day, as the case may be. Out of the query Ascendant, the 5th and the 9th therefrom will indicate the natal Rāśi (Moon Sign), the strongest of the three prevailing. The parts of the body, viz. head etc. touched by the querist at the time of query will also indicate the Moon Sign at birth. Alternatively the distance between the query Ascendant and the query Moon may be added to the query Moon to get the position of the natal Moon. This does not apply to the Moon in Pisces at the time of query, (i. e. the natal Moon is in Pisces itself). The Navāńśa Lagna at the time of query may also be the natal Ascendant. The number of decanates between the query Ascendant and query Sun, when added to the query Sun, will yield the natal Ascendant. The longitude of the planet in the query Ascendant should be multiplied by the figure indicated by Chayangula (length of shadow) at that time. This should be divided by 12, the remainder of which will indicate natal Ascendant.
10-11. POSITION OF THE QUERIST. The following positions of the querist will indicate the natal Ascendant. Standing, lying on the bed, sitting, or getting up will, respectively, denote the first, 4th, 7th, or 10th from query Ascendant becoming natal Ascendant.
12. PERSONAL NAME. The name formally given by parents to the native will indicate the natal star. Multiply the Matras (units) of the given name by 2 and add to it the Chayangula length. Divide this by 27 and the remainder, when counted from Dhanishta will lead to the knowledge of birth star.
13-15. ANOTHER METHOD. Note the longitude of the query Ascendant. It should be multiplied by 10, if the Ascendant is Leo, or Taurus, by 8 in case of Gemini, or Scorpio by 7 in case, or Aries, or Libra, by 5 in case of Virgo and Capricorn, while for the rest of the Signs by the number denoted, when counted from Aries. (That is 4 for Cancer, 9 for Sagittarius, 11 for Aquarius and 12 for Pisces). If the Ascendant is occupied by Jupiter, the Ascendant converted into minutes of arc be multiplied by 10, if occupied by Mars by 8, if by Venus by 7 and, if by others by 5. Both the products so multiplied be added together. This product by multiplied again by 10 to know the year, Ritu and month; by 7 to know the Tithi and by 5 to arrive at Navāńśa Lagna and Ishta Ghati (birth time) and be, respectively, divided by their individual dividers (i.e. 120 for year, 2 for Ritu, 15 for Tithi and the like). Addition, or reduction of 9 may be made in case of anomalistic answers.
16. I have explained lost horoscopic rules, as expounded by Yavana, Bhadasana etc. But some of their rules are ambiguous. The student better understand using his judgement.
17-21. LOST HOROSCOPY BASED ON MOON. Just as the ascending degree helps trace back the lost details, the Moon Sign may also be used. If the Moon Sign at the time of query be a night Sign, natal Moon was in a day Sign and vice versa. Note in what quarter of the Sign is the Moon at the time of query. Proportionately understand the natal Moon during day, or night, as the case may be. Multiply the query Moon by the same Rāśi multiplication factor, as explained supra and, if necessary by planetary multipliers, as applicable. Multiply the resultant product (arrived by adding the two) by 7 and divide by 27. The remainder will represent the birth star counted from Aswini. In case of rectification by adding 9 the counting is from Moola and, if subtraction of 9 is done count from Makha. The pre-division product (i.e. the product before dividing by 27, as above) should be processed variously, as suggested earlier to know the Ritu, month, Tithi etc. at birth.
Thus ends the 52nd Ch. entitled “LOST HOROSCOPY” in Kalyana Varma's Saravali.
Ch. 53. AshtakaVarga
1. In order to evaluate the auspicious and inauspicious effects in day-to-day life due to planetary transits, Yavanacharyas have explained AshtakaVarga (which are detailed below).
2. THE SUN'S ASHTAKAVARGA. The Sun contributes benefic dots in his Ashtaka Varga, as under. From his own self in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Signs; from Mars and Saturn in similar Signs; from the Moon in the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th Signs; from Jupiter in the 5th, 6th, 9th and 11th Signs; from Venus in the 6th, 7th and 12th Signs; from Mercury in the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Signs and from the Ascendant in the 3rd, 4th, 6th, 10th, 11th and 12th Signs.
3. THE MOON'S ASHTAKA VARGA. The Moon contributes benefic points in her AshtakaVarga, as under. In the 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th Signs from the Sun; in the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th Signs from her position; in the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th and 11th Signs counted from Mars; in the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th Signs counted from Mercury; in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th and 12th Signs from Jupiter; in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th Signs counted from Venus; in the 3rd, 5th, 6th and 11th Signs from Saturn and in the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th Signs counted from the ascending Sign.
