Chapter 2
Bhava Adhyaya
1. Having collected all the beautiful and excellent utterances (fruits that emanated from the mouth of) made by Sage Suka in this world, I am now going to describe the several effects beginning from the Ascendant house, effects which give entire satisfaction to the whole class of distinguished astrological experts. If there should be anything inconsiderate in my sayings, I crave, oh Scholars, your forgiveness for the same.
2. If the lord of the Ascendant occupy the 12th, the 6th or the 8th house in conjunction with a malefic planet, the native will not have sound health. The same effect should be predicted if the lords of the 6th, the 8th, or the 12 occupy their own Rashis.
3. If the lord of the Ascendant occupy the Ascendant in conjunction with Mercury, Jupiter or Venus, or be in a Kendra position, in his exaltation Rashi, in a friendly house, in the Rashi of a benefic planet, or be aspected by benefics, the native should be declared to possess a strong constitution. He will invariably be of a virtuous disposition, respected by all, possessed of every kind of wealth and will be intelligent. He will be clever in counsel, will be a leader of an army, will have beautiful eyes and will be the chief among his men.
4. If the Ascendant be malefic (i.e., the planet owning the Ascendant be malefic), if the lord of the Ascendant occupy a house belonging to a malefic planet, if the Sun and the Moon be posited betwixt two malefic planets, or Mars occupy the 7th house either from the Sun or the Moon and Mercury occupy a Prishtodaya sign, the person born will be self-willed, blind, will do wicked deeds, will be addicted to women not his own, and will possess a worn-out constitution.
5. The lord of the second house if occupying his own Rashi in conjunction with Jupiter will bestow one the native all kinds of wealth.
But if the lord of the 2nd is posited in a Kendra or a Dusthana (6th, 8th or 12th), the native will have much suffering and be without wealth.
If the lords of the 2nd and 12th houses in conjunction with Venus and the lord of the Ascendant occupy any of the bad places - 6th, 8th or 12th - the person born will be blind.
The Moon associated with a malefic planet and Venus in the 2nd House deprives the native his visual power.
6. Venus in conjunction with the Moon occupying the 6th, 8th or 12th house in a nativity will make him night-blind.
The lord of the Ascendant in conjunction with the Sun and Venus will make the native blind from his very birth.
Similarly, if the lords of the places signifying the father, the brother, the mother, the son and wife of the native are thus posited (as described above), the intelligent astrologer ought to predict blindness to the respective relative concerned with the native.
7. If at birth, the lord of the 3rd house and Mars occupy the 6th, 8th or 12th house, the person concerned will be deprived of his relations.
But if the lord of the 3rd house should be in his own house, and be aspected by a benefic planet, the person will have brothers.
If the said lord of the 3rd house be in conjunction with benefics, the native will be happy.
If the lord of the 3rd house be in conjunction with malefics, the effects will be the reverse.
All these should be intelligently guessed.
8. If the lord of the 4th house occupies his own sign in conjunction with a benefic planet or the lord of the 9th house, the person born will be a feudatory king.
If the lord of the 4th be in the Ascendant aspected by Jupiter, the native will be honored by a king.
If the lord of the 4th be in the 11th and at the same time aspect the 4th, he will bestow on the native (a plethora of wished for conveyances) a good supply of conveyances suited to his rank.
9. If the lord of the 4th house occupies his own sign in conjunction with the lord of the Ascendant, the native will either become the owner of a house all of a sudden, or come in contact with (new) friends. If the said lord occupy other places, the above effect does not happen.
Find how many malefics there are in conjunction with the lords of the 2nd, 10th, 4th and 12th Bhavas and posited in the 6th, 8th, 12th or Bhavas; so many will be the houses that will be consumed by fire or these planets may cause some kind of grief to the native.
10. Find the number of planets that are posited in the 4th house and do not come under the aspect of benefics; so many will be the good conveyances destroyed. Again, find the number of malefic planets which occupy the 12th and 8th houses and are aspecting the 4th house; so many will be the vehicles becoming useless. Propitiation should be suggested by the wise to ward off such evil and make these vehicles auspicious to the owner.
11. If the lord of the 5th house singly or along with Jupiter and Mercury be in the 6th, 8th or 12th from the Ascendant, the person concerned will be devoid of learning.
If they should occupy the 9th house, their own or one of the Kendra houses, the native will be learned.
If at birth the planets concerned be in their infancy or advanced age, the person will have a rather dull understanding.
But if the planet should occupy his own house, he will remove the above defect and make the person born shrewd.
