Ch. 19. Effects of Randhr Bhava
1. Long Life. O excellent of the Brahmins, listen to me speak on the effects of Randhr Bhava. If Randhr’s Lord is in an angle, long life is indicated.
2. Short Life. Should Randhr’s Lord join Lagn’s Lord, or a malefic and be in Randhr itself, the native will be short lived.
3. Śani and Karm’s Lord about Longevity. Similarly consider Śani and Karm’s Lord in the matter of longevity. Karm’s Lord is in Randhr along with a malefic Grah and/or Lagn’s Lord.
4-7. Long Life. There will be long life, if Ari’s Lord is in Vyaya, or, if Ari’s Lord is in Ari, as Vyaya’s Lord is in Vyaya, or, if Ari’s Lord and Vyaya’s Lord are in Lagn and Randhr. If the Lords of Putr, Randhr and Tanu Bhava are in own Navāńśas, own Rashis, or in friendly Rashis, the native will enjoy a long span of life. Should the Lords of Lagn, Randhr and Karm Bhava and Śani are all disposed severally in an angle, in a trine, or in Labh Bhava, the subject will live long. Like these, there are many other Yogas, dealing with the issue of longevity. The strength and weakness of the Grahas concerned be estimated in deciding longevity.
8-13. Short Life. One’s span of life will be between 20 and 32 years, if Lagn’s Lord is weak, while Randhr’s Lord is an angle. The native will only be short-lived, if Randhr’s Lord is in fall, while Randhr Bhava has a malefic in it and Tanu Bhava is bereft of strength. Death will be instant at birth, if Randhr Bhava, Randhr’s Lord and Vyaya Bhava are all conjunct malefics. Malefics in angles and/or trines and benefics in Ari and/or Randhr Bhava, while Tanu Bhava has in it Randhr’s Lord in fall: this Yoga will cause immediate end. If Putr and Randhr Bhava and Randhr’s Lord are all conjunct malefics, the life span will be very brief. Within a month of birth, death will befall the child, if Randhr’s Lord is in Randhr itself, while Candr is with malefics and be bereft of beneficial Drishti.
14-15. Long Life (again). One will be long-lived, if Lagn’s Lord is in exaltation, while Candr and Guru are, respectively, in Labh and Randhr Bhava. If Lagn’s Lord is exceedingly strong and receives a Drishti from a benefic, which is placed in an angle, the person concerned will be wealthy, virtuous and long-lived.