หน้า 9 จาก 12
SU. 1.-Aayuh pitrudinesabhyam. Longevity of a person has to be
determined with reference to Lagna and the 8th from it.
NOTES Pitru -1, Oina = 8 ; Pa 1, Ta means 6, 16 reversed will be = 61,
divided by 12 we have a reminder 1. Therefore the 1st house. Di = 8,
Na = 0, reversed we get 08, Therefore 8th house from Lagna is
signified. Jataka Chandrika, following Parasara, lays down 8th and 3rd
as houses of longevity.
SU. 2.-Prathamayonittarayorva deergham. . If the lords of the 1st and
8th are in movable or common signs or if one of them is in a movable
and the other in a common sign, there will be longevity.
SU. 3.-J Prathamadwiteeyayorantayorva madhyam. If the lords of the 1st
and 8th are found in Chara and Sthira Rasis-movable and fixed-or if
both of them are in double. bodied signs, there will be middle life.
SU. 4. --Madhyayoradyantayorva heenam. If the lords of the 1st and 8th
are found in fixed signs or one in Chara and other in Dwiswabhava,
there will be short life. In the second sutra the last portion repeats
the same idea.
SU. 5. - Evam mandachandrabhyam. The rules he has given in the first
four sutras must also be, applied to Chandra Lagna and the Lagna.
NOTES Manda =1, Ma 5, Da 8= 58, reversed we have 85 divided by 12, we
get 1 or first house. Therefore apply the above rules for Lagna and
Chandra. Here he drops the lord of the 8th.
SU. 6. -Pitruka latascha. Poorna Madhya Alpa 1Long 1Middle 1Short
1life 2life 3life 2Long 2Middle 2Short 3life 1life 2life 3Long 3Middle
3Short 2life 3life 1life Long, middle and short lives may also be
ascertained from Lagna and Hora Lagna. 1. Chara-Movable. 2. Sthira-
Fixed. 3. Dwiswabhava-Common or Double bodied sign. Long life is
ensured when the above-mentioned lords are. 1. In two movable signs.
2. In fixed and common signs. 3. In common and fixed signs. Middle
life When the two lords are in 1. Movable and fixed signs. 2. Fixed
and movable signs. 3. Common and common signs. Short life 1. Movable
and common. 2. Fixed and fixed. 3. Common and movable: This table
enables the reader to readily ascertain from the lords of Lagna,
Chandra and Hora Lagna and the lord of the 8th, the term of life of a
SU. 7.--Sam vadatpramanyam. Whichever longevity is determined by the
greater number of combinations of planets, that term of life should be
predicted and it will happen certainly. . .
NOTES This system of calculation and comparison is called samvada.
Three systems have been given, viz,. 1. From the position of the lords
of Lagna and the 8th .,: in the movable, fixed and common signs. 2.
From the position of the lords of Lagna and Chandra Lagna in the above
Rasis. 3. From the position of the Lagna and Hora Lagna in the above
signs. I have already explained what is meant by Hora Lagna. If the
terms of life given by any of these two are opposed to or vary from
the term of life indicated by one system, then the former will
prevail. 1f the calculations from these three systems agree, then
certainty the person will have that term which they show. .
SU. 8. - yisamvade piitrukalataha. If three terms of life are
indicated by the three systems, then the terms obtained by the Lagna
and Hora Lagna should be preferred and accepted.
NOTES If by one system we get tong life, by another system middle life
and by the third short Iife, accept that term which you get- by the
Lagna and Hora Lagna and reject - the other terms obtained by other
SU. 9.-Pitrulabhage chandre chandramandabhyam. If Chandra is in the
7th from Janma Lagna then the longevity obtained. from the lord of
these two must be taken as the definite term of a man's life. Alpayu
or short life extends from birth to 32 years. Madhyayu or middle life
extends from 33 to 66 years. Paramayu or long life extends from 67 to
100 years. Each Rasi has 30 Bhagas or 30 degrees and the positions of
planets and houses will have to be taken with reference to degrees and
minutes they occupy. If the lords of Lagna and 8th are in the first 10
degrees of the Rasis indicating long life, the person will have the
full benefit of purnayu. If they are in the end of those Rasis, death
must be predicted at the commencement of longevity.If they are in the
middle, then the extent of the term in longevity must be found out by
the rule of three. '
The rule of three should be thus applied. For each degree of the Rasi
we get 1 year and 36 days as per explanations of the old commentators.