12. The lord of the 5th house or Jupiter is placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th will make the person born dumb.
Similarly, the lords of the houses denoting the father and other relations, if conjoined with either of the above-said two planets and badly placed (i.e., in the 6th, 8th or 12) will result in the particular relative typified, being devoid of speech.
Similarly, the lords of the houses denoting the father and other relations, if conjoined with either of the above-said two planets and badly placed (i.e., in the 6th, 8th or 12) will result in the particular relative typified, being devoid of speech.
If the lord of the 5th house reckoned from the planet owning the 5th house be posited in a Dusthana and the lords of the 5th, 9th and first houses occupy the 8th, 6th and 12th houses in any nativity, the yoga indicates childlessness.
13. If the lords of the above-said houses viz., (1st, 5th and 9th) be conjoined with benefics, there will be progeny, but only after some delay.
If Kataka happens to be the 5th house and the Moon be posited therein, the native will have daughters and a few sons.
If a malefic should occupy the 5th place with respect to Jupiter identical with the 5th house, the native will be bereft of children.
If Saturn occupy a Rashi happening to be the 5th from his own, the native will have only one son.
14. If Saturn be in Aquarius identical with the 5th house the native will have 5 sons.
If Saturn be in Capricorn in the 5th house he will have 3 daughters.
If Mars should occupy Capricorn in the 5th house the number (of daughters) will be 3.
In the case of Mercury in the 5th house, the issues will be daughters.
When Venus and Moon occupy Capricorn as the 5th house (Virgo lagna), the issues will be daughters.
Should Jupiter be posited singly in that Rashi identical with the 5th, there will be 5 sons.
When Aries, Taurus or Kataka happens to be the 5th and is occupied by Rahu or Ketu, there will not be any delay in progeny.
15. If a malefic planet or Jupiter occupy the 4th house and the Moon be posited in the 5th or the 8th, progeny may be delayed for a period of 30 years.
As many malefics as there are in the 5th house devoid of benefic aspect, so many years delay in progeny will be the result.
16. If the childlessness be due to Mercury and Venus, it can be got over through deeds of charity; if it be to the Moon, by the worship of Sankara; if to Jupiter, through hymns talismans and herbs; if to Saturn, Mars or the Sun, through magical powers; if to Rahu and Ketu, through the worship of the family deity; if it be due to Mercury, Jupiter and the lord of the 9th, the same can be got over very soon (in the manner stipulated in the Sacred Texts).
17. If the lord of the 6th house conjoined with a malefic be posited in the 1st or the 8th house, the native will have ulcers in the body. Prediction of the existence of wounds may be similarly made in the case of the native's mother, father, son, wife, relation, friend and the like.
If the lord of the 6th house, conjoined with a malefic be posited in the 1st or the 8th house, is the Sun, the wound would be in the head.
If the lord of the 6th house, conjoined with a malefic be posited in the 1st or the 8th house, is the Moon, the wound would be in the face.
If the lord of the 6th house, conjoined with a malefic be posited in the 1st or the 8th house, is Mars, the wound will be in the neck.
If the lord of the 6th house, conjoined with a malefic be posited in the 1st or the 8th house, is Mercury, the wound would be in the chest.
If the lord of the 6th house, conjoined with a malefic be posited in the 1st or the 8th house, is Jupiter, the wound would be in the navel region.
18. When the lord of the 6th house, conjoined with a malefic be posited in the 1st or the 8th house, is Venus, the wound will crop up in the eye or on the back.
If the lord of the 6th house, conjoined with a malefic be posited in the 1st or the 8th house, is Saturn, the ulcer will be in the foot.
If the lord of the 6th house, conjoined with a malefic be posited in the 1st or the 8th house, is Ketu or Rahu, the wound will be in the lower lip.
If the lord of the Ascendant occupy a house owned by Mars or Mercury and be aspected by these two planets, it should be understood by intelligent astrologers that the person concerned will have eye-disease whatever may be the house occupied by the said two planets.
19. If the lord of the 6th house be posited in the Ascendant, the person born will be the destroyer of his enemy.
If the lord of the 6th house be posited in the 2nd house, he will be very wicked and his (property) wealth will be taken possession of by his son.
If the lord of the 6th house be posited in the 3rd house, he will be a source of misery to the village he lives in.
If the lord of the 6th house be posited in the 6th house, he will suffer from diseases.
Venus happening to be the lord of the 1st and 8th (Libra Ascendant) and occupying the 6th, he will cause a malady in the left and right eye respectively.