4. THE ASHTAKAVARGA OF MARS. Mars in his AshtakaVarga drops auspicious points in the various Signs from the various planets and Ascendant, as denoted below. From the Sun in the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 10th and 11th Signs; from the Moon in the 3rd, 6th and 11th Signs; from his own position in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th 8th, 10th and 11th Signs; from Mercury in the 3rd, 5th, 6th and 11th Signs; from Jupiter in the 6th, 10th, 11th and 12th Signs; from Venus in the 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th Signs; from Saturn in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Signs and from the ascending Sign in the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th Signs.
5. THE ASHTAKAVARGA OF MERCURY. Auspicious points are contributed by Mercury in his AshtakaVarga, as under: From the Sun in the 5th, 6th, 9th, 11th and 12th Signs; from the Moon in the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 11th Signs; from Mars and Saturn in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 12th Signs, from his own self in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Signs; from Jupiter in the 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th Signs; from Venus in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th and 11th Signs and from the ascending Sign in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 11th Signs.
6. THE ASHTAKAVARGA OF JUPITER. Jupiter's AshtakaVarga gains auspicious points, as under. From the Sun in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Signs; from the Moon in the 2nd, 5th 7th, 9th and 11th Signs; from Mars in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th 10th and 11th Signs; from Mercury in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th and 11th Signs; from his own self in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th Signs; from Venus in the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 11th Signs; from Saturn in the 3rd, 5th, 6th and 12th Signs and from the ascending Sign in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th Signs.
7. THE ASHTAKAVARGA OF VENUS. Mark benefic dots in the following places. From the Sun in the 8th, 11th and 12th Signs; from the Moon in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 11th and 12th Signs; from Mars in the 3rd, 4th, 6th, 9th, 11th and 12th Signs; from Mercury in the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th and 11th Signs; from Jupiter in the 5th 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Signs; from his own self in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Signs; from Saturn in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Signs and from the ascending Sign in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th and 11th Signs. This is called the AshtakaVarga of Venus.
8. THE ASHTAKAVARGA OF SATURN. Saturn's AshtakaVarga is prepared by inserting benefic dots in places, as denoted below. From the Sun in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th Signs; from the Moon in the 3rd, 6th and 11th Houses; from Mars in the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 10th 11th and 12th Signs; from Mercury in the 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Signs; from Jupiter in the 5th, 6th, 11th and 12th Signs; from Venus in the 6th, 11th and 12th Signs; from his own self in the 3rd, 5th, 6th and 11th Signs and from the ascending Sign in the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 10th and 11th Signs.
9-10. The places mentioned above are auspicious for the various planets and the others are inauspicious. Planets transiting Signs with more benefic dots will reveal auspicious results, while inauspicious results will come to pass in case of transits in Signs with less benefic dots. Benefic results will be predominant, if these Signs happen to be exaltation, own, friendly etc. and malefic effects will be ordinary. Similarly in debilitation/inimical Signs, malefic results will be more and benefic effects will be ordinary. In giving transit effects, the Sun and Mars will be effective, while in the beginning of the Sign, Jupiter and Venus, while in the middle of the Sign and lastly Saturn and the Moon, while in the end of the Sign. Mercury is effective in his transit through the whole Sign.
Thus ends the 53rd Ch. entitled “ASHTAKAVARGA” in Kalyana Varma's Saravali.
Ch. 54. Effects Of AshtakaVarga
1. Draw 13 horizontal lines intersected by 9 parallel (horizontally) lines (thus getting 96 squares) noting the names of the 12 Signs from Aries onwards in a rightward manner and the names of the 7 planets and Ascendant in the left hand side vertical columns. Mark the benefic dots for each planets' AshtakaVarga and malefic points (where benefic points are absent), as per the positions told earlier.
2. GENERAL EFFECTS. If a planet is associated with 8 Bindusin the Sign occupied by it, even an ordinary person will become a king; with 7 Bindusfulfillment of all desires; with 6 Bindusfame and financial gains; with 5 Bindus happiness and friendship; with 4 Bindus eradication and misery; with 3 Bindusloss of money; with 2 Bindusworries; with 1 Bindubodily emaciation and with the complete absence of Bindus there will be evils at all times.
