Chapter 5
Misraka Adhyaya
37. During the Maha Dasha of malefic planets the results are invariably unfavourable in the Antar of unrelated benefics; these results are mixed (both good and bad) in the Antar of related benefics and these results are specially bad in the Antar of unrelated Yoga Karakas.
38. If the Dasha Nath are malefics then the Antar of their unrelated benefics always gives evil effects; the Antar of their related benefics gives mixed effects and that of their unrelated Yoga Karakas gives very bad effects.
39. Death inflicting planet does not become a killer during his main ruling period and the sub-period of related benefics. Rather, he becomes a Maraka during the period of unrelated malefics.
40. During the sub-period of Saturn in the main ruling period of Venus, Saturn enhances the result of Venus, so is the case during the sub-period of Venus in the main ruling period of Saturn. In other words the sub-period Lord enacts like the main ruling period Lord.
41. If the lord of the Ascendant and that of the 10th mutually exchange places, i.e., the Lord of the Ascendant is posited in the 10th and that of the 10th in the Ascendant then they form a Raja Yoga. They signify position, power and reputation.
42. In the same way if the Lord of the 9th and that of the 10th mutually exchange places, i.e., they are posited in each others house, they then form a Raja Yoga and such a native is blessed with name, fame and power.
This brings to the end of Misraka Adhyaya