Saturn happening to be the lord of the 1st and the 8th house and occupying the 6th, he will cause a malady in the left and right foot respectively.
20. If Rahu or Ketu occupy the 6th house, the person concerned will suffer from an ulcer in the teeth or the lips.
If Saturn occupy Dhanus or Taurus, identical with the Ascendant, the person concerned will not have much sexual desire.
If the lord of the ascendant be posited in a Rashi owned by Mars or Mercury and be aspected by an inimal planet wherever placed it may be, the wound be near the anus.
If the two planets – Mars and Saturn – occupy the 6th, the native will suffer from a disease pertaining to or caused by the said planets.
21. If at a birth the Moon in conjunction with a malefic occupy the 6th house, the person concerned will be sickly.
When the Moon is posited in the Ascendant and is afflicted by malefics (either by conjunction or aspect), the effect will be the same as before.
If a malefic planet occupy a Kendra unaspected by any benefics, the native will suffer from disease. If the said malefic occupy the house of Venus and be not aspected by Mars, Jupiter or Venus, the same effect will result.
22. If the lord of the 6th house be posited in the Ascendant and in a male sign identical with his own or exaltation Rashi and be aspected by malefics, the native will surely suffer from a secret disease in his body caused by an enemy.
When the lord of the 6th house in conjunction with Rahu or the Sun occupies the 12th, the person concerned will live in house of a different person and be employed in vile occupation.
23. Note how many planets there are in the 7th house or are aspected by the lord of the 7th; so many will be the marriages (marital relationships) contracted by the native. Similar results may be guessed by an intelligent astrologer in the case of the native's father, mother, brother, etc., in the family. The above statement should be made through the planets possessing superior strength and at the same time occupying the 7th or being aspected by the lord of the 7th. Such strength has been fixed at 6, 10 and 7 Rupes in the case of the Sun, the Moon and Mars respectively.
24. If the planets that act as agents for the 7th house be posited in a Kendra or a Trikona, only one wife should be declared to the native.
If the lords of the 7th and 2nd house should occupy their own Rashis, only one wife should be declared to the native.
If the lords of the 7th and 2nd house along with Venus occupy a Dusthana, conjoined with or aspected by malefics, so many will be the wives that are lost as are signified by the number of malefics.
25. In the following 2 yogas viz:
1. The Sun and the Ascendant and Saturn in the 7th,
2. The Sun and Saturn in the 7th and Moon in the 10th devoid of Jupiter’s aspect, the wife will never conceive.
3. If lord of the 6th, the Sun and Saturn be in the 6th and the Moon be aspected by Mercury posited in the 7th, the woman will be barren.
4. If Mars and Saturn be in the 6th identical with a watery sign, the wife of the native will never conceive.
26. If Venus, Jupiter and Mercury occupy the 8th house or be posited in fixed signs, the person born will necessarily (invariably) have to do very hard or painful duties, and he will be hard-hearted in disposition.
If the lord of the 8th be posited in the 11th, the person concerned will suffer misery during his younger days and become happy later.
If the above-mentioned planet be a malefic, the person will have only a short lease of life;
If he be conjoined with a benefic, the native will be long-lived.
27. If the lord of the 8th house conjoined with a malefic occupy the 6th or the 12th house, the native concerned will be short-lived.
If the lord of the 8th in conjunction with the lord of the Ascendant be similarly situated, i.e. be placed in the 6th or the 12th, then too, the native will have only a short lease of life.
If the lord of the 8th occupy the 8th, or if the lord of the 8th house reckoned from Saturn be posited in the 8th (from the Ascendant), in both cases, the native will be long-lived.
The lord of the 8th if placed in the 2nd (or in the 2nd from Saturn), will make the native a thief and a man having enemies.
28. If the lord of the 8th and the 1st houses be weak and occupy the 8th and the 6th, the person concerned meets with his death in a battle, but if the said two planets be possessed of strength, the native will be victorious in war.
If lord of the 4th house be conjoined with Venus, the native will go in a palanquin.
If the lord of the 4th be in conjunction with the lord of the Ascendant and the Moon and occupy the Ascendant, the native will return victorious with elephants.
If the lord of the 4th house conjoins with Jupiter in the Ascendant, the native will come back victorious with horses and elephants.
29. If the lord of the 9th house occupy the Ascendant and be aspected by Jupiter, the native will command the respect of the sovereign.
If the lord of the 4th occupying the Ascendant and the owner of the 9th house both aspect their respective houses, the native will be a mine or store of every kind of prosperity.
If the lord of the 4th be posited in the 8th, the person concerned will become bereft of every kind of luck.