If purnayu counts 34 years from 66th year to one hundred, then this
has to be divided by 30 degrees composing a Rasi. We get 1 year and 48
days and not 36: as explained by them. A purnayu man under that
technical term may die from his 67th year's age to his 100th year.
Find out the degrees passed by the lords of Lagna- and 8th in the
respective houses they are and then by rule of three find out how many
degrees and minutes and seconds they have passed in those Rasis and
ascertain how many years they give. Add this to 66 and the years so
obtained will be the term of life, the person will have in the
longevity period. Say they are in 16 degrees 20 minutes and 50
What would be the term of life ? We have taken this in the purnayu. If
each degree gets 1 year and 48 days, what will be the number of years,
months and days for 16 degrees, 20 minutes and 5C1 seconds ? This is
simply a question of the rule of three. We get 18 years, 6 months, 9
days and 40 ghatis. This added to 66, the term of middle life, we get
84-6-9-40. The longevity of the person will be 84 years, 6 months. 9
days and 40 ghatis and his death must be predicted after this age.
Similarly the age must also be ascertained by Hora as well as by
Chandra Lagna. If there are differences, take the majority and decide.
In the second and third divisions of Madhya and Alpayus or middle or
short lives the same procedure has to be followed. This gives a clue
to predict the correct time of death.
The author in these sutras has not spoken anything about the
Balarishta, Madhyarishta and Yogarishta. A very large number of
infants die before they are eight years of age and this is described
as death from Balarishta. Then Madhyarishta extends from 8 to 20
years, and we have a large number of deaths. Then we have the
Yogarishta extending from 20 to 32. Probably Jaimini includes all
these three different periods in the Alpayuryoga which extends upto 32
years (see my NOTES in Brihat Jataka and Sarvanhachintamani on these
various terms of life). Unless we have a full knowledge of Balarishta
the calculation of Jaimini will not be found useful or accurate. An
infant dies in the womb, a few minutes after birth or months-how can
these Yogas apply to them ? See Pindotpatti or foetal development
given by me in Brihat Jataka.
SU. 10. -Sanow yoga.hetou kakshyahrasaha. If in the above combinations
Sani causes the Purnayuryoga, then place it as Madhyayuryoga. If he
causes Madhyayuryoga, then put it in Alpa and if he causes Alpa, then
consider it as still less and predict very early death.
SU. 11.- y Jcpureetamityanye. Some others are of opinion that when the
longevity is caused by Sani there; should be no Kakshya Hrasa or
deduction or degradation. They mean that the term indicated by Sani
should hold good.
SU. 12.--Na. swarkshathungage saure. If Sani causing longevity
occupies his own or exalted house, Kakshya Hrasa-or reduction should
not be applied. .
SU. 13.-Kevalpapadrigyogini cha. If Sani, causing longevity, has many
evil aspects and conjunction, then, Kakshya. Hrasa should not be
predicted. .
SU. 14.-Pitrulabhage gurow kevala shubhadrigyogini cha
kakshyavriddhihi. If Guru occupies the Lagna or the 7th has no evil
conjunctions or aspects, but beneficial aspects and conjunctions, he
will cause increase or Kakshyavriddhi.
NOTES This means, if short life is revealed by the planetary
conjunctions, he will push it into middle life, if middle life is
denoted by the planetary positions, he will cause long life, if long
life is indicated, then he will grant the person life term beyond a
hundred years. .
SU. 15. Maline dwarabahye na vamse n idhanam dwaradwaresayoscha
malinye, : If Dwarabahya Rasis are malefic signs or if malefics occupy
these Dwarabahya Rasis, or if the lord of Dwarabahya Rasi is a
malefic, death will happen in the Navamsa Dasas of such Dwarabahya
NOTES Dwara Rasi is the sign which commences the period for a man.
