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Other Kinds of Yogas

1. If the lord of the 7th joins Lagna with its lord and is aspected by Sukra.
2. If the lord of 7th occupies the 7th and joins the lord of Lagna and is aspected by Guru and Chandra.
3. If the lord of 7th joins exaltation, and the lord of Lagna occupies Lagna.
4. If the lord of Lagna occupies deep exaltation and if the lord of 7th aspects 7th and benefics occupy Kendras.
5. If the lord of 7th joins exaltation, in his own houses, Moolatrikonas and auspicious Shadvargas.

In all these cases a combination arises called Saubhagya Yoga or a favourable, lucky and long marital happy state. Saubhagya and Nirbhagya are opposite terms used in the Sanskrit literature. The first means happy, fortunate and favourable conditions in life, good married career, children and delightful existence. Nirbhagya means, unlucky, poor, marriage miseries, unhealthy issues and sorrowful surroundings. These are peculiar to womankind.

12.0 Sahacharya Yogas

1. If the lord of 7th occupies 6th or if the lords of 6th and 7th are combined in 12 or if they are in one Navamsa or in one constellation.
2. If the lord of 7th joins Lagna, if the lord of 6th combines in 12 or 7, and have mutual aspects, or, are combined in one Navamsa.
3. If the lord of 7th is Chandra and joins the last Navamsa and is aspected by the lord of the 6th.
4. If the lord of 7th combines in 1, 4, 7, 10 or Kendras, and is found in the Navamsa of the lord of 6th with its lord, and has the aspects of the lord of the 12th.

In all these four combinations, a special yoga called the Sahacharya arises and the results are - the woman will be virtuous, modest, righteous in conduct, beloved by all people and commanding respect even from Gods. A modest and virtuous woman is a precious gem and one who marries such a woman or who is born to such a woman may reap the highest blessings. No gem can adorn a man or woman, more than their love, morality and chastity. The present combinations of planets are driving out such human beings, year after year into the background.

Material civilisation accounts much for this state. Earn money by any means is the motto.

12.1 Vydhavyayoga or Widowhood

For a respectable, loving, chaste and modest woman, nothing can be more dreadful than the loss of her lawful lord, and this is specially held in great fear among the higher caste Hindu women. For an adulterous, unsympathetic, immoral and quarrelsome girl, nothing can give her greater pleasure than the death of her husband at an early age. This event gives her greater liberty and licence for her immoral behaviour and independent conduct and she will be only too glad to do what she likes. Widowhood, therefore, is an event, which is looked at from various mentalities. I give here the most formidable combinations for the widowhood. We know there are some angelic and modest women who love their husbands more than a Deity and we also know there are some who treat their husbands with the greatest contempt. There are some dirty women, who conspire with their lovers, and poison and kill their husbands. There are some godly women, who cannot brook the idea of widowhood, and even kill themselves before their husbands. Human Psychology is a great puzzle.

1. If the lords of 7 and 8 join and occupy the 8th, aspected by evil planets, there will be widow hood.
2. If Rahu joins 7th, if the lord of 7th has con junction with Ravi and has the aspect of the lord of the 8th, widowhood will befall.
3. If the lord of 7 combines with Sani, is aspected by Kuja, Chandra and Rahu are in the 8th, there will be widowhood.
4. If Kuja is in 8th, in combination with the lord of 8th, and Lagna falls in an evil Navamsa, widowhood Will befall on her.
5. If Rahu combines with Sani and Kuja and joins 7th or 8th house, early widowhood is indicated.
6. If the lords of 7 and 8 join together and fall in the 12th, and the 7th has evil aspect there will be widowhood very early in life.
7. If the lord of 7th is unfavourable and Kuja and Sani are in the 7th or 8th, she becomes a widow very early in life.

In all such cases beneficial aspects relieve the rigours while malefics enhance the evil.

8. If the 7th is betwixt two or more evil planets, as also its lord, without beneficial aspects or conjunctions, widowhood is threatened.
9. If the lord of the Navamsa, bhava is in, or its lord is debilitated, eclipsed, in combustion or between evil planets and unfavourable Shadvargas, she will become a widow.
10. If a planet occupies a debilitated sign and it happens to be a cruel one, and if its lord is in an inauspicious position without beneficial aspects or conjunctions, the girl becomes a widow.

There are a variety of wonderful types of widows and a little explanation here will not fail to be interesting to our masculine and feminine readers. Strijataka or Female Horoscopy is an absorbingly interesting subject. Humanity cannot have existence and continuance, if males and females, as at present created, do not mix and reproduce their species. The productivity of mankind presents strange contrasts. Peace and prosperity lead to luxury and sexual excesses. The latter produce enervation. Enervation produces impotency and weak children. To remove these undesirables, famines, plagues, pestilences, wars and other forms of destructive agencies are let loose by Nature. Some marry for love, others for money, yet others for titles and estates.

From a girl who becomes a widow on the day of marriage or soon after that function to a woman, who lives a Sumangali life, all through her long life and becomes a widow for a few minutes or a few hours, the gulf is very wide and the states of life to which they will be subjected will be curious, romantic, interesting and instructive. A poor girl marries a poor man and he dies and she lives to a long term of widowhood. A girl marries on ordinary man, and lives with him for some years agreeably, then she becomes a widow and may have to live on reduced circumstances. A wicked girl marries an old but rich man and becomes a widow after the marriage. She leads quite a comfortable and jolly life with a large estate for her pleasurable expenses. A woman voluntarily becomes a widow by despatching her legal lord to an early grave. Some do not like scandals.

Others take delight only in the midst of scandals. Some remain maidens, though they are greatly dangerous to society. The proverb, old maids are most dangerous, is well founded on facts. Sexual passions are imperious sensations and they seek satisfaction under the most honourable as well as under the most dishonourable conditions. Some lay down their lives for the sake of chastity and honour, while others cut the throats of others for the sake of their bestial sexual gratifications. The History of Prostitution written by the American Company of medical men, from the earliest times, is a curious narration of how men and women have behaved and what disgraceful excesses they have committed in the name of love and sexual passions. Strict moral discipline and good early surroundings from the earliest times of children will have some good effect on their subsequent conduct. Platonic love is a mental hallucination that has no practical existence with many.