3 EFFECTS OF THE SUN'S A.V. The association of the Sun with particular number of Bindus (auspicious points) in the Sign occupied by him will lead to respective effects, thus; with 8 Binduswealth from the king; 7 Bindustranscendental beauty, happiness and riches; 6 Bindusincrease of valour and fame; 5 Bindusinflux of money; 4 Bindus neither gainful nor losing; 3 Bindusfatigue due to (frequent) travels (or difficulties on account of travels, proneness to accidents and the like); 2 Bindusfear of diseases; 1 Bindudifficulties; and absence of Bindusdeath (or troubles of a very severe nature).
4. EFFECTS OF THE MOON'S A.V. Note the Bindus in the Sign occupied by the Moon. If she be associated with 8 Bindus, the native will enjoy affluence and pleasures; 7 Bindus financial gains through robes, food, scented articles etc., 6 Bindusacquaintance with the virtuous; 5 Bindusacquisition of courage and intelligence due to association with Brahmins (or the learned); 4 Bindusequilibrium of happiness and grief; 3 Bindusenmity with relatives; 2 Bindusseparation from kith and kin and deprival of wealth; 1 Bindu evils and absence of auspicious pointsgrief and difficulties following excitement.
5. EFFECTS OF THE A.V. OF MARS. If Mars be associated with various benefic points, as denoted below in the Sign tenanted by him, the results due will be: 8 Bindus acquisition of wealth and land and victory over foes; 7 Bindus increase of fortunes and splendour; 6 Bindusroyal favours; 5 Bindusincrease of fame; 4 Bindusequality of wealth and calamity; 3 Bindusseparation from co-born and conjugal partner; 2 Bindustroubles from king, fire and bilious disorders; 1 Binduulcer and stomachial diseases and absence of Bindus diseases of the eye and difficulties comparable to death.
6. EFFECTS OF MERCURY'S A.V. The effects of Mercury's association with various auspicious points in the Sign occupied by him will be: 8 Bindushonour from the ruler; 7 Binduswealth, knowledge and happiness; 6 Bindussuccess in all undertakings; 5 Bindusnew acquaintances; 4 Bindus unemployment; 3 Bindusmental worries on account of financial losses; 2 Bindusenmity with wife, children and friends causing loss of courage and wisdom; 1 Binduevils of all kinds and absence of Bindus will bring about death.
7. EFFECTS OF JUPITER'S A.V. Based on the number of auspicious points, the Sign occupied by Jupiter will produce the following effects: 8 Bindusspotless fame, happiness and growth of wealth; 7 Bindusfortunes and happiness; 6 Bindusacquisition of robes, conveyances, gold etc.; 5 Bindus destruction of enemies and success in undertakings; 4 Bindus no loss, no gain; 3 Bindusloss of hearing, sight and masculine vigour; 2 Bindusincurring royal wrath; 1 Bindudistress due to diseases and absence of Bindusdestruction of relatives, wealth and progeny.
8. EFFECTS OF A.V. OF VENUS. The association of Venus with various number of Bindus will generate the under mentioned effects: 8 Bindusenjoyments of all kinds and acquisition of robes, wife, scents, food, drinks etc.; 7 Bindus plentifulness of ornaments and pearls; 6 Bindusacquisition of a girl of choice; 5 Bindusassociation with friends; 4 Bindus equality of inauspicious and auspicious results; 3 Bindus enmity with people of his community and senior members of the village; 2 Bindusdisplacement; 1 Binduphlegmatic disorders and absence of Bindusbecoming a synonym of all kinds of evils.
9. EFFECTS OF SATURN'S A.V. If Saturn is associated with a certain number of Bindus, the effects due will be: 8 Bindus lordship over villages, towns and people; 7 Bindus acquisition of female servants, asses and elephants; 6 Bindus gains from thieves, hunters and Army heads; 5 Bindusadvent of wealth, corn and happiness; 4 Bindushappiness caused by association with others; 3 Bindus destruction of progeny, wife, attendants and money; 2 Bindusimprisonment, emotions and diseases; 1 Bindu/absence of Bindusloss of wealth, family etc.
10-12. May the astrologers be pleased with the Science of Astrology thus described by Kalyana Varma. Ancestors, like Paulasa, Vasishta, Romasa, Yavana, Badarayana, Sakthi, Atri, Bharadwaja, Viswamitra, Guna, Agnikesa, Garga, Parashara, Jeevasarma and a host of others have authored elaborate texts on astrology. The science of astrology thus deals with the good and bad in stock for an individual with Chitragupta (the official record keeper of Yamathe God of Deathnoting down the virtues and vices of mankind).