This will be some sign from the Lagna. Like the Pada Lagna, that sign
from it which bears the same number from Dwara Rasi will be called
Dwarabahya Rasi.- Suppose the 4th from Lagna is the Dwara- Rasi; which
commences the Dasa, the 4th from it or the 7th forms the Dwarabahya
Rasi. In the Jaiminisutras later on will be explained the Rasi Dasas
or periods and sub-periods and when a man would be killed. This method
of attributing Dasas and Bhuktis to Zodiacal signs is not even hinted
at in other books. There the Dasas and Bhuktis are attributed to
planets and constellations. In the Amsayurdaya of Satyacharya, Lagna
in any sign contributes its own term of life. These Dwarabahya Rasis
are also called Pakabhoga Rasis. Paka means Dasa. 1f these two
Dwarabahya Rasis are evil signs, death will result in the period of an
evil Navamsa in them. If the lords of these two Rasis have evil
aspects or conjunctions, death must be predicted in the period of the
evil Navamsa. Death always happens under the greatest malefic planet
and malefic Rasi.
*The sutra is very tough and even the commentators have not come to
our rescue. It has reference to Maraka or death and has been dealt
with by me in my Studies in Jaimini Astrology. The Rasi in which Dasa
begins at birth is Dwara Rasi. Suppose the Lagna is Meena and tha
Dwara Rasi is the 5th from it, viz. Kataka. Than the 6th from Kataka,
viz. Vrischika will be called Bahya (Dwarabahya) Rasi. Dwara Rasi is
also called Paka Rasi while Bahya Rasi is also known as Bohga Rasi.
SU. 16. -Shubhadrigyoganna. If to the Dwarabahya Rasis, and the Rasi
occupied by Dwarabahya there are beneficial aspects and conjunctions;
there will be no death in the Navamsa periods of those Rasis.
SU. 17.--Rogese- tunge navamsavriddhihi. If the lord of the 8th from
Lagna joins exaltation, there will be increase of life in the Dasa of
the Navamsa thus averting the death indicated in the above
SU. 18.-Tatrapi padesadasante padanavamsadasayam pitrudinesatrikone
va. . If there is an increase of; life as per Sutra 17, then death
will happen in Navamsa Dasa of the Rasi occupied by
Arudhalagnadhipathi; in the Dasas of Rasis which are in trikona to
lords of Lagna and 8th ; in the Navamsa Dasa of the Rasi containing
Arudha Lagna.
NOTES Pitru 1, Pa stands for 1, Ta denotes 16, reversed it is 61,
divided by 12, we have 1 remainder, and it means Lagna. Oina 8, Da
stands for 8 and Na 0 = 80, reversed it means 08, or the 8th house. If
in the Vriddhi paksha named in Sutra 17, the death does not happen
then, when can the person expect death. Jaimini here gives the periods
when death may be expected. The Arudhadhipathi or the lord of Pada
Lagna occupies some Rasi. Death may be predicted in the Navamsa Rasi
Dasa. Death may also happen in the Dasas of the Trikonas from Lagna
and the 8th or in the Navamsa Dasa of the Arudha Rasi from Lagna. He
has given here three sets of combinations. 1. Death may occur in the
Dasas of Trikonas from Lagna and the 8th. 2. Death may occur in the
Navamsa Dasa of the Arudha Rasi. ' 3. It may happen in the Navamsa
Dasa from the Rasi occupied by the lord of Arudha Lagna.
SU. 19.-Pitrulobharogesapranini kantcrkadisthe swatoschaivam thridha.
If the lord of the 8th from Lagna and the lord of the 8th from the
7th, .from Lagna are powerful and occupy Kendras, Panaparas and
Apoklimas, then they cause long, middle and short lives respectively.
NOTES The lord of the 8th from Lagna and the Lord of the 8th from the
7th from Lagna must 6e powerful. If they occupy Kendras, they give
long life. If they occupy Panaparas, .they produce middle life. If
they occupy Apoklimas, they produce short life. Kendras are 1, 4, 7
and 10 from Lagna. Panaparas are 2, 5, 8 and 11 from Lagna. Apoklimas
3, 6, 9 and 12 from Lagna. ,
SU. 20.--Yogatsame swasmin vipareetam. If Atmakaraka joins the 7th
from - the 7th (Lagna), the meaning conveyed in Sutra 19 will have to
be differently interpreted.
