Chapter 11
Combinations for death
- The 2nd lord becomes a maraka in the dasa of the 12th lord, and vice‑versa
- If the second lord associates with the 12th lord, the latter becomes a powerful maraka during the dasa of the 2nd lord
- If the 12th lord aspects the 12th house, the planets in that house become marakas during the dasa of the 2nd lord
- Death may take place in the bhuktis of malefics in the 12th within the 12th lord’s dasa
- Malefics, when in the 2nd and in association with the 12th lord, turn killers in their own dasas and bhuktis
- Death will be caused in the dasas of malefics in the 12th house. Planets in association with the 2nd lord will also become evil
- Death will be caused by the 8th lord in his own dasa and bhukti. Death will also be caused in the bhukti of the 8th lord in the dasa of the 6th lord
- Death will be caused by malefics in the 6th, in their bhuktis
- Death can be predicted in the dasa of the 6th lord and bhukti of the 8th lord
- Planets aspected by the 8th lord and planets associated with the 6th lord become marakas in the dasa of the 8th lord
- Death will be caused in the dasa of a malefic in 8th and bhukti of the 6th lord
- Death will be caused in the dasa of a malefic in 6th and bhukti of the 8th lord
- Death will happen in the dasa of a malefic in 8th and bhukti of a malefic in the 6th
- For Taurus lagna natives, if Mercury and Venus are in Virgo, they become mutual marakas
- Mars inflicts death in his dasa if he has evil lordship and is placed in the 5th house
- When Saturn associates with marakas in a chart, he becomes death‑inflicting, even if he owns favorable houses
- Death will be caused in the dasa of the 8th lord when he occupies the lagna
- If two or more children of the native undergo Rahu dasa concurrently, the native dies in that time