Chapter 13
Determination of Longevity
1. The first thing to be considered after the birth of the child is the examination of his longevity. The other effects should be judged later. If the nativity indicates some merits like Raja Yoga etc., their effects should be assessed in consultation with those who are proficient in the knowledge of Astrology.
2. There is difference of opinion about the actual time of birth of the child. The various views are —
(1) The time of birth is that when the head (of the infant) emerges.
(2) The time of birth is that when the body of the infant emerges and touches the ground.
(3) The time of birth is that when the body of the infant is completed, separated from the mother's womb.
3. In the case of human beings, it is not possible to determine the longevity of a child within the first twelve years. Even if the nativity shows good longevity, the child meets his death owing to the sinful actions of the parents (during this or previous births).
4. If the child dies within the first four year it will be due to the mother's sins. Death taking place between four to eight year will be due to the sins of the father. If the death takes place between eight and twelve years, it will be due to the native's own sinful actions in the previous births.
5. With a view to escape from the evil effects described above the father should resort to remedial measures mentioned below to promote the longevity of the child and for his protection. The father should arrange for the performance of religious rites preceded by the incantations of mantras and offerings of oblations by the pouring of ghee etc., in the holy fire on every, birth day of the child (according to lunar month) till the 12th year. This should be suppplemented by appropriate medical treatment where necessary.
6. The first eight year's period of a man's life is treated as Balarishta. Thus that afflict him till the 20th year are said to be due to Yogarishta (evils produced by planetary dispositions). When the longevity extends to 32, it is called alpayus or short life. It is called Madhyamayus or middle age when the span of life extends to 70 years. It is Poornayus when the period of life extends to 100 years.
7. A hundred years is generally recognised as the span of life for human beings. The division of this period Into three portions constitutes respectively the Alpayu, Madhyamayu and Poornayu and this is recognised universally.
8. If the birth occurs in the evil yogas - Dinamrityu, Dinaroga or Vishaghatikala, the child will die immediately after birth.
Notes— Described below are the Dinamrityu, Dinaroga and Vishagatikala Yogas.
Dina mrityu— There is this yoga when the birth is during the day in the first quarter of Dhanishta and hasta, in the 2nd quarter of Uttarabhadra and Ashlesha, and the fourth quarter of Bharani and Moola. These yogas do not cause any evil effect if the birth is during the night.
Dinaroga — There is this yoga when the birth occurs during the day in the first quarter of Ashlesha and Uttarabhadra, in the second quarter of Bharani and Moola, in the third quarter of Uttaraphalguni and Sravana and in the fourth quarter of Swati and Mrigashira. These yogas will cause no evil effects if the birth occurs during the night.
Vishagatikala — Every nakshatra has ghatikas of Vishagatikala as under —
Aswin 50-54, Bharani 24-28, Krittika 30-34, Rohini 40-44, Mrigashira 14-18, Aridra 21-25, Punarvasu 30-34, Pushyami 20-24, Ashlesha 32-36, Makha 30-34, Poorvaphalguni 20-24, Uttaraphalguni 18-22, Hasta 21-25, Chlttra 20-24, Swati 14-18, Visakha 14-18., Anuradha 10-14, Jyestha 14-18, Mcx)la 56-60, Poorvashada 24-281 Uttarashada 20-24, Saravana 10-14, Dhanista 10-14, Shatabhlsha 18-22, Poorvabhadra 16-20, Uttarabhadra 24-28 and Revati 30-34.
If the birth occurs in the first quarter of Pushyami, Poorvashada and Chittra, the father of the native dies. If it be in the second quarter, the mother dies. The child will himself die if the birth takes place in the third quarter. The maternal uncle will die if the birth be in the fourth quarter of these nakshatra.