NOTES In this sutra he is going to show some special results. These
are called Viparitas or perverts in meaning. The 7th from the 7th will
be Lagna itself. If by Sutra 19 longevity is indicated, then call it
middle life, if they indicate middle, call it short life, if short
life is shown say there will be a very little term of life. If it is
long, say it will be short, if it is short, say long, if it is middle,
then call it middle. Commentators give some more hints. If the lord of
the 8th from Lagna is in exaltation, then he will give one-half more
than what could be expected from him. If he occupies a debilitated
Rasi, then he will cut off one half of what he would have given under
normal conditions. Similarly when there are exalted and debilitated
planets in the 8th we have to draw inferences and add or take away
from the terms of life indicated 6y them.
SU. 21.--Rasitaha pranaha. The strength of the Rasis must be properly
NOTES Jaimini gives particular strength to Rasis, other Shastras also
attach importance to Rasis. He details Karakayogas shortly. He says
that much strength need not be attached to Amsa.
SU. 22.-*Rogesayoh swata aikye yoge va madhyam. If the 8th houses
from' Lagna and the 7th are joined by their.: Karakas or if they
happen to be themselves Karakas, if the lords of the 8th house from
Lagna and the 7th are occupying Kendras, Panaparas or Apoklimas, then
the terms of life ascertained from the combinations shown in Sutra 19
will have to be reduced.
* I have not meddled 'with the ' English rendering of this sutra by
Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao. I understand it thus: "If the lord of tha
8th from Lagna or the 8th from the 7th is himself Atmakaraka; or are
in conjunction with Atmakaraka, the terms of life mentioned in sutra
19 are to be reduced." The rest is clear from Prof. Rao’s NOTES.
NOTES If the life indicated is long, then convert it into middle, if
it is middle, then reduce it to short. and if it is short, then fix
death very early. This kind of increase or decrease depends on the
particular positions of planets and the Rasis they occupy and these
matters should be particularly and carefully studied and the positions
of the planets should be properly understood.
SU. 23.-Pitrulabhayoh papamadhyatwe kone papayoge.va
k,aksh..yahrasaha. If Lagna and 7th from it lie between evil planets,
or if evil planets are in the Trikonas from Lagna arid Saptama,
Kakshyahrasa or deductions and additions must be made for terms of
life which are obtained by planetary positions.
SU. 24. -Swasminnapyevam. If the Karaka is between the evil planets or
evil planets conjoin the Trikonas from him, Kakshyahrasa should be
SU. 25.-~rhasminpope neeche-atunge-ashubhasamyukte chn. If the Karaka
joins Neecha or does not join the exaltation or if he is not in
conjunction with benefics, Kakshyahrasa should be made.
NOTES A house or planet is said to be between malefics when the 2nd
and 12th from it are occupied by evil planets. When two evil planets
are on both sides of a Lagna or a planet, it forms Kartariyoga and
acts prejudicially to the Bhava indicated by the Rasi or the planet.
SU. 26. - Anyadanya tha. If Lagna and Saptama (7th) or if Karaka and
the 7th from him are between beneficial planets or if the Trikonas
from Janma and Karaka Lagnas are occupied by benefics, if the Karaka
happens to be a benefic, if he is in exaltation and not in
debilitation or has beneficial conjunction, there should be no
Kakshyahrasa made.
SU. 27. -Gurou cha. If Guru happens to be Karaka and has evil planets
in 2nd, 12th, 6th and 8th and in the houses forming Trikonas from him
or has evil planets with him or he is not in exaltation or joins
Neecha Rasi, Kakshyahrasa should be made. And in cases where these
combinations are reversed increase must be predicted.
SU. 28.--Purnendusukrayorekarasivriddhihi. If Purna Chandra and Sukra
become Karakas and occupy the positions named in the above sutras,
they will give an increase of one Rasi Dasa. .
