Special Considerations
We have dealt with above, fairly exhaustively, the question of marriage adaptability and the importance of the various Kutas or physiological and psychological junctions in the human body and how a consideration of each Kuta would enable us to appreciate the harmony or discord likely to prevail between intending marriage partners.
We shall now give certain contingencies arising by virtue of common Janma Rasi, common birth star and the absence of certain Kutas.
(1) The absence of Stree-Deerga may be ignored if Rasi Kuta add Graha Maitri are present.
(2) If the Rasi of the girl is odd, the 6th and 8th Rasis therefrom are friendly. If the Rasi of the girl is even the 2nd and 12th therefrom become friendly. The evil due to the birth of the bride in a Rakshasa gana star may be ignored if Janma Rasi being 2nd and 12th, 9th and 5th or 6th and 8th, the lords of the Rasis are the same or are mutual friends.
(3) Though Graha Maitri is by far the most important, it need not be considered if the couple have their Janma Rasis disposed in one and seven from each other.
(4) Rajju Kuta need not be considered in case Graha Maitri, Rasi, Dina and Mahendra Kutas are present.
(5) The evil due to Nadi Kuta can be ignored subject to the following conditions: -
(a) The Rasi and Rajju Kuta prevail, (b) The same planet is lord of the Janma Rasis of both the mate and the female, (c) The lords of ine Janma Rasis of the couple are friends.
In many cases, the Janma Rasis of the Janma Nakshatras of the bride and bridegroom would be the same. Special attention is paid by astrological writers to such exceptions and we shall throw some light on them for the edification of our readers.
Common Janma Rasi. - Views differ as regards the results accruing from the Janma Rasis being common. According to Narada, common Janma Rasi would be conducive to the couple provided they are born in different constellations. Garga opines.that under the above circumstance, the asterism of the boy should precede that of the girl if the marriage is to prove happy. Incase the reverse holds good (Stree-purva). i. e., the constellation of the girl precedes that of the boy, the alliance should be rejected. This view is supported by other sages, viz.. Brihaspathi and Bhrigu. In fact, the author of Muhurtha Thathwa goes to the extent of saying that in cases of common Janma Rasi, provided the man's constellation is preceding the girl's, the Kutas or adaptability need not be applied at all.
Common Janma Nakshatra. - This is a further extension of the principle of common Janma Rasi. The Janma Nakshatras of the bride and bridegroom, being one and the same, are approved in case of Rohini, Aridra, Makha, Hasta, Visakha, Sravana. Uttarabhadra and Revati. The effect would bef ordinary if the common Janma Nakshatras are Aswini, Krittika, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Pubba. Uttara. Chitta, Anuradha, Poorvashadha and Uttarashadha, Bharani, Aslesha. Swati, Jyeshta, Moola, Dhanishta, Satabhisha and Poorvabhadra happening to be common Janma Nakshatras are not recommended.
Here again certain ancient authors hold that even though the Janma Nakshatras are same, the evil becomes nullified if the Padas are different. If the Janma Nakshatra belongs to two signs (e.g., Krittika) the Pada of the bride should relate to the preceding sign. For example, if Krittika is the common Janma Nakshatra, the bride should have her Janma Rasi in Mesha and the bridegroom in Vrishabha. If, however, the common Janma Nakshatra belongs to two signs equally (e.g., Mrigasira, Chitta, etc.) the sign for the first two quarters should be that of the bridegroom.
The couple should not have the same Janma Rasi, same Janma Nakshatra and Pada. However, in regard to Satabhisha, Hasta, Swati. Aswini, Krittika, Poorvashadha, Mrigasira and Makha, the evil given rise to by virtue of common Janma Rasi, Nakshatra and Pada gets cancelled if the couple are born in the first quarter.