Thus ends the 54th Ch. entitled “EFFECTS OF ASHTAKAVARGA” in Kalyana Varma's Saravali.
Ch. 55. Manifold Births
1. Acharya Kanaka's school of thought dealing with ‘Manifold Births' is narrated in this Ch. for the pleasure of the astrologers and the common folk.
2. Lord Brahma created this Universe at a time, when Cancer was ascending with its Lord and in aspect to Jupiter, while the other 5 planets were in their own Signs. Should one have a similar radix, he will rule over the three worlds enjoying the company of the celestial dames.
3. The Science of astrology delineates the immovable and the movable through respective differences of time, omens, form etc.
4-5. If all the malefics be with strength, while benefics be bereft of it, one of the Viyoni (Viyoni Rāśis are Rāśis other than Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius and the first half of Sagittarius) be Signs ascending with Mercury and Saturn be in Angles, or in aspect to the Ascendant, the birth will be of a creature other than human being. The birth will correspond to the Dwadasamsa of the Ascendant, or of the Moon prevailing at Adhana, or in the radix.
6-9. The sages have explained the hue, form etc. of the manifold births based on planetary conjunctions and aspects, which I narrate below. The Zodiac personified signifies the several limbs of non-human species, as under: Ariesface, Taurusneck, Gemini and Piscesshoulders and forelegs, Cancer and Aquariusback, Leo and Capricornforelegs, Virgo and Sagittariushind legs, Libraanus and Scorpio tail and genital organ. The right side limbs are denoted by Signs Gemini to Libra, while left side by Signs Scorpio to Pisces.
10-12. The strongest Sign, or the strongest Navāńśa ascending will indicate the hue of such birth. If the Ascendant has a strong planet in it, the hue of the animal and the wounds on its body will correspond to such planet. If a planet is in its own Rāśi/Navāńśa, such effects will be unmixed, while the one in other's Sign/Navāńśa, will give a rough version of the hue. The animal will have a mark on its back corresponding to the hue of the planet in the 7th House, or the one aspecting the 7th House. If there are many related thus, the hues of the mark will be equally many, the prime effects being from the strongest of the lot.
13-14 The hue of the animal based on the occupant of the Ascendant will be: Jupiteryellow, Moonwhite, Venus variegated, Sun/Marsred, Saturn black, Mercury grass-green. If the planet aspecting the Ascendant be in its own Sign and other's Navāńśa, or vice versa, the hue obtainable will be golden.
15-16. The planet in the Ascendant will be capable of giving such hue corresponding to the phenomena it is influenced by, viz. Parigha, rainbow, cloud, Parivesh etc. Otherwise, the planet will give the hue due to its nature alone.
17-18. If the Ascendant has in it a bird decanate (the first ones of Aquarius and Leo and the second ones of Gemini and Libra), or a Movable Navāńśa (Aries Navāńśa and the Navāńśas angular thereof), or Gemini Navāńśa/Virgo Navāńśa and be in aspect to Saturn birds residing on lands will be born. In a similar case, the aspect of the Moon denotes births of birds dwelling in water. If a water resorting Sign be on the Ascendant in aspect to a strong planet, birds related to water will be born. Similarly land-resorting Signs in aspect to strong planets indicate birds of land. The hue of the bird will correspond to the planet concerned.
19. Birth of trees is indicated, if the Ascendant, Sun, Jupiter and the Moon are devoid of strength, while others are with strength. Land resorting Signs in the Ascendant indicate trees growing on land, while water resorting Signs indicate plants etc. coming out of water.
20-21. If the Lord of rising Navāńśa be the Sun, trees (or plants in this context) with hard, or strong trunk/stem will be born. The Moon denotes ones milky and soft; Jupiter fruitful, Marsbitter and thorny, Saturnunproductive and useless (to mankind); Venusthe ones yielding flowers and Mercuryunfruitful.
22-23. If the said Lord of Ascendant in Navāńśa be a natural malefic being in the company of a benefic, a sub-standard tree on excellent land is denoted, while in the case of a benefic being Ascendant Lord in Navāńśa and being in the company of a malefic, the reverse is truei.e. an excellent tree on waste land. If there is a mix in the above planetary description, both the land and the born will be of a mixed nature Watery planets indicate plants growing in water, while land-resorters denote trees etc. growing on earth.
24. Note how many Signs away is the Navāńśa Lagna Lord from the ascending Sign. So many will be the trees in number to be born. Similarly infer by the number denoted between Navāńśa Ascendant and the planet's Navāńśa position.