NOTES A certain Rasi Dasa becomes death inflicting but when such a
combination is present, this Dasa will pass off and the next Dasa will
cause death. This means they will increase the longevity of the
SU. 29.-Sanau vipareetham. If Sani becomes Karaka and is found in the
places named in the previous sutras, he causes Kakshyahrasa in the
earlier Dasa than tha maraka.
NOTES This means he will cut short the life by one Dasa and therefore
earlier than the allotted time; when Chandra, Sukra and Sani become
powerful in these directions, we need not take other planets into
consideration and there will be no decreases.
SU. 30. - Sthiradasayam yathakhandam nidha nam. Three sections for
Ayurbhava or longevity have been explained, viz., long, middle and
short lives: In the Sthira Dasa suppose the term of - life is settled
as middle. If a death-inflicting planet or Dasa comes in the period.
of Alpayu, the person will not die, but will suffer sickness and
misery at the time.
NOTES For death he must wait for the middle term and the maraka there.
Sthira Dasas seem to -prolong life to a certain extent.
SU.. 31.-Tatrarkshaviseshaha: . In the matter of death, note the
peculiarity of the Rasi. That is death will happen in the Dasa of the
Marana Karaka Rasi. -
NOTES Divide the 12 signs into 3 Khandas or sections and predict the
death for short life in the first Khanda, for middle life in the
second Khanda, and for long life in the third Khanda in that Rasi Dasa
which is cruel or which possesses the power to inflict death. Suppose
a man gets Alpayu or short life as the result of the planetary and
sign peculiarities foreshadowed in the previous sutra on longevity;
then his death must be and will be caused by the most cruel in the
first Khanda, or the first four signs. Middle life wilt have death in
next four signs and the long life will have an end in the most cruel
of the last four Rasi Dasas.
SU. 32.-, Papamadhye papakone ripturogayoh pape va. . . If the Dasa is
between malefics or has evil planets in its Trikonas, or has evil
planets in 12 and 8, such a Dasa will cause death to the person.
SU. 33. -Tadeesayoho kevalaksheenendusukradrishtow va. If the lords of
the 12th and 8th are aspected by Ksheenachandra and Sukra, the Dasa of
the 12th or 8th will inflict death.
NOTES Ksheenachandra is powerless or New-Moon Sukra must also be weak
-- or powerless. Here Jaimini seems to hint that those lords should
have no other planetary aspects to kill the person. When a combination
is given, there should be no disturbing agencies to produce the
result. *
* This is a rather tough stanza and Professor Rao's notes are not
clear. Of the several Rasi Dasas which are capable of causing maraka,
death is likely to occur (1) In the first Rasi Dasa (2) Find tha lord
of the 6th from the Rasi whose Dasa is the first. See what Navamsa
this lord aspects. Death will take place in the sub-period of that
Navamsa Rasi. Suppose Dhanus Is the first Rasi Dasa. Death will happen
either in this or the 6th from Dhanus. viz.. Taurus and the lord of
Taurus is Venus. Suppose he aspects Kanya in Navamsa. The death will
happen in the sub-period of this Kanya Navamsa Rasi.
SU. 34.-Tatrapyadyarksharinathadrisyannvabhagadva. Of the Rasi Dasas
which have the power to cause death, death is likely to happen in the
first Rasi Dasa and the sub-period of Rasi of the Navamsa Rasi which
is aspected by the planet who is lord of the 6th from the Rasi whose
Dasa is the first.
NOTES As per principles explained in the previous sutras the author
determines the period of death. The First Rasi which commences the
Dasa and the Dasa which its 6th sign furnishes, find out their lord
and see what Navamsas they aspect, death will happen in the sub-period
of that Navamsa Rasi which they aspect. These are referred to in the
Navamsa Kundali or Diagram.
SU. 35.-Pitrulabhabhavesapranee rudraha. Whoever is stronger among the
lords of the 8th from Lagna he gets the name. of Rudra.
NOTES The symbol of Rudra will be given to the lords of the Rasis
which are stronger in the 8th houses from Lagna and Saptama or 7th.
SU. 36.-, Apranyapi papadrishtaha. If the weaker among the lords of
the two houses, 8th from Lagna and 7th, is aspected by malefics, he
will also get the name of Rudra.
NOTES Thus sometimes there may be two Rudras instead of one.