If the Ascendant is not connected with benefic planets and birth takes place in Moola or Ashlesha nakshatras the results will be as follows:—
Moola first quarter |
Ashlesha fourth quarter |
Death of the father |
Moola second quarter |
Ashlesha third quarter |
Death of the mother |
Moola third quarter |
Ashlesha second quarter |
Extinction of the family |
Moola fourth quarter |
Ashlesha first quarter |
Wealthy and prosperous. |
9. If the birth takes place at the time of Sandhi (junction) of the signs and if the signs be not aspected by or associated with benefics the child born dies soon after birth.
If the birth occurs in Gandanta the death takes place either of the parents or the native himself. If, however, the native survives he becomes splendourous like a king (The sandhis between Pisces and Aries, Cancer and Leo and Scorpio and Sagittarius are called gandanta). The person, who is born in Sandhi associated with or aspected by malefics will not see Sunrise. The same result may be expected if the Moon at birth attains tne fateful degree in any sign and is at the same time posited in a Kendra or the 8th house.
10. Jf the degrees attained by the Moon in Aries and the other sign be respectively 26, 12, 13, 25, 24, 11, 26, 14, 13, 25, 5 and 12, they indicate death.
11. The following are (also) respectively deemed as Mrityubhagas or fateful degrees of the Lagna in the several signs from Aries onwards 8, 9, 22, 22, 25, 14, 4, 23, 18, 20, 21, and 10.
12. The child born dies soon after birth in the following planetary dispositions :—
(1) If malefics be in the Kendra or the 8th.
(2) If the Ascendant and the 8th are occupied by malefics.
(3) If the Ascendant and the 7th are occupied by malefics.
(4) If the Moon and the Ascendant be hemmed in between malefics.
(5) If the waning Moon be posited in 6th, 8th or 12th.
(6) If the waning Moon alongwith malefics occupies the 1st, 5th, 7th or the 9th house.
(7) If the malefics be posited in the 7th and 8th houses.
If, however, there be aspect of benefics on the Lagna, the Moon or malefics or there be benefics in Kendra, the evil effects described above do not come to pass.
13. If the lord of the Ascendant or the lord of the sign occupied by the Moon being weak is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th, the native survives for the number of the years as are indicated by the number of the sign (counted from Aries) in which the Lord of Lagna or the lord of the Moon sign is posited.
If the lord of the Lagna decanate or the lord of the Moon decanate being weak be placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th, the number of the sign in which such lord is posited will indicate the number of days of the survival of the child.
If the lord of the Lagna Navamsa or the lord of the Moon Navamsa being weak be placed in 6th, 8th or. 12th, the sign of the Lagna Navamsa or the Moon Navamsa will indicate the number of days of the survival of the native.
After carefully taking into account which of the above planetary dispositions are more predominant and after considering the nature of the malefics occupying the 5th and 8th house from the Lagna, a final decision should be taken about the longevity of the native.
14. Note the following 3 pairs (A) the decanate signs of the Lagna and the Moon. (B) the Navamsa signs of the lord of the Lagna and lord of the sign occupied by the Moon and (C) the Dwadasasma signs of the lord of the Lagna and of the lord of the 8th house.
The life of the child should be pronounced as Deergha, Madhya and Alpa according as (a) when one of the signs in the said 3 pairs is a moveable sign and the other is a moveable fixed or dual sign, (b) when one of the signs is fixed and the other is a dual, moveable or fixed sign and (c) when one of the signs is a dual sign and the other is a fixed, dual or moveable sign respectively.
A |
Lagna Decanate sign |
Moon Decanate sign |
B |
Sign of the Lagna Navamsa |
Sign of the Moon's Navamsa |
C |
Dwadasamsa sign of the lord of the Lagna. |
Dwadasamsa sign of the lord of 8th. |
A |
Moveable |
Moveable |
Deergha |
Moveable |
Fixed |
Madhya |
Moveable |
Dual |
Alpa |
B |
Fixed |
Dual |
Deergha |
fixed |
moveable |
Madhya |
fixed |
fixed |
Alpa |
C |
Dual |
Fixed |
Deergha |
Dual |
Dual |
Madhya |
Dual |
Moveable |
Alpa |
15. If the lord of the Lagna and all the benefics be in Kendra the native will have Deerghayu
If they be in Panphara house the native will have Madhyayu.
