Ch. 52. Lost Horoscopy
1. THE NATAL AYANA. If the Ascendant at the time of query (related to tracing the lost birth data) be within the first 15 of a Sign, the birth was in Uttarayana and beyond these degrees Dakshinayana.
2-3. BIRTH RITU ETC. The strongest of the planets in the Prashna Lagna indicates the Ritu (season) at birth. Should there be none in the Ascendant, the Lord of the ascendental decanate is the ruler of Ritu at birth. Should there be a clash in the Ayana and Ritu arrived at, the Ritu Lords arrived should be interchanged thus: the Moon for Venus, Mercury for Mars and Jupiter for Saturn. The respective month of the Ritu is decided depending on the first, or second half of the decanate being Ascendant. The degrees elapsed in the decanate will be to the knowledge of the natal Tithi. Some say, that this will lead to locating the natal Sun.
4-9. OTHER NATAL FACTORS. The query Ascendant be multiplied by 2 and divided by 5 to get the natal Jupiter's placement. This should be adjusted to actual placement guessing the native's age approximately, by increasing, or decreasing multiples of 12. If the query Ascendant is in a day Sign, declare birth during night. Otherwise, the contrary prevails. The degree elapsed in the query Ascendant will lead to the knowledge of elapsed portion of night, or day, as the case may be. Out of the query Ascendant, the 5th and the 9th therefrom will indicate the natal Rāśi (Moon Sign), the strongest of the three prevailing. The parts of the body, viz. head etc. touched by the querist at the time of query will also indicate the Moon Sign at birth. Alternatively the distance between the query Ascendant and the query Moon may be added to the query Moon to get the position of the natal Moon. This does not apply to the Moon in Pisces at the time of query, (i. e. the natal Moon is in Pisces itself). The Navāńśa Lagna at the time of query may also be the natal Ascendant. The number of decanates between the query Ascendant and query Sun, when added to the query Sun, will yield the natal Ascendant. The longitude of the planet in the query Ascendant should be multiplied by the figure indicated by Chayangula (length of shadow) at that time. This should be divided by 12, the remainder of which will indicate natal Ascendant.
10-11. POSITION OF THE QUERIST. The following positions of the querist will indicate the natal Ascendant. Standing, lying on the bed, sitting, or getting up will, respectively, denote the first, 4th, 7th, or 10th from query Ascendant becoming natal Ascendant.
12. PERSONAL NAME. The name formally given by parents to the native will indicate the natal star. Multiply the Matras (units) of the given name by 2 and add to it the Chayangula length. Divide this by 27 and the remainder, when counted from Dhanishta will lead to the knowledge of birth star.
13-15. ANOTHER METHOD. Note the longitude of the query Ascendant. It should be multiplied by 10, if the Ascendant is Leo, or Taurus, by 8 in case of Gemini, or Scorpio by 7 in case, or Aries, or Libra, by 5 in case of Virgo and Capricorn, while for the rest of the Signs by the number denoted, when counted from Aries. (That is 4 for Cancer, 9 for Sagittarius, 11 for Aquarius and 12 for Pisces). If the Ascendant is occupied by Jupiter, the Ascendant converted into minutes of arc be multiplied by 10, if occupied by Mars by 8, if by Venus by 7 and, if by others by 5. Both the products so multiplied be added together. This product by multiplied again by 10 to know the year, Ritu and month; by 7 to know the Tithi and by 5 to arrive at Navāńśa Lagna and Ishta Ghati (birth time) and be, respectively, divided by their individual dividers (i.e. 120 for year, 2 for Ritu, 15 for Tithi and the like). Addition, or reduction of 9 may be made in case of anomalistic answers.
16. I have explained lost horoscopic rules, as expounded by Yavana, Bhadasana etc. But some of their rules are ambiguous. The student better understand using his judgement.
17-21. LOST HOROSCOPY BASED ON MOON. Just as the ascending degree helps trace back the lost details, the Moon Sign may also be used. If the Moon Sign at the time of query be a night Sign, natal Moon was in a day Sign and vice versa. Note in what quarter of the Sign is the Moon at the time of query. Proportionately understand the natal Moon during day, or night, as the case may be. Multiply the query Moon by the same Rāśi multiplication factor, as explained supra and, if necessary by planetary multipliers, as applicable. Multiply the resultant product (arrived by adding the two) by 7 and divide by 27. The remainder will represent the birth star counted from Aswini. In case of rectification by adding 9 the counting is from Moola and, if subtraction of 9 is done count from Makha. The pre-division product (i.e. the product before dividing by 27, as above) should be processed variously, as suggested earlier to know the Ritu, month, Tithi etc. at birth.
Thus ends the 52nd Ch. entitled “LOST HOROSCOPY” in Kalyana Varma's Saravali.