SU. 37.-Pranini subhadrishte rudrasulanthamvyuhu. If the powerful
Rudra is aspected by benefics, death may be predicted in the Rudra
Rasi, or in the periods of its Trikona Rasis 1, 5 and 9.
NOTES First classify and find out under what heading the term of life
falls and then predict death at the end of the Dasa which is cruel. .
SU. 38. -Tatrapi subhayogay. Even, if the weaker of. the planets, when
he has evil aspects get the name of Rudra, has beneficial conjunctions
or aspects he will extend the length of life, to the Rudra Rasi Dasa
or the Dasas 5th and 9th from it.
NOTES Trikona Dasas are what are technically called Shoola Dasas.
Trikonas are 1, 5 and 9.
SU. 39. - yyarkapapayoge na. The above results should not be predicted
if other planets than the Sun, should be in the 5th and 9th from the
two Rudras.
NOTES If Ravi is there, he will not obstruct the results above
mentioned. In some Yogas the presence of the Sun does not count. In
Sunapha, Anapha, Dhurdhura and Kemadruma, the presence of the Sun is
not taken into account.
SU. 40.-Mandarendudrishtesubhayogabhave papayogepi va shubhadrishtow
va parataha. If the two Rudras become evil, death will come in the
first Shoola Dasa; if one of them becomes evil, death will happen in
the second Shoola Dasa; and if both of them are favourable, death will
come in the last of the 3rd Shoola Dasa.
NOTES This means that if both Rudras are bad, early death, if one of
them is bad. longer life and if both of them are good, the longest
term of life will be enjoyed in the periods to be determined by the
principles already explained. Sutras are unpardonably short, sweet,
suggestive and comprehend a great deal which the readers are expected
to know, analyse and remember. These general sources of knowledge and
the constructive capacity of the language enabled those intellectual
giants of India, viz., the great Maharishis to frame rules and Sastras
and Sutras with great ease and facility and bequeath to the later
generations mines of intellectual treasures, whose depths have not yet
been completely explored or examined by the greatest cultured brains
of the present day.
It is not possible for the greatest scholars in Sanskrit to frame a
single Sutra, which can compare favourably with the Sutras of the
ancient Maharishis. They had the Tapobala to their credit, led the
most simple lives, developed the brain power to the greatest
conceivable extent and set examples of devotion and contemplation on
sublime subjects, which gave them vast mental resources, and made them
write works, which are the admiration of the most profound scholars of
the present age. This sutra requires lengthy explanation and I shall
make no apology to do so for the benefit of my readers. The
commentators have called the following from ancient writers. Jaimini's
views and explanations sometimes differ considerably from Varahamihira
and others. Ravi, Kuja, Sani and Rahu are classified as evil planets,
one stronger than the other.
Rahu is the most powerful malefic, next to Sani, next to Kuja and then
to Ravi ; Guru, .Ketu, Sukra and Budha are benefics, one stronger than
the other. Guru is the most beneficial, next comes Ketu, next Sukra
and Budha comes last. If Chandra has the conjunction of Kuja, he is
classified as evil, otherwise he is good. If Ravi and other evil
planets occupy evil signs, they become more and more evil. If they
occupy beneficial signs, they become good. If Guru and other benefics
occupy beneficial signs, they become very favourable. If they occupy
evil signs, they become bad., Budha becomes a benefic if he is in
exaltation or is in an independent sign. Guru and Sukra in the house
of Budha, viz., Kanya and Mithuna become very beneficial so also in
other beneficial signs.
SU. 41. -Rtudrasrayepi prayena. Death may happen sometimes in the Rasi
Dasa occupied by Rudra.
NOTES The word prayena means death may happen in them, earlier or the
later Dasa from the Rudra Dasa.
SU. 42.-Kriye pitari viseshena. If the Lagna falls in Kriya or Mesha,
death often takes place in the Rudra Dasa.
NOTES Pitari means Lagna. Pa 1 Ta 6=61, divided by 12 the balance is
1, hence Janma Lagna.
SU. 43.-Pratjhamamadhyamottanteshu va tattadayusham. To persons having
short, middle and long lives, death happens in the first, second and
third Shoola Rasi Dasas.
