Chapter 4
Dasha Phala Adhyaya
29. All the planets do not give good or bad results according to their Atmabhavanurupa during their own Antar in their own Dasha.
30. Dasha Nath (Lord of the Dasha) gives his own Dashaphal (effects of his Dasha) in the Antar of those planets who are (Sambandha Karta) related to him or are of like nature (the 9th) and give similarphal as that of the Dasha Nath.
31. Those Planets who give results contrary to the Atamasvabhava of the Dasha Nath the effects in their Antar are by adjustment between the two (Lords of the ruling period and those of the sub-period). (An admixture of good and bad effects is seen in the Antar of the Lord of Trishdai during the main ruling period of the Dasha Natu if they are unrelated).
32. The Lord of the angle in his Dasha and the Antar of the Lord of Trine gives good effects if there is mutual relationship between them.
The lord of the Trine in his Dasha and the Antar of the Lord of Trine give good effects if there is mutual relationship between them.
They both give evil effects when there is no mutual relationship between the two.
32. Therefore, in the Dasha of Evil Lord of the Angle and the Antar of the Lord of Trine (if not evil) good results are expected. The word ‘Papakrit’ evil is applicable to the Lords of Angles only in this Shloka.
33. If a Raja Yoga is operative in the Sub-period of a Yogakaraka but Maraka planet, it improves the effect of such a Yoga. In the same way the sub-period of a malefic promotes the results.
34. Also in the ruling period of the Yoga-Karaka planet gives good results in his sub-period of benefic planets who may not be related, he gives immediate effects depending upon his strength.
35. In some cases the Yoga Karaka planet gives good results in his sub-period during the main ruling period of a benefic related to him.
36. Rahu-Ketu, if posited in a Trine or Angle and are not related to any other planet, give good results during their main ruling period and in the sub-period of a Yoga Karaka.
This brings to the end of Dasha Phala-Adhyaya