If they be in Apoklima house, the native will have Alpayu.
If the lord of the 8th house and all malefics be posited in Kendra house the native will have Alphyu.
If they be posited in Panaphara house, the native will have Madhyayu.
If they be posited in Apoklima house, the native will enjoy Deerghayu.
Find out if the following 3 pairs of planets are mutualy friends, neutrals or enemies:—
(a) The lord of the sign in which the Moon is posited and the lord of the 8th house from the Moon sign.
(b) The lord of the Lagna and the lord of the 8th house.
(c) The lord of the Lagna and the Sun.
The native will enjoy Deerghayu if they are mutually friends. He will have Madhyayu if they are mutually neutrals and will have Alpayu if they are mutually enemies.
16. The native will be longlived (enjoy Deerghayu) if —
(1) The lord of the Lagna be stronger than the lord of the 8th house,
(2) The lord of the rising Navamsa be stronger than the lord of the 8th from Navamsa Lagna,
(3) If the lord of the sign occupied by the Moon be stronger than the lord of the 8th from the Moon,
(4) If the lord of the Moon's Navamsa be stronger than Ihe lord of the 8th from it.
If otherwise, the reverse will be the result.
17. If the lord of the 8th house endowed with greater strength than the lord of the lagna, be posited in Kendra and malefics occupy the 8th and the 12th, the native will be shortlived even if he gets medicum life or prolog his life to the full period, his life will be the vicissitudes of happiness and misery.
18. Add the longitudes of the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn. For example the following are the longitudes given in a horoscope.
Sun - 7-26, Moon - 11-20, Jupiter - 6-14, Saturn - 0-17, 26 or 2-7 that 7 degrees of Gemini.
If the native has alpayu the end of his life will come when Saturn in transit reaches the first cycle of 7 degrees of Gemini.
19. If the lord of the Lagna be associated with a maleifc and be eclipsed by the Sun's rays, or be in his sign of debilitation or in an inimical sign, the death of the native will have to be pronounced, when the same lord in his transit happens to occupy the 6th, 8th or 12th or the Lagna or be some how connected with it. The same event may also be deduced from the Navamsa Lagna, the decanate Lagna or the sign in which the Moon be posited.
20. If the Moon, the lord of the sign occupied by her and the lord of the Lagna be all well placed by being associated with or aspected by benefics and passed many points of strength, the birth at that time should be treated very auspicious and will make* the native happy in every way.
21. If the lord of the Lagna possesses great strength and be unaspected by (or associated with) malefics and be aspected by (or associated with) benefics, occupies a kendra house, the death is warded off and the native secures a long life with good qualities, wealth and an illusttrious or powerful sovereignty
22. If Jupiter, the Minister of Gods, possessed of great strength and with brilliant rays be posited in Lagna, he can singly ward off many of the evils which otherwise would be difficult to overcome, just as a humble salutation placed with all sincerity before lord Vishnu demolishes all evils.
23. If the birth be in bright half of the lumar month (Shukla Paksha) and the Moon be posited in 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th or the 11th in Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius or Pisces Navamsa, many evils endangering life of the native are demolished and the birth becomes very auspicious.
24. If in any nativity, there be no malefics in kendra, trikona and the 8th house and the lord of Lagna and Jupiter posited in kendra, the native performs virtuous actions, enjoys all kinds of happiness and remains in good health with a life span of 100 years.
25. Through the Dasas enunciated by Spripati, through Ashtakavarga, through Kalachakra Dasa and through the Vimsottari Dasa system, a Wiseman ought to predict the longevity of the native by following suitable rules after a correct calculation of several planetary positions, careful working and minute scrutiny.
Thus ends the thirteenth chapter on "Life Span" in Phaladeepika composed by Mantreswara.