NOTES The sub-period, when the death happens, will be the Antardasa of
a cruel Rasi Dasa in their respective periods or sections. I have
already shown in the previous chapter how the rule of three should be
applied to get the correct date of death.
SU. 44.-Swabhaveso maheswvaraha. The lord of 8th house from Atmakaraka
goes under the name of Maheswara.
NOTES Atmakaraka has great significance in Jaimini Sutras.
SU. 45.--Swochhe swabhe ripubhavesapranee. If the lord of the 8th from
Atmakaraka is exalted or is in his own house, then the stronger of the
two, viz., the lords of the 8th. and 12th from the Karaka will also go
under the name of Maheswara.
NOTES If both of them are equally strong, then both become Maheswaras.
SU. 46.- Patabhyam yoge swasya tayor va roge tataha. If Atmakaraka has
conjunction with Rahu or Ketu, or if the 8th from Atmakaraka has
conjunction with Rahu or Ketu, then the 6th planet counting regularly
from the Sun will become Maheswara.
NOTES Thus we have 3 Maheswaras. Counting the 6th from the Sun will be
the Sun; Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and the 6th will be Venus or
Sukra. On the above combination Sukra becomes Maheswara. Of the three
varieties of Maheswaras, he alone becomes Maheswara who is the
strongest among these three. Rog in this Sutra means 8, Patabhya has
been rendered as Rahu and Ketu. I cannot understand how this has been
interpreted as Rahu and Ketu by the commentators - Pata 1, Bha 2.
Probably after the 7th planets, Bhya - Bhya the 1st is Rahu and the
second is Ketu. Patha may specially mean Rahu and Ketu.
SU. 47.-Prabhubhavavaireesapranee pitrulabhapranyanucltaro.
vishamastha brahma. Find out which is the stronger of the two Rasis
Lagna and Saptama or 7th. Then find out which of the lords of the 6th,
8th and 12th from it is stronger, and if he occupies an odd sign in
the Parswa Rasis from the stronger of Lagna or Saptama, (7th), he will
be named as the Brahma planet.
NOTES He is going to explain in this sutra the planet who goes under
the peculiar signification of Brahma. The Parswa Rasis or side signs
are the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th from Lagna. The 6 signs
from Lagna. viz., 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th are denominated as
Parswa Rasis to the saptama parswas. Odd and even signs are well known
and have been explained in the earlier NOTES. This is rather a
difficult sutra and must be carefully studied and understood. One of
the two signs Lagna and; Saptama will be stronger. Take the lords of
the three houses, 6th, 8th and 12th from the stronger of these two
signs Lagna and 7th. Find out who is strongest of these three lords.
If he is in an odd sign from the Parswa Rasis to the stronger Rasi in
Lagna or Saptama, he becomes the planet called Brahma. To my humble
mind ' the procedure seems to be very complicated. Jaimini is a
Maharishi and he knows best. He has made these sutras as short and as
sweet as possible and our intellects are not competent even to
understand them. Where is then the justification to find fault with
their composition or the interpretations put upon them by the ablest
commentators ? Learned commentators are a great boon to mankind.
Without them many valuable works would have remained sealed letters.
SU. 48.-Brahmani sanaupatayorva tataha. If Sani, Rahu or Ketu becomes
Brahma, the 6th planet from him will be designated as Brahma in which
case the other three will not have the Brahma power.
NOTES The 6th planet must mean planet taken 6th in the regular order,
Ravi; Chandra, Kuja, Budha,, Guru, Sukra. Suppose, Ketu becomes
Brahma, the 6th from him would be Guru. Similarly for other planets.
Thatha - 6 Tha 6, Tha 6 - 66, divided by 12 we get the remainder 6 and
hence the 6th house from the planet is meant. .
SU. 49. -Bahurnam yoge swajateeyaha. If many get the powers of Brahma
(say three or four planets at a time), then that planet becomes Brahma
who is next in degree to Atmakaraka.
NOTES The next in degrees to Atmakaraka will become Amatyakaraka.
Therefore in such cases Amatyakaraka becomes Brahma.