30. Further, he will have bad (useless) vehicles; and he will become fickle-minded; so should those opine who are versed in the astrological science. If the lords of the 2nd, 1st and 4th houses should occupy their respective places and the owner of the 9th be posited in the 1st, the person concerned will be the owner of lordly elephants and master of a throne.
If the lord of the 9th house be posited in the 11th, the native will be respected by kings, will be long-lived and also virtuously disposed.
If the lords of the 2nd, 1st and 4th houses should occupy their respective places and the owner of the 9th be posited in the 1st, the person concerned will be the owner of lordly elephants and master of a throne.
31. In the several yogas mentioned above, whichever planet has got the full strength and causes the yoga, it is only in his Dasha or Antardasha that the native will get his full prosperity due to the yogas.
If (1) Jupiter or Venus be conjoined with the lord of the 4th house and occupy a Kendra other than the 4th or a Trikona; (2) the lord of the 9th in conjunction with Jupiter or Venus occupy the 4th or the 9th, the person born in either of these two yogas will become a king and a master of a large number of vehicles.
32-33. If Mars occupy the 10th house, the native will be anxious about his agricultural operations.
If the planet (Mars) should be posited in the 6th, 8th or 12th, he will be thinking about his happiness.
If Jupiter be in the 6th, 8th or 12th, the native will be anxious will be about vehicles, ornaments, clothes, horses etc.
If the Moon or Venus be in the 6th, 8th or 12th, the native will be anxious about chowries and umbrellas.
If Jupiter be in the 7th, the native will be anxious about one's issues, protection of cattle, etc.
If Mercury occupy the 8th house, the mind will be intent in acquiring more knowledge.
If the 11th or a Trikona house be occupied by the Sun, the thought will be about one's father or other relation.
If Venus occupy the 6th, 9th or 7th house, travel will engage the attention of the mind.
When Jupiter is in the 9th or 5th house, the person concerned will be thinking about his children and their welfare etc.
If the lord of the 10th house be devoid of strength at the time of a birth, the person concerned will be thoroughly inactive without doing any useful action worth the name.
If on the other hand, the lord of the 10th occupy his own place in conjunction with a benefic, the native will command the respect of others.
34-35. If the lord of the 1st, 8th and 11th houses be posited in the 11th, a Kendra or a Trikona house, the native will be long lived.
If malefics occupy Panaphara (2nd, 5th, 8th or 11th), 4th or 3rd house, he will be of medium life.
If the said planets be placed in Apoklima (3rd, 6th, 9th or 12th) houses, the native should be declared as short-lived.
Find which of the following is weak: viz., planets in the 8th, the lord of the Ascendant and the 10th houses and Saturn. Till the Dasha period of the weakest among them, the life of native will prolong.
If the lords of the 9th, 10th and the 5th house should occupy their own Rashis, the native will be virtuously disposed during the Dasha period of the strongest of them.
If on the contrary the said lords be not be so placed, (i.e., occupy other's houses), the mental disposition also will be otherwise.
If the lords of the 1st and 8th houses be conjoined with Saturn, Rahu or Ketu and be posited in the 6th house, wounds will crop up during the Dasha of the stronger of the said two planets (viz., the lords of the 1st and the 8th).
36-37. If the lord of the 4th house occupy the 6th, the native will meet with his end through a carriage-accident, through thieves, or a weapon, according as the planet conjoining with it happen to be Saturn, Rahu or Ketu respectively.
All questions relating to the native's prosperity, luck, etc., should be guessed through the 9th house that is, through the nature of the Rashi, its lord, the planet or planets occupying the house, the planets aspecting the house, etc. Similarly should matters relating to the Sovereign, or Government, ornaments, clothing, horses, great undertaking, etc., be ascertained from the 10th house; income, acquisition of everything should be thought of through the 11th house. Lastly, if the lord of the 12th house be posited in the Ascendant, the person born will be sweet-tongued and handsome. If the said planet occupy his own house, the native will be niggardly and low minded. He will own cattle of various kinds and will always be engaged in village politics. If the planet concerned be in the 9th house, the native will be intent on undertaking pilgrimages to holy shrines. He will be extremely virtuous and charitably disposed. When the planet is conjoined with a malefic in that house, the person concerned will commit sinful acts; he will destroy by corrupt means the entire wealth accumulated till then. Thus should be described by the wise the effects of the several yogas.
38. In this beautiful work named Jatakalankara, the chapter on Bhavas has thus been composed with 37 charming verses by Ganesha, the learned astrologer for the delectation of the wise.