25-26. Manifold birth is indicated, if benefics are in their own Navāńśa being bereft of strength, while malefics with strength are in their own/other malefics' Navāńśas. Such birth is destroyed, if the said Navāńśa Lord occupies a weak planet's Sign, is defeated in planetary war, conjunct with, or aspected by a malefic.
21. Explained now is four kinds of manifold births, viz. those born of seeds (like plant, tree etc.), those born of womb (like quadrupeds etc.), those born in dirty places (like mosquitoes etc.) and those born of eggs (snakes, birds and the like). These are based on planetary Yogas etc. at birth.
28-29. A quadruped is born, if the Sun is in a quadruped Sign, while a weak planet is in a weak Sign. I have explained the relative rules in a brief and general manner. Now told are something surprising (more interesting) and detailed.
30-35. Should the Sun, the Moon and the Ascendant be strong in a Dwadasamsa related to a Viyoni Sign, the birth will correspond to such Dwadasamsa. If the Moon is in Aries Dwadasamsa in Aries Ascendant, birth of goats, rams etc., will take place. The other Dwadasamsas related to Aries Ascendant will give following effects: Taurus cow, buffalo; Gemini akin to a human being (like monkey, ape etc.); Cancer crab, tortoise etc., Leo tiger etc., Virgo human beings; Libra resembling human beings, Scorpio snakes etc. Sagittarius asses, horses etc., Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces Crocodile/human·being/fish etc. Similarly one can guess about trees, grass etc. Just as the various Dwadasamsas of Aries have been described, the effects for other Signs can also be understood.
36-37. The Dwadasamsa effects of the manifold births will depend on the first Dwadasamsa of a Sign and the remaining Dwadasamsa should be understood based on the first division cited. Just as a Dual Rāśi with male Navāńśa causing birth of twins in the case of human beings, in the case of other births male planets in the first Dwadasamsa being in Dual Sign etc., the number of births be decided.
38-40. In case of a living being yielding multiples at a time (like snake, hen, bitch etc.) the number of births will depend on Dwadasamsas past. Male/female should be decided by the Dwadasamsas distributed in such Signs. If the Ascendant is tenanted by the Moon/Saturn/Mercury, tortoises etc. will yield such number equaling the Dwadasamsas elapsed. Venus, Mars, Moon, or Saturn being with strength will denote Sattva, Rajas and TamoGunas of the births according to the Amsas.
41. If a (qualified) planet occupies other Navāńśas than of its own, the birth will be unnatural.
42-44. Should Scorpio ascend with a biped Navāńśa birth of snakes, rats, insects, mongoose, scorpions, snakes without poison, deer, cows etc. will take place.
45-46. The divisions of Sagittarius with aspect from Jupiter denote birth of horses, asses, camels, buffaloes etc.
47-48. Capricorn and its divisions indicate birth of forest animals, like tiger, rhinoceros, swine, wolf elephants (Sarabha apart from meaning an elephant also denotes a fabulous 8 legged animal said to be stronger than even a lion), eagles and the like.
49. Pisces (and its divisions) enjoying Jupiter's aspect relates to creatures living in deep waters, like giant fish, whale etc.
50. Aries (and its divisions) with the aspect of Mars portends births of goat, ram etc., while Taurus (and its divisions) with aspect from Venus denotes cow, bull, buffalo etc.
51. Thus have to be deduced the possibilities of births of the various creatures depending on the rising Sign with aspect of its own Lord and the divisions of the rising Sign.
52. If a Sign resorting to towns/villages (like Gemini) Ascendant with Navāńśa of Leo/Scorpio/Capricorn, such animals, though wild, as bred in villages, or townships (like elephant, bear etc.) will take their birth.
53. In the process, Navāńśas of land-resorting Signs will indicate births of animals moving on land and water-resorting Signs, animals/creatures dwelling in water.
54. If Libra be the Ascendant in aspect to Venus, a decanate of Libra denotes birth of parrots, flaming, partridge etc.
55. Peacock, cock/hen, francoline partridge, turtledove and birds living on (only) rain drops, are born, if Leo rises with Sun's aspect and with various own divisions.
56. If a Fixed Sign with aspect to Saturn obtaining various divisions of the same classifications rises, “births” of temples, houses, choultries etc. begin. The colour, structure etc. will have to be guessed with the help of aspecting planets, as explained earlier.
Thus ends the 55th Ch. entitled Manifold Births in Kalyana Varma's Saravali.