SU. 50.~ Rahuyoge vipareetam. When Rahu also gets Brahmatwa, then the
conditions will be reversed.
NOTES This means that planet becomes Brahma who gets the lowest number
of degrees among the Brahmas. This is perfectly intelligible. Suppose
Guru gets 29 degrees in Mesha, then as per Jaimini rule he becomes
Atmakaraka. These planets move forwards. But suppose in that
horoscope, Rahu has only 20 minutes to pass in Mesha instead of Guru
Rahu becomes the Atmakaraka. He has the backward movement, and
therefore has the largest number of degrees to his credit in the
inverse order-- While Guru has 29 degrees in the forward movement,
Rahu has 29 degrees and 40 minutes in his backward motion. Therefore
Rahu has a longer number of degrees.
SU. 51.-Brahma swabhaveso bftavastlzaha. The lord of the 8th from
Atmakaraka as also the planet who occupies that house becomes Brahma.
NOTES Thus may Brahmas have been enumerated and the reader must
carefully study these rules. Bhava 8, Bha 4, Va 4--44, divided by 12,
the remainder is 8.
SU. 52.- yivade balee. Between the, two planets the lord of the 8th
from Atmakaraka and the planet who joins the 8th, the stronger of the
two becomes Brahma.
NOTES When there are many Brahmas, the strongest of the lot will be
the Brahma. The results flowing from the Brahma and Maheswara planets
will be explained hereafter. Students must be very careful.
SU. 53.- Brahmano yavanJnaheswararkshadasantamayuhu. The longevity
extends through the Rasis commencing from Brahma and counting up to
the Rasi containing Maheswara .
NOTES Jaimini has explained how to fix the planets,- Rudra, Maheswara
and Brahma.
SU. 54.-Tatrapi maheswarabhavesatrikonabde. The period of death must
be determined thus, Maheswara will be in a sign. Take the Dasa of this
Rasi, take the lord of 8th house from Maheswara. Take the Trikonas
from him, viz., 1, 5 and 9. Predict death in the Antardasa of any one
of these Dasas which is strong enough to inflict death.
SU. 55.--Swakarmachittaripuroganathapranee marakha. The strongest
among the lords of 3, 6,12 and 8 from the Atmakaraka will inflict
NOTES First settle about the terms of life, short; middle and long. If
all the four lords mentioned above are of equal strength, predict
death in such period by the evil Dasa, which intervenes at that time.
The lords of 6 and 8 are powerful marakas, of these two, lord of the
6th is more powerful in causing death. Death will happen when the
Dasas of 6 or 8 come. Death will occur in the sub--periods of the
lords of Trikonas from 8th and 6th houses, of these Trikona periods
from the 6th are more powerful. If the lord of the 6th is powerful,
then the Dasas of Trikona Rasis from him would inflict death.
SU. 56. - Thadrukshadasayam nidhanam. Death will happen in the Rasi
Dasa occupied by the maraka planet or in the Dasa of the Rasi of which
he is the lord.
SU. 57. Tatrapi kaladripurogachittnnathapahare. Take Atmakaraka. Find
out the 7th from him. Take Ripu, Roga, Chitta or 12, 8 and 6th from
it. The lords of these occupy some houses. Death may happen in the
Dasas of such signs or the Dasas of the houses owned by these lords.
NOTES After having ascertained such Marakagraha Rasis, he directs his
readers to find out the special sub-periods which would cause death.
Dasas of houses have to be counted from Chara, Shtira and Dwiswabhava
in the particular order named under that section. Some Rasi Dasa
becomes maraka. If there are many Rasis which get the maraka power,
find out the strongest among them and attribute death to it. Suppose
there is a sign without a planet, with a planet who is its lord and a
house with benefics. The last will be the most powerful among the
houses named above. The first without a planet will be the weakest.
The potentialities of planets and the houses have been very
elaborately explained in the earlier Sutras. These principles may also
be learnt from the general study of Astrology. Take Mesha without any
planet, with Sani, with Ravi, with Chandra with Guru, with Sukra and
with Kuja, Rahu or Ketu. Its potentialities vary with the presence or
absence of these planets and other aspects and conjunctions it has.
End of First Pada of